I have changed my mind now, I want to see you take off your clothes first to see your sexy figure, you are often rubbed by men, right?Let me see, brother, how obscene your breasts are!

The eyes of several cult members were all focused on the body of Poison Island Smudge, with an unusually wretched expression.

They are all waiting for the compromise and submission of this powerful beauty.

Unfortunately, they were disappointed.

Being threatened with a gun, Du Daozi, who was surrounded by cultists, still had a calm and indifferent face.

There was no reaction at all to the threatening shot just now.

She just looked at the cultists and shook her head.

'You are already dead..." The moment the voice fell, a stream of blood spurted out of one of the cultists in vain.

Amidst the unbelievable expression of the cultist, a figure flew past him like a gust of wind.

Wherever he went, arms with guns flew up to the sky one after another. The cultist who stood the farthest raised his gun subconsciously, but he only had time to see a blurry figure clearly before the other party rushed towards him. to him.

The sword light flashed!

puff one by one

Amid the spray of blood, the cultist backed away in horror, but half of his arm had already flown into the sky.

The figure that suddenly appeared was reaching its limit, and these cultists couldn't react at all.

When Lin Yuanfei's figure stopped beside the Yuki sisters, there were six cultists screaming with their bloody shoulders standing in the corridor behind them.

The faces of all cultists are full of unbelievable shock


Amidst the shrill screams, the group of cultists didn't understand what happened. The next second, Lin Yuanfei rushed back again.

In the swaying light of the knife, human heads shot up into the sky one after another

Chapter 277 Lingering Ghosts

In the dimly lit corridor, human heads shot up into the sky one after another

The crimson blood in the blood vessels of the human body shot up into the sky under the simultaneous pressure of the internal and external air pressure, and even sprayed to the ceiling.

In the corridor, there was a horrible rain of red and viscous blood.

Standing in the middle of the blood rain, letting the crimson blood fall on him bit by bit, the poisonous island scumbag was very calm.There was even a smile on the corner of her mouth.

It seems to be appreciating everything in front of him, enjoying this bewitching rain of blood.

At that moment, the beautiful sister Yu who stood in the rain of blood smiled enchantingly, her face was pale by the gloomy moonlight, and there was an inexplicable sense of coquettish and gloomy beauty.

The figure of Lin Yuanfei stopped in the corridor outside the blood rain. The knife in his hand was horizontal in the air and stopped on the neck of the last cult member. Gently sticking to the other party's neck, it seems that a little force can cut off the head

Feeling the bone-piercing chill coming from his neck, the last cultist trembled, his expression frightened, he didn't even dare to scream, and stood there stiffly.

He is the leader of this group of cultists, and the only survivor of Lin Yuanfei's subordinates.

Ten seconds ago, his five companions were laughing strangely and making obscene noises.

However, at this time, they all turned into corpses with different heads, and they hit the floor heavily.

The pistols in their hands could not help them at all.

The moment Lin Yuanfei rushed out from the corner, no one could react at all.

When the cultists saw Lin Yuanfei's figure clearly, Lin Yuanfei had already passed through the crowd, and all the cultists' arms holding guns flew into the sky.

Then when Lin Yuanfei turned around again, he also turned into a gust of wind and passed through the crowd.

This time, it was five heads with frozen expressions that flew into the sky.The last cultist stood there stiffly, his legs trembling but he didn't dare to move, for fear that he would be decapitated if he moved a little.

Feeling the icy sharp edge of the platycodon fairy Dongyue against his neck, the cultist was drenched in cold sweat, and he didn't even dare to swallow his saliva

He looked ahead in fear, and murmured, "You... who are you?

At this moment, he didn't even dare to turn his head to look at the fear of Lin Yuanfei's death, holding his heart tightly.

But Lin Yuanfei glanced at him, and said indifferently, "Are you cultists from Torimijima? Where did you get the gun? Who is ordering you? What are you doing here?" Without any backbone, this name The cultist immediately confessed.

Our high priest was killed, important ceremonies were interrupted, and many policemen came to the island to arrest people.In revenge, we come to the city to find the culprit and plan to assassinate him. "But the sudden outbreak of biochemical crisis disrupted our plan, and we suffered heavy losses on the way to escape. In the end, there were only six of us left.

A few of us went to the police station to find the gun, and then received a call from a guy who claimed to be a doctor. He asked us to come to Akasaka Elementary School to find his daughter, and said that he would tell us how to leave after we found his daughter.

"Considering that if our big enemy is still alive, he may also receive a call from the doctor to come here, so we will

I came to Akasaka Elementary School and waited for the rabbit, but I didn’t expect to run into you..."Please don’t kill me, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I will never dare again. Please don’t kill me, I will definitely Make up your mind, don't dare to mess around again, as long as you don't kill me, you can ask me to do anything!

The cultist begged for mercy repeatedly in fear.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at him with a complicated expression.

"You cultists really linger..." He sighed and asked, "Besides you, are there any other accomplices in the city?

"No...not anymore.

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