Chapter 268 She Called You Master?

"Hello, is anyone home?

On a quiet night, the streets are dead silent.

Standing on the empty street, Lin Yuanfei rang the doorbell of the mansion in the middle.

On the street where he was, more than a dozen corpses of zombies fell in disorder, but none of them were killed by him.

When Lin Yuanfei came, these foul-smelling corpses already existed, provoking swarms of mosquitoes to gather under the street lamps. However, Lin Yuanfei was not surprised by all of this, he went straight to one of them. In front of the mansion, ring the doorbell

Then, like a visitor, he said politely, "Is anyone home? Moses Moses?

Three seconds later, there was a rush of footsteps behind the door, and the next second, the door was pulled open forcefully, and Yuki rushed out from the door with an excited expression on his face. "Lin Yuan-jun!"

The little girl had an excited expression on her face, "You are finally here." Yuki nervously grabbed Lin Yuanfei's arm and looked up and down, as if to check if Lin Yuanfei was missing any arms or legs.

Behind Yuki, there is the smiling Busujima Riko, and my wife Yuno who is very godly and cold.

This sickly girl who is full of jealousy and possessiveness has long disliked Lin Yuanfei, but she has never had a chance to do anything.Now seeing her elder sister and Lin Yuanfei getting tired again, her expression gave Lin Yuanfei a sense of horror, as if the other party was going to take out the Infinity Gauntlet and snap his fingers to kill him in the next second.Eh... This sick girl is really troublesome.

Lin Yuanfei was very helpless.

Reason tells him that he must stay away from my wife Yuno as soon as possible, but the actual situation makes the two of them have to continue to be teammates, which is very annoying. I guess Yuno has the same mentality, right?

Things that can be solved with an axe, but because of this and that reason, I can't do it. I can only watch my beloved sister flirting with other men, and I can't do anything. This kind of predicament completely traps both of them. live

Lin Yuanfei had no choice but to play tricks on others, what do you think is all this?

In order not to irritate Yuno, he could only avoid physical contact with Yuki as much as possible.Although this silly girl probably didn't realize that it was inappropriate to do so, the slightly intimate behavior between the two of them really burned my wife Yuno's meager sanity!

However, as soon as Hayashi Yuanfei avoided Yuki's hand, Takashiro Saya who was following behind him came into the sight of Du Daozi and the others.

When he saw the submissive girl with twin ponytails behind Lin Yuanfei, Kishima was startled, a little surprised. "This is...a student from our school?

Du Daozi stared at Takashi Saya's face, very surprised, "This seems to be... Takashi from Class C of the second year? Why are you walking with Hayashi Yuan-kun?

Gaocheng Saya glanced timidly at Lin Yuanfei, and in Lin Yuanfei's eyes that implicitly threatened and warned, she lowered her head and said, "I was attacked by students in the school on the way to escape, and those guys are usually schoolboys. The badness in it. After the chaos broke out, I completely lost my mind. I was almost hurt by them.

On the other hand, Du Dao Shouzi glanced at Gaocheng Saya, and then at Lin Yuanfei who was beside him, narrowing his eyes slightly.

The corner of the mouth curled into a smile.

So Gao Cheng, have you been rescued by Mr. Lin Yuan?Place

Why not go with him?

"Yeah, that's right," Gaocheng Saya nodded, "at the critical moment, the master saved me." As soon as this remark came out, the expressions on the faces of all the people present froze. The three girls looked at Lin Yuanfei in astonishment, but Seeing Lin Yuanfei's eyes wandering, with a guilty conscience about to run away.

The smile on Bushima Yako's face was a little stiff. This sudden sentence was so lethal that she couldn't accept it.

Although she could see that there was something tricky between the two of them, she didn't expect it to be so big!

She smiled stiffly, trying to maintain her demeanor as a senior

"That... Gaocheng junior, I seem to have misheard just now," said Bushima Yako, "What was your name Lin Yuan-kun just now? Master...master?

Gaocheng Saya looked at Lin Yuanfei timidly, under that timid look, his eyes clearly shone with sly provocation.

Although it was only for a moment, Lin Yuanfei still saw the gap, and Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

This tsundere girl with a big miss problem, she acted so well-behaved before that she thought she had a transgender, and she is here waiting to set me up!Depend on!

I just said that it is impossible for a deadly tsundere like Takashiro Saya to be subdued so easily!

This woman is clearly paralyzing him, just waiting to give him a fatal blow!

Lin Yuanfei said with some toothache, "Please, Gaocheng Saya, please don't talk nonsense, please? I just met you for less than an hour, why are you pouring dirty water on me? Is it interesting? Now the enemy At present, it is serious for us to discuss how to escape, please don’t shake the morale of the army, okay?” However, it’s okay if Lin Yuanfei didn’t speak. Trembling, he knelt beside Lin Yuanfei and lowered his head in fear.

Owner!I was wrong... I... Did I say something wrong?

Don't hit me, I know it's wrong... woo woo... I know it's wrong Takashiro Saya, crying very sadly.

Suddenly, the eyes of the three girls were all locked on Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei is speechless, this tm is yellow mud falling off his crotch, not shit

It's shit too!

He looked at Saya Takashiro who was kneeling at his feet, and at the three girls with subtle eyes in front of him, rubbed between his brows, and spread his hands innocently.

"I want to say that I am innocent. This woman poured sewage on me, and nothing happened to me... Do you believe it? Yuki's expression suddenly became serious.

She came over and helped Saya Gaocheng up, and protected Saya Gaocheng behind her like a chicken, then stared at Lin Yuanfei and said.

"Student Gao Cheng, don't be afraid, we will protect you. If anything happens, just tell us, we will make the decision for you!

Yuki stared at Lin Yuanfei seriously. On the surface, he was talking to Saya Takashiro, but in fact he was expressing anger and dissatisfaction to Lin Yuanfei. Yuno, who had been silent all the time, showed a happy smile when he saw all this.

"Hey." Yuno, who was indifferent and wanted to kill someone just now, smiled brightly at this moment, "I didn't expect that the perverted senior is really a pervert, and he successfully trained a [ Beep] Slave, it’s really amazing~~~ A female slave with such big breasts must be very cool, right?

Chapter 269 Shura Field

"I didn't expect that the perverted senior was really a pervert. He quietly trained and taught a [beep] slave. It's really amazing.

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