"My name is Charles Ashford, and I'm an employee of Umbrella Corporation. During the outbreak of Resident Evil, my daughter was trapped in this city full of zombies, and Umbrella refused to send anyone to rescue my daughter. Looking for survivors in the city, as long as you go to the school where my daughter is studying to find her and keep her safe, I will tell you how to leave Raccoon City next.

Said Dr. Charles, "There are only a few days left before dawn.

It's ten hours.You must leave Raccoon City before eight o'clock tomorrow morning, or a nuclear bomb will fall on your heads. "Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuan Feifei froze for a moment.

Damn...is the umbrella company so aggressive?Dare to throw nuclear bombs in a sensitive area like Japan?Is he not afraid to cause World War III?

Lin Yuanfei asked, "Who dropped the nuclear bomb? Umbrella Company? Is your Umbrella Company so aggressive?

Dr. Charles said, "Of course it wasn't from the Umbrella Company, but China, the United States and Russia decided after discussions that Russia would drop the nuclear bomb. Given that the situation in Raccoon City is getting worse and worse, the Japanese government strongly protests the plan. Decided, but at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, the nuclear bomb will still arrive on time, so if you don't leave Raccoon City, you will disappear together with the city full of zombies." Lin Yuanfei was a little speechless and it was Maozi. Maozi is really warm-hearted.

During the Fukushima incident, he stood up and said that he could donate a nuclear bomb. He also stood up to donate a nuclear bomb during the biochemical crisis in this world. What a tsk

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "Doctor, although you sound serious and reasonable, it's still hard for me to believe you when you're speaking empty words... How about this, I know there's something in Umbrella Company, Except for the employees of the umbrella, most people are absolutely

I don't know, let me test you?Prove your identity?

Dr. Charles was a little confused, "What?

"A glove." Lin Yuanfei smiled brightly. "On the night of June 6rd, that is, the day before yesterday, the person with the umbrella went to Qiuming Mountain and brought some interesting little things when he came back. One of them was a Tattered gloves, with sharp blades sewn on them, it looks like a claw when you put it on... Doctor, do you know this thing?

Dr. Charles on the other end of the phone thought for a few seconds and said, "

Sorry, I don't know this stuff.But Daniel, the head of our fifth laboratory, did take people to Qiuming Mountain that night. If they bring back something for research, it will definitely be registered according to the regulations.I can check it for you now and get back to you later.

Lin Yuanfei smiled and nodded again and again, "Okay, okay, then I will go to the school where Dr. your daughter is. If you really prove that you are indeed a senior employee of the umbrella, then I will do my best to survive. Bring your daughter out too." Dr. Charles said with a sigh, "I'll call you later

After speaking, Dr. Charles hung up the phone.

Lin Yuanfei put down the microphone in his hand, looked at Saya Gaocheng with a smile, and was in a good mood.

"Let's go, let's go to Akasaka Elementary School," Lin Yuanfei said, "then

There is a big guy who needs to be rescued.

Gaocheng Saya glanced at him timidly, nodded, not daring to retaliate, he looked so cute, while Lin Yuanfei pretended not to see the fear in the other party's eyes.

Anyway, his purpose is to make Takashiro Saya know how to be obedient and shut up, and don't play the young lady's temper. Although it seems a little too hard now, it doesn't matter.

When the time comes to leave the city, I will take her with me to save her life, and then we will all go our separate ways when we leave the city. What she loves to do, it has nothing to do with Lin Yuanfei.

After finishing the matter in Raccoon City, Hayashi Yuanfei immediately ran to Chiba City to rescue Brother Cheng.

As for whether Saya Takashiro hates him or is afraid of him?It has nothing to do with him!

Maybe after tomorrow, the two of them will never have the chance to meet again in this life.

Why care about the mind of a stranger?

Lin Yuanfei said, "But before going to Akasaka Elementary School, we have to meet up with my friends. We agreed on a place, and we met there first. Anyway, Akasaka Elementary School is also nearby, so there is no delay.

Lin Yuanfei said as he walked out of the supermarket.

And Takashi Saya followed behind him timidly, not daring to say a word of objection or doubt.

That well-behaved and obedient appearance was in stark contrast to the image of the arrogant and domineering young lady.

The figures of the two quickly disappeared into the shadow of the city.

At the same time, in the quiet and deserted hospital corridor in another area of ​​the city, Er Ritsu walked slowly. According to the information given by Kotomine Shirou, she came to the ward where Lin Yuanfei lived in a coma.

Standing outside the door of the ward, the two rituals looked into the room.

However, in the empty ward, there was no trace of the person she was looking for, but this did not exceed her expectations.

Because when she came up, she had already seen the corpses of the zombies in the hall on the first floor.

The reason why I came up is just to confirm it at the end.

Pushing open the door and entering the ward, the two rituals searched the ward seriously and carefully, but found no clues.

In this empty ward, the patients living here did not leave any clues.

After searching the entire ward in silence, she left slowly


There was neither loss nor depression on his face.

Yes, only the same indifference and indifference as always.

When she passed the nurse's body in the corridor, the duty desk suddenly rang the phone jingle jingle—the jingle jingle suddenly rang the phone, which seemed extremely terrifying in the quiet hospital corridor.

However, the two ceremonies just glanced over there coldly, and then looked away indifferently.


In this doomsday hell where all the residents of the city have turned into zombies, she is not interested in helping a doctor or nurse who may have turned into a zombie to answer a call from someone who doesn't know.

In this way, her figure quickly disappeared in the corridor, disappeared from the camera, and disappeared from the field of vision of Dr. Charles who was watching the surveillance video.

Finally, looking at the disappearing figures of the two rituals on the surveillance screen, Dr. Charles sighed helplessly.

"never mind…

He moved the mouse, continued to operate and muttered, "Let's find other survivors."

ps: Changsha is a good place, there are so many beautiful girls who cough. It’s been a tiring day today, and I’m tired of traveling. After writing a chapter, my brain hurts, so I can only update it

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