Chapter 270 Warriors Don't Die in the Shura Field

Chapter 270 Warriors do not die in the Shura Field The Shura Field originated from a Buddhist term.

Shura's goal is to fight all his life. The Shura Field refers to the death pit between them. People usually use "Sura Field" to describe the tragic battlefield

But with the development of the times, this term has gradually been given different meanings.

In many cases, it is used to refer to the emotional entanglements between men and women

Common examples are the tragic Shura field between my childhood sweetheart and the heavenly girlfriend, the tragic Shura field between my sickly apprentice and the slut senior, my tragic Shura field between monsters and various wraiths...

Hey...Thinking about it carefully, the reason why such a thing as the Asura Field exists is because men are not strong enough!

If it is strong enough, as strong as Long Aotian, what will happen to the mere women?Can it still turn upside down?

What kind of partisanship is for nothing, it's all bullshit!It's only children who are divided into factions, and adults who bother to blame.

Looking at the girls in front of me, I felt the weirdness in the air.

The strange atmosphere gave Lin Yuan Feifei a headache.

If he can, he doesn't want to think about it carefully, who are these girls.

Tsundere daughter Takashiro Saya, Lin Yuanfei's most hated attribute in his life is arrogance, a murderous weapon master, a legendary sick girl, my wife Yuno, it is definitely a misfortune to have a relationship with her.

Toshiko Busujima, whose behavior is getting weirder and more extreme, is like a time bomb that may explode at any time because of her psychopathy.

Except for Yuki who is a good girl in this room, everyone else is a problem girl!

Even Yuki, now Lin Yuanfei dare not provoke him.

After all, the two sisters are inseparable, if Lin Yuanfei dares to attack Yuki... let alone attack, if he dares to reveal even the slightest thought about Yuki, my wife Yuno, who has long been unable to bear it, will run away immediately.

Other people's protagonist groups are all good partners who work together, but my own protagonist group is all problem girls, who may draw their knives and cut themselves at any time.

Along the way, Lin Yuanfei not only had to deal with the group of wraith monsters, but also had to balance the forces of all parties among these troubled girls.

They are all big!

He never imagined that the balance he had worked so hard to maintain for nearly a week would be broken because of a Takashi Saya!

If I had known earlier, I would have let this woman feed the zombies!Depend on!

Looking at the tense atmosphere in the room, Lin Yuanfei rubbed his eyebrows and said.

So what... can I say a few words? Lin Yuanfei looked at the girls and said helplessly, "Now that there is a biochemical crisis, the whole city is full of lost households, and the nuclear bomb will fall at any time and the entire Raccoon City will be destroyed in one fell swoop.In such a serious background of the times, please be serious, please?Can we work together to find a way to escape and survive?The doomsday is coming and you still feel like arguing about this and that... Are you filming "The Walking Dead"? ""The Walking Dead", a zombie film composed of three parts zombies and seven parts tearing.

When Lin Yuanfei first watched it, he was so tired of the director's behavior of relying on daily life and characters to tear up the plot, that he gave up without even going through one season.

Doomsday is coming, zombies are roaming all over the world, a group of people don't work together to build a new home, instead they fight each other every day,

Quarreling, arguing, making it look like going on an outing.

Can you please be serious?The end of the world!

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girls with a headache, and said, "If you want to quarrel, can you wait until you leave Raccoon City? The situation is urgent now!

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Yuki and Busujima Shizi looked at each other, and then Yuki looked at Lin Yuanfei, "Lin Yuan-jun, I don't mean to mess around." The little girl said seriously, "I'm just telling you Budao-senpai, girls should be reserved, don't say random things that are easy to be misunderstood. Even if she doesn't want face, other people may not be like her, I'm doing it for her own good, let her know restraint." Zi smiled slightly, "What my wife and classmate mean is that

Am I shameless?This is really an interesting statement.What do I do, my wife and classmate, you don't seem to be qualified to tell me what to do, right?Even if I lose face, it has nothing to do with you, right?Where do you stand to accuse me? "

Yuki looked back at her, and said without giving an inch, "I made it very clear, it doesn't matter if you are shameless. But please don't take Lin Yuanjun with you , at this time, it is rare that there are thorns in his words, and he relentlessly replies to Poison Island.

The silly girl's resolute expression and serious eyes made Lin Yuanfei speechless for a while.

This... what is this unfolding?Did I succeed in capturing Yuki in less than a week?Impossible?

But if you want to say that Yuki has actually fallen in love with him, Lin Yuanfei seems to hear the surprised voice of the girl back then.

【Eh? ! !to be with you?But I have always regarded you as an ordinary friend... Ah Fei, did you misunderstand something? The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched.

Damn... brought back some bad memories.

Lin Yuanfei's originally excited mood suddenly turned cold.

It is enough to experience this kind of self-indulgent sentimentality twice!

Lin Yuanfei's heart felt calm in an instant, with no ripples in his heart, and he said calmly.

No matter who it is related to, now is not the time to quarrel.According to the latest information I got, a nuclear bomb will be dropped in the urban area of ​​Raccoon City at around [-]:[-] tomorrow morning to clean up the zombies in the city. A place is considered safe.

"For us now, zombies are not the only crisis

"Even if we won't be bitten or dismembered by zombies, but

Even if the nuclear bomb falls, we will still die.So now we must leave Raccoon City immediately, quickly! "

Lin Yuanfei looked at the few girls present with a serious face, and said that as for quarreling and arguing, when everyone is safe, it's up to you! "

Anyway, I'll just slip out of Raccoon City, so go ahead and play on your own, and make as much noise as you want.

This team should have been disbanded long ago.

Knights don't die with bare hands, warriors don't die in the field of Shura!

How could Lao Tzu, a majestic time traveler, stumble on you women?

After leaving Raccoon City, I will go directly to the new map of Chiba City to open up wasteland with the sea wide and the sky high.

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