~ A female slave with such a big breast must be very cool, right?

After Yuno's words, Busujima Ruozi was still very calm. After all, in terms of cup size, there is still a certain distance between Saya Takashiro and her.

But Yuki subconsciously glanced at Takashiro Saya's chest, then looked down at herself, comparing the gap between the two sides.

Then, he looked at Lin Yuanfei even more angrily.

'Lin Yuan-jun! "Yuki said very angrily, "You are too much and I am very angry now!very angry!Very very angry!I'm so angry that I can't speak!do you know?You are too much!Lin Yuanfei was a little embarrassed to show such an angry expression to the silly Yuki for the first time.

That. Yuki, I am really innocent, please listen to my explanation!

Lin Yuanfei was very helpless, at this moment he finally understood the mood of the heroine in Qiong Yao's play.

In this case, no matter how eloquent a man is, he can only

I can say such a thing.

The only fortunate thing is that Yuki is not the heroine of Qiong Yao's drama, so she won't shout "I don't listen, I don't listen", but stares at him seriously, and speaks with a pause.

"Okay! Then I'll listen to your explanation! I'll stand here and listen to your explanation...you explain, Mr. Lin Yuan, I'm listening!" Yuki's tone was very serious.

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei suddenly felt that - if you still said "I won't listen, I won't listen", Yuki was so serious, it put him under a lot of pressure! His eyes wandered around a few girls, and Busujima was surprised Zi's ​​expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

My wife, Yuno, was smiling, as if she was watching a good show that was staged and she couldn't count on it at all.

In the end, Lin Yuanfei's eyes fell on Takashiya who was behind Yuki...

"Hey! Student Gao Cheng, is this how you treat your savior?

"Lin Yuanfei laughed angrily, "Put shit on my head?Believe it or not, I threw you out to feed the zombies! "As soon as this remark came out, Saya Takashiro hadn't come to remember to respond, Yuki shouted angrily.

"Lin Yuan-kun!" Yuki was very angry, "Are you just solving the problem like this? Threatening the victim? How can you say such a thing? Throw Gaocheng classmate out to feed the zombies? No matter what, she is our classmate! You threw an innocent living person out to feed zombies? Mr. Lin Yuan, have you turned into a monster? Only monsters and villains would do such a thing!"

Hearing these shouts from Yuki, the expression on Hayashi Yuan Feifei's face was slightly stagnant

This... well, I'll confess everything, is it okay now?

Lin Yuanfei said very tiredly, "Why did things turn out like this?

After entering the room with a few girls, everyone sat down.

Lin Yuanfei was like a prisoner being judged, sitting alone, and the other girls sat opposite him and listened to him.

Looking at the same scene of the three trials, Lin Yuanfei helplessly repeated what happened in the supermarket, without any embellishment, and repeated what he did.

Even the purpose of his doing so was revealed in a bamboo tube and beans. After finishing speaking, Lin Yuanfei spread his hands and said, "The specific situation is like this. I can guarantee that what I said is not a lie. This Takashi Saya It's completely revenge on me with a grudge. It's not what you think. If you don't believe me, you can ask her. Anyway, I saved her life. If she still has a conscience,

Should not lie again.

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's narration, the three girls all looked at Gaocheng. At this time, Gaocheng Saya had already swept away the cowardice and timidity before, and returned to that arrogant and disdainful attitude.

She snorted softly and said, "I'm not revenge, but an eye for an eye. This guy hit me so hard, and even pulled my hair and abused me... My father never beat me!

Takashi Saya looked aggrieved.

In this regard, Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "Look, you can also see the virtues of this woman. With such an arrogance to face thousands of waves, can I take some precautions in advance to avoid Is she a bad thing? We are not going out for an outing now, but struggling to survive among the zombies in the city after the outbreak of the biochemical crisis! How can we have time to take care of her eldest lady's temper? This special situation is treated specially, no Is it? At least I haven't gone too far, have I?

"Humph." Gao Gaocheng Saya hummed softly.

Lin Yuanfei glared at her with a little displeasure, "Humph, what about your mother? If I knew you were so scheming, I wouldn't have saved you in the first place. Let you be ganged up by those bad students!"

Lin Yuanfei burst into anger, Yuki couldn't help frowning

"Lin Yuan-kun! Don't swear!" Yuki said angrily that we haven't pursued you for bullying the students yet, and you are swearing at others.

You are always like this, you know how to swear when something happens.With such a hot temper, can't you restrain your temper a little bit?Now it is swearing and beating, but in the future, will it develop to the level of domestic violence and beating of wives after marriage? !You.: Uh...did I say the wrong thing?Why are you all looking at me like that?

Yuki asked a little confused.

Originally, the atmosphere in the room was still that of an interrogation, but after Yuki finished speaking, the remaining girls looked at her strangely.

Yuno said nothing, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Takashiro Saya was dumbfounded, looked at the cute and kind Yuki, and then at Lin Yuanfei, the big troll who beat and scolded women opposite, with an unbelievable expression.

On the other hand, Koujima was silent for a few seconds before showing a gentle smile.

There is no need to worry about my wife and junior sister. Under the astonished stares of several people present, including Lin Yuanfei, Bushima Yuko smiled reservedly, "In my opinion, a husband who can beat his wife is also very masculine.I am not against it.

The atmosphere in the room changed again.

Takashiro Saya looked at this mature and sexy beautiful big sister in astonishment, then at the big slut on the opposite side, and at Yuki on the side, her eyes almost popped out-oh my god!Love triangle?

Under Lin Yuanfei's sluggish gaze, Yuki froze for a moment, and then looked at Poison Island Smudge.

The silly girl said seriously, "Even if Mr. Lin Yuan beats his wife, that wife will not be you!

Lin Yuanfei almost ran away...Damn it!Is there a showdown?

Is there a showdown?Are you guys going to have a showdown here?

Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuno, who had been silent and had a gloomy face, and Saya Takashiro, who was stunned, and Yuki, who was almost looking at each other. Looking at the tense atmosphere in front of him, his back was full of cold sweat.


ps: Go home tomorrow and resume normal updates

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