I've had enough of the sick and delicate monster's Shura field!

Chapter 271 Give me face Lin Yuanfei

Chapter 271 Give me some face Lin Yuanfei's character actually has a lot of flaws.

Although generally speaking, he is easy to talk and has a good temper.

But this guy is actually very easy to get angry, and he is very serious. Once his bad luck is eroded, this guy will explode immediately.

So when he usually laughed silly and dryly, although the girls were very offbeat, they made all kinds of jokes with him.

But once Lin Yuanfei reached the critical point of going crazy, the few girls present all fell silent.

Especially when he was discussing serious matters, no girl dared to interrupt him.

Because now everyone can see that if Lin Yuanfei continues to mess around at this time, Lin Yuanfei will definitely not care about feelings.

This guy is the iron-headed boy in the legend of the rivers and lakes, compromise?nonexistent!

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girls in front of him with pain on his face and said, Yuki, you guys are not surprised at all about the nuclear bomb, so it could be that

Did Dr. Charles call you too?

Yuki nodded, "Well, not long after we arrived here, we received a call from Dr. Charles. It's just that we plan to wait for Mr. Lin Yuan to come, and then we all go together.

Lin Yuanfei and the others are now in the residence of Du Daozi.

Bushima Yako's parents opened a dojo abroad, and although they also have some influence in Japan, but judging from the current residence, Raccoon City should not be the old house of the Bushima family, right?

Poison Island lived in a very ordinary two-story building, which looked very ordinary, and it didn't fit her aristocratic personality at all. Before Lin Yuanfei and Yazi Poison Island separated, they made an agreement If there is an accident, then everyone will meet here.

It’s just that Lin Yuanfei’s initial defense was that the Umbrella Company closed the gate ahead of time, fearing that he and Kishima Yako would get separated in the chaos, but he didn’t expect that three-headed stalkers appeared at the same time as the gate was closed. Those three-headed stalkers messed up the situation In the muddy water situation, Yuki and Yuno were also involved. Now that there is another Saya Takashiro beside him, the number of this team has expanded again!

Although it's not worth being happy at all, Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki and the others, and sighed.

Since Yuki and the others have already received a call from Dr. Charles, it saves him the time to explain the situation.

Lin Yuanfei looked down at the time and said, "Anyway, since everyone understands the situation, I won't count the words, just point directly. Let's go to Akasaka Elementary School now to find Dr. Charles's daughter

On the other hand, Kishima Yako asked in confusion, "Does Mr. Lin Yuan know that Dr. Charles? Lin Yuanfei smiled wryly as if you trusted him very much.

know?I know him, but he doesn't know me. At least in the second part of the Resident Evil movie, there is indeed a plot of this doctor.

Coupled with the current situation, the doctor has no possibility of defrauding him.

Because if the doctor was still working for the umbrella, when he found Lin Yuanfei's whereabouts, it is estimated that the two heavily armed trackers would have killed him.

After Lin Yuanfei hung up on Dr. Charles, he wandered around the neighborhood until he confirmed that there were no monsters chasing him. Then he brought Saya Takashiro to the meeting place. He had almost confirmed the harmlessness of Dr. Charles. ,but

There is no need to say anything here.

Regarding Du Daozi's confusion, Lin Yuanfei shrugged.

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor. Anyway, this place is not far from Akasaka Elementary School. If we go directly there, it won't take long. Du Daozi looked into his eyes and sighed, "If it's Lin Yuan-kun, your opinion If so, then I agree.Men's decisions also need support.

Kishima Yako's voice was full of tenderness and coquettishness.

Like an intellectual and gentle virtuous wife, just hearing the voice makes people dream about it.

Lin Yuanfeiqian coughed, and quickly looked away for fear that his eyeballs would fall into the cleavage if he took a second look.

His eyes shifted guiltily, and he said, "Then if there is no objection, let's get ready to go." Lin Yuanfei said, looking at Gaocheng Saya in the team, "Miss Gaocheng, do you want to go with us? Or stay behind?" Waiting for a nuclear bomb here? Let me warn you in advance, if you want to go with us, you must be prepared to fight zombies in advance. Our team requires all output, no bastards." Said, Lin Yuanfei pulled away He took out a fire ax and a hatchet from his backpack, and said to Takashi Saya.

"Come on, you can choose one of these two weapons. Of course, you

If you choose all, the premise is that your small arms can be dual-wielded.Gaocheng Saya stared blankly at the two weapons in front of her, and took a step back subconsciously.

"no, do not want!

Gaocheng Saya said with a somewhat terrified expression, "I don't want to kill people, I don't want to take knives...I don't want to kill people!" Lin Yuanfei was a little annoyed by that obviously flinching reaction.

Hello!Missy, even if you are Missy, what time is it now, please open your eyes and recognize the reality, please?Now it's Resident Evil, the whole city has turned into zombies, if you want to survive, you have to rely on yourself, no one can accommodate you!Those zombies won't stop biting you just because you are beautiful and have a good family background. In their eyes, you are just a delicacy with a little more fat in your chest! "

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, the expression on Gaocheng Saya's face was even more resistant

You fool!I only know how to fight and kill! "Saya Takashiro said angrily, "For a wise man like me, there is no need to kill people

Lin Yuanfei squinted at her and said, "Wise man? Can you read scripts? Is it a man without glasses? Do you have a dimensional pocket? Can you take out the gizmos that the team needs at any time? You don't know anything. fart wise man

Lin Yuanfei's words made Gaocheng Saya flushed.

Just when this tsundere twintail was ashamed and angry and had nothing to say, Du Daozi finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He sighed softly.

"Okay," Kazuko Busujima hugged Saya Takashiro lightly, and said, "I'll be responsible for the safety of Takashiro-san, don't worry Hayashi Yuan-kun. Girls, you have to have some privileges after all. Yes, to accommodate a girl properly is also a boy's open-mindedness...isn't it? Lin Yuan-jun?

Koko Busujima smiled softly.

Lin Yuanfei cut, turned around and stuffed the weapon back into his backpack.

To save face for you," Lin Yuanfei said with a displeased face, "Anyway, if something happens to this woman, I will never take care of her!

no sooner said than done!

ps: there will be more later, at least two more

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