A clear and crisp slap interrupted the crying in the supermarket.

Lin Yuanfei slapped the girl down to the ground, and picked her up by pulling her hair.

The pain from being pulled on the scalp made the girl struggle in pain, but stared at by Lin Yuanfei's cold eyes, she trembled

The girl didn't even dare to cry.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei in horror, her face contorted with pain and fear.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her coldly, and could no longer see the tenderness just now.

His eyes were ruthlessly cold.

The voice was also so cold that Takashiro Saya couldn't help trembling.

I never said you can get carried away...

Lin Yuanfei threw the girl to the ground, and said coldly, "Are you a fish? The memory is only three seconds? Just give some paint and you want to start a dyeing workshop? Next time, if you want to be presumptuous, there will be no next time." Lin Yuanfei It was very cold and ruthless.

At his feet, Takajo Saya curled up trembling, then slowly knelt up, trembling and lowering her head.

Before Lin Yuanfei could speak, she lowered her head cowardly and pouted her buttocks, kneading her chest vigorously, and let out a low mournful cry.

I'm sorry...Master...I'm sorry...I was wrong, I don't dare anymore...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

Seeing the other party's appearance, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help being stunned for a second.

Uh... master?Master, your uncle!

What kind of brain circuit is this Takashi Saya?not good death

Tsundere?Is it Miss Pride?How could he be transferred to X so easily?

Originally, he just intended to scare the other party and make the other party restrain his arrogance.

As a result, he seemed to be inattentive... a critical strike with a knife?


This woman is too easy to fool, right?

She is simply a natural born meat x organ embryo!

Lin Yuanfei looked helplessly at the trembling and crying girl in front of him, and rubbed his eyebrows.

Although the existence of the broken window effect, once the bottom line of human beings is broken, they will quickly fall into the abyss of shamelessness without any shame

But Takashiro Saya, you are depraved too fast, right?

Even if it's Li Fan, at any rate, you have to play with the female characters for half an episode,

High x four or five times, two or three internal shots, this is the only way to succeed in training, right?

Rubbing the center of his brows helplessly, Lin Yuanfei sighed.

"Okay, okay, get up," Lin Yuanfei said, "put your mind on it, and stop yelling nonsense.I'm easy to talk, you don't scold me, I don't scold you... understand? "Cheng Shaye nodded again and again, then secretly looked at Lin Yuanfei

Very soon, after confirming that Lin Yuanfei really wanted her to get up, he stood up cautiously.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the supermarket in front of him, picked up a bottle of drink on the shelf, took a sip, and then walked out.

"Come on, let's take you out of town.

Lin Yuanfei said so, but when the two walked near the cash register, they jingled bells one by one.

The sudden sound of the phone startled Takashiro Saya, and the girl with twin ponytails couldn't help but jumped up.

Lin Yuanfei pushed away the rushing girl, and then looked at the phone that rang suddenly at the cash register, a little confused.The umbrella has completely cut off the communication system of Raccoon City. At this time, is there anyone who can dial the landline phone in the urban area of ​​Raccoon City?

He thought for two seconds, walked over and picked up the microphone.

'Moses Moses? " Lin Yuanfei grunted politely and then, a man's deep voice came from the microphone.

Want to live?I can tell you the way to escape from Raccoon City. The other party immediately expressed his intention straight to the point. Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for two seconds.

This... is this the doctor from the second Resident Evil movie?

Next, is the other party going to find his daughter by himself?

Sure enough, the next second, the doctor's voice continued to sound. …I want you to go to school to find my daughter, swear to protect her and bring her to me safely, and I will tell you how to leave

ps: I’m going to Hunan for a business trip tomorrow, so I can’t wait until the fifth watch

Chapter 267 The Whereabouts of the Gloves

...as long as you go to school and find my daughter and swear to protect her,

Bring her to me safely, and I will tell you how to leave. Hearing this voice, Lin Yuanfei sighed.

Sure enough, this guy is indeed the unlucky doctor who appeared in the second part of the Resident Evil movie.

It seems to be called...Charles?Anyway, it's a very popular name.

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and asked, "Sir, who are you? I'll believe you when you say you know how to leave. What if you're a phone scam? You think so?

The doctor on the other end of the phone introduced himself.

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