Chapter 272 The Oil Bottle The Oil Bottle

Chapter 272 The oil bottle The oil bottle has always been a cancer of the team, and it is hated by others

Of course Lin Yuanfei was no exception.

Think back when they opened up wasteland, if even one person in the team made a mistake, it was likely to cause the whole group to crash into the street.

Even playing a game is like this, let alone this dangerous zombie hell.

If a woman like Takashi Saya is in the meat fan, she will have no eggs at all except for selling meat. A pure vase is the bastard in the protagonist team in the original book of Apocalypse in the Academy. The kind that has almost no eggs. Its existence The meaning is to distribute benefits.

And in Lin Yuanfei's place, let alone whether this woman will receive benefits, even if she runs naked in front of Lin Yuanfei, Lin Yuanfei still has to continue pretending to be Liu Xiahui!

In a team composed entirely of (problem) girls, as the only male in the team, Lin Yuanfei couldn't think twice before attacking a tsundere girl.

What's more, Lin Yuanfei hated the attribute of Tsundere the most in his life.

In his opinion, all frank twitching is a waste of time. A pure man is to be straightforward and not waste time on unimportant things.

Before the time travel, the novels he wrote had a standard rhythm and tight rhythm, and he did not waste time on the daily plot at all. He read one copy after another, so that the readers were tired of looking after him every day and shouted to read the daily.

Lin Yuanfei's head grew bigger.

Let me write daily?Isn't this embarrassing?

The plot outline has been developed to that point, wouldn't it be [beep beep beep beep beep] to write daily life at this time?

Even writing novels is like this, let alone daily life.

As soon as Lin Yuanfei saw that kind of twitchy girl, he became angry. You have to write dozens of times with me for a matter that can be solved in two or three sentences?Sick!

Right is right, wrong is wrong, what is there is what is, and what is not is not. Lin Yuanfei never plays false.

So he said that once any accident happened, he would never care about Takashiro Saya's life or death. This sentence is indeed the truth in his heart.

There are so many girls in this team, which of Yuki, Bujima Yako, and Yuno is not more important than Saya Takashiro?

Taking a step back, an accident really happened, Lin Yuanfei would rather save Yuno.

At least Hitoyoshi helped him brush up the dungeons a few times, no credit but hard work.

What about Takashi Saya?From the moment she joined the team, apart from teasing people, her only skill was paddling, even the bosses of the g group were cuter than her.

Anyway, the owner of the g group paid the money, and most of them don't scold people, but what about this Takashi Saya?He didn't pay a dime, and he was arrogant and cheating.

If this kind of woman hadn't possessed the attributes of a beautiful girl with twin ponytails, based on her actions, if she had been a man, the book review section would have been flooded with petition readers asking to hack him to death.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Lin Yuanfei drove the jeep with an impatient expression. After hitting several zombies, it stopped directly at the gate of Akasaka Primary School.

This jeep was picked up by the side of the road. Anyway, the residents of the entire Raccoon City have turned into zombies. Of course, the supplies in the city are Hayashi Harahira of the Home of the Virtuous. They parked the car at the gate of Akasaka Elementary School and looked at it. The situation outside the car.

At first glance, the area around the school is empty and there is no mourning head in sight.

Originally, this place was relatively remote, and after the outbreak of the biochemical crisis, not many zombies could be produced.

The few zombies wandering around the street before were all knocked into the air by Lin Yuanfei. The huge school gate and the street were empty, only the dim lights of the street lamps were left.

Lin Yuanfei pushed open the car door and jumped down, saying, "Wait for me here, I'll go in and see what's going on." Lin Yuanfei planned to take the lead to see what's going on in the school. But for him, the probability of overturning is very small.

It's just that he just got out of the car, and Toshiko Busushima also opened the door and got out of the car. Kishima Kishiko's expression was very calm and indifferent

"Although it is a woman's duty to wait for a man to come home, a qualified wife will not stand by and watch a man go to danger alone.

Sinko Busushima smiled, holding her sharp katana sword.

Yuki and Yuno also got out of the car.

The two sisters stood side by side, and Yuki said, "We are not oil bottles, Hayashi Yuan-kun looks down on people too much.

Yuno didn't say a word, she didn't seem to want to get off, but she could only follow after her sister got out of the car.

As a result, Saya Takashiro was the only one left in the car.

The girl stared blankly at everyone getting out of the car, a little panicked.I... I want to be together too! "Saya Takashi subconsciously wanted to get off the car

Lin Yuanfei pushed her back into the car with a helpless expression.

"Let's go together, sir! Do you think it's a fair? You have to join in all the excitement, don't you feel conscious?" Lin Yuanfei stared at the girl with two ponytails in the car through the car door, and said, "You must have a bottle of oil if you want it Consciously, I didn't expect you to contribute much dps when I pulled you into the team, just stay in a safe place and don't attract monsters, ok?

Lin Yuanfei's merciless disdain made Saya Gaocheng extremely ashamed and indignant.

But after she looked at the few girls present, she couldn't even utter a word of argument. Indeed, among all the present, she was the most useless. Head, snorted, "I... I'll just wait for you here!

Lin Yuanfei clapped his hands and said, "Since you understand, that's the best. Wait for us in the car obediently, don't come out and shake around, this car is pretty solid, and don't shake around and make unnecessary noises, At once

Even if there are zombies passing by, they will not find you.As for us, we will get things done inside as soon as possible and come out to take you away.

"Before then, I hope you don't run around...Of course, I don't mind if you run around. Anyway, we will drive away when we get out, whether you are in the car or not. If you run away and get lost, we will not Will waste time looking for you, understand?

Lin Yuanfei's words seemed cold and ruthless. The eldest lady who has always been loved and sought after has never received such treatment.

Not to mention an arrogant young lady like Takashiro Saya, even ordinary girls can't stand being treated like this.

Under the eyes of everyone, Takashiro Saya lowered her head and shed tears of humiliation.

'I... I know! " Saya Takashiro said sobbingly.

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