Zombies, this is indeed good news.

At least if there are fewer zombies, then the possibility of Dr. Charles' daughter surviving will be higher.

Of course, if you think about it in a dark way, if the little girl named Angela is dead, maybe you will be relieved. But if the other party is still alive, Lin Yuanfei still has to try his best to rescue the other party.

Since you have promised to be loyal to others, since you have promised others, it is best not to break your promise.

Lin Yuanfei still has this bit of integrity.

Walking through the entire corridor on the second floor, until he reached the door at the end of the corridor, Lin Yuanfei directly opened the bathroom door in front of him, and frowned at the pungent toilet smell.

'Moses Moses?Is there anyone in there?

The sudden sound seemed a little eerie in the dark toilet.

Under the dim moonlight, a small figure turned his head blankly and appeared in Lin Yuanfei's field of vision.

Chapter 275

Chapter 275 In the corridor of the Bad Child Building, the three girls searched much slower than Lin Yuanfei.

Because they are different from Lin Yuanfei, they will not directly ask if there is anyone inside every time they open the door of a classroom.

They will carefully confirm that there are no zombies in the classroom, and then look for places where people may hide.

If it is confirmed that it is safe, they will enter the classroom and turn on the lights, stand on the podium overlooking the entire classroom, and leave after confirming that no one is there.But like Lin Yuanfei, all the classrooms they entered were empty, and there was no living person in sight.

Naturally, I didn't see any zombies either.

If it weren't for the bloodstains left on the floor, and the random piles of desks and chairs reflecting what happened here, no one would believe that this is a school after the outbreak of biochemical crisis.

As for where the students in the school have gone and why there are no zombies, these are not the concerns of Kishima Yako and the others.

What they need to care about is where is Dr. Charles' daughter, Angela.

Sinko Busujima walks in front with a samurai sword, Yuno and Yuki-san

The two sisters are behind.

Yuki held a baseball bat in his hand, but he didn't seem too threatening.

However, the fire ax that Yuno held in his hand was a bit intrusive. The two sisters walked side by side, and Yuno, who was obviously the younger sister, was protecting Yuki like an older sister at this time.

Sinko Busujima didn't talk to the two sisters.

One reason is that this is not a good place to talk, and the other reason is that the two parties have not known each other for a long time, and there is no common topic

If he had to talk, then the only topic seemed to be Lin Yuanfei.

However, the exchange at the Busujima family proved that once the two women mentioned Lin Yuanfei, it seemed that it would soon turn into a tit-for-tat war. For safety reasons, Busujima Kezi remained silent and Yuki followed her, as if There is no intention to initiate a conversation.

In the dim light, Yuki lowered her head, making it hard to see the expression on her face.

It's just that the vain footsteps seemed a little tired, and Yuno behind her was secretly watching her sister worriedly,

The hesitant expression appeared to be very tangled.

At a certain moment, Yuki's body trembled in vain, as if she was about to faint, she quickly reached out and grabbed Yuno who was beside her.

Only then did he barely stand firm.

The sound of staggering footsteps alarmed Busujima Riko in front.

Kishima Yako hurriedly turned around, a little startled, "My wife and classmate, are you feeling unwell?"

At this time, Yuki looked like an ordinary girl who was overworked after a long-distance run in physical education class and had some hypoglycemia. Half of her body was leaning on her sister, panting softly, although her slightly pale face It's not ugly, but it's definitely not the expression that a healthy person would have.

Under Kishima Kibako's gaze, Yuki raised his head, squeezed out a forced smile, and said softly.

No... It's okay, hypoglycemia has occurred.My health has always been poor, and this happens occasionally. It's not a big problem, so don't worry about it, Busujima-senpai.

Yuki smiled weakly, soothing the emotions of Koko Busujima.Butujimako looked at her, then at Yuno who looked worried, and said, "Maybe we should take a break?

Yuki shook his head, "No, I know my body, no problem, senior sister, you don't have to worry. Just let me stand for a while, a few seconds

There will be no problem after [-] minutes, it's not a big problem.

Kishima Yako looked at Yuno, obviously wanting to know Yuno's opinion

After all, with Yuki's strong spirit, what he said was really hard to convince.

And Yuno looked at her sister with a complicated expression, and sighed in a low voice. I will stay here and rest with my sister, Busujima-senpai, you can go ahead first.I'm used to my sister's situation, and I'll be fine if I take a break.Time is precious now and we cannot stay here for too long. "Yuno's words made Busushimako nod, "Okay, then I'll go and see the classroom in front first, you take a rest, I'll call you if there's anything else. "There are not many zombies in this school, or in other words, there is not a single zombie. Even if there are zombies rushing out from the dark, Du Daozi is confident that he will rush back to save people immediately.

So she didn't delay, but went straight to the next classroom

After she left, Yuno looked at Busushima Yako who opened the classroom door a few meters away, silently, and looked at his sister.

The expression on Yuno's face was complicated. "Is that feeling coming again? My sister feels the weight that belongs to her, Yuno murmured.

You shouldn't have done that, but now you're hurting yourself. The girl leaning on Yuno, who was weak like a wind, smiled weakly, and murmured in the same weak voice, "That's something that can't be helped, Yuno, I Impossible to watch and do nothing

But it doesn't matter that the man is obviously dead, he doesn't care at all.

"Okay, don't talk about this anymore, Yuno," Yuki gently stroked her sister's side face, and smiled weakly, "Don't worry, we will be fine. Trust my sister, okay?


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