Chapter 274 Akasaka Elementary School

Chapter 274 Akasaka Elementary School

"Lin Yuan-jun, don't be addicted to games anymore. If you continue like this, you will become the kind of fat house that everyone hates.

After Yuki finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, pretending not to hear.

What happened to the dead fat house?Fat man eating your rice?

You young girls like to judge people by their appearance, you are still too young!

In my Great Heavenly Dynasty, who can be a fat man who is not a potential stock and a big brother who has no worries about food and clothing?

Want to be a dead fat house without any money?It doesn't exist!

My Great Heavenly Dynasty has its own national conditions!

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, as if he didn't hear Yuki's persuasion, he walked directly to the school gate

"Okay, everyone, stop chatting. Get your weapons ready and prepare to start monsters. Although the zombies in this school are not very strong, we still can't take it lightly.

Lin Yuanfei said so.

And Yuki was a little confused, "Are the zombies in this school very weak? Lin Yuan-kun, how do you know that?

Lin Yuanfei pointed to the school's signboard and said, "This is an elementary school. Except for the faculty and staff, there are all little kids in the school. Even if a group of little kids turn into zombies, they won't be better than adult zombies...

However, that being said, we should not take it lightly. "Lin Yuanfei said, "There have been too many incidents of car overturning due to negligence these years. I hope everyone can learn from it. Lin Yuanfei said that he had already entered this teaching building first.

In the dark and empty teaching building, there was no living person to be seen, not even a wandering zombie.

After all, it is Japan with a declining birth rate, and it is still an aristocratic elementary school, so the number of students is even smaller.

Although there were a few puddles of blood in the corridor, which looked a bit eerie and weird, but now this kind of thing can no longer scare Lin Yuanfei.

It might still be possible if you just crossed that day, but now, if you are a tough Freddie + Jia coconut, and the guy who has just brushed the cursed haunted house and the remaining blood has finished brushing the cult island, will he be scared by a few puddles of blood?

If four or five zombie dogs rushed out of the school, maybe he would still have a headache.

In the current situation, it can only be said to be drizzle.

Lin Yuanfei stood in the middle of the corridor, looked around, and said, "Let's divide our troops into two groups and find Angela as soon as possible. Then come back here and send me to search the second floor. Yuki, Yuno, and Busujima-senpai, you guys

Three search the first floor, no problem, right?

Lin Yuanfei said, "No matter what you encounter, call me immediately, and I will come to help immediately. These zombies are very dangerous, and you must not be bitten by them no matter what, I believe you don't want to become that kind of monster, right?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the three girls present, and said so. With the strength of the three girls, ordinary zombies hardly pose a threat. Even elite mobs like zombie dogs can be dealt with as long as they don't appear in groups.

What's more, Lin Yuanfei is nearby, and if any accident happens, he can rush to support in time, so although the plan of dividing the army into two groups is dangerous, it is indeed the safest way under the current situation.

Because Lin Yuanfei desperately wanted to find Angela as soon as possible and leave here.

He didn't want to stay in any one place for a long time.

Although Dr. Charles is not currently part of the Umbrella gang, if Dr. Charles can find himself, the bastards of the Umbrella will definitely be able to find him.

Although I don't know what the purpose of Daniel's group of guys is, but contacting the plot of the original Resident Evil 2 movie and the protection

Judging from the fact that the umbrella group has been sending trackers to hunt and kill him, it is likely that he is regarded as an experimental product.

Lin Yuanfei didn't want to be entangled by those stalkers after he managed to get rid of the two stalkers at the bridge before.

Taking a step back, even if you really want to start a movie with those trackers, you have to find a way to rescue Dr. Charles' daughter first, and find out the whereabouts of Freddy's gloves from the other side.

Now the only thing that Lin Yuanfei can worry about in Raccoon City, apart from the safety of Yuki and his acquaintances, is Freddy's glove. He must find and destroy that glove before the nuclear bomb falls. If he destroyed the glove and let the glove be covered by the ruins, then he probably would have a hard time killing Freddy completely.

As long as he has this support, even if he kills Freddy [-] times, Freddy can crawl back.

It's impossible for him to stay awake all his life, right?

In this world, there are only thieves for a thousand days, so there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. Yuki and the others were not given any chance to argue. After assigning tasks, Lin Yuanfei went straight upstairs.

But Yuki and the others didn't seem to have any opinion.

After all, compared with Lin Yuanfei, it is indeed much safer for the three of them to act together.

Both Yuki and Busujima Ruko are sensible girls, and they won't be willful at such a critical moment.

So the team of four was divided into two teams.

Lin Yuanfei walked up the stairs on the second floor alone, and after turning around the corner of the stairs, the corridor on the second floor of the teaching building appeared in front of Lin Yuanfei's eyes.

In the quiet school building, there was a dead silence.

The dim moonlight shone into the corridor from a window on one side, and the misty light seemed to have a strange beauty.

Dragging a long bellflower fairy Dongyue, Lin Yuan walked quickly in the corridor, guarding against possible zombie attacks at any time.

Every time he walked through a classroom, he would open a gap in the back door of the classroom, peeping into the classroom.

However, after walking four or five classrooms in a row, all Lin Yuanfei saw were classrooms, and it didn't look like a bunch of zombies as he imagined. When the biochemical crisis happened, all the students in this school were transferred urgently?

Or did the zombies chase the living away during the commotion during the day?

But in any case, there is no end to the huge teaching building.

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