"Okay then, thank you for your answer," Lin Yuanfei said, turning the knife lightly in his hand.

Grumbling, a human head rolled off the cultist's shoulder, and rolled along the corridor not far away.

Amidst the blood splattering, he moved away from the blood-spitting headless corpse and looked at the three girls in the corridor.

'Are you all right? "Lin Yuanfei asked the whole process, from the time he shot to the end, none of the six cultists could see his figure and face clearly.

Even the last cultist, even at the moment of his death, didn't realize that the person around him was the vengeance they were looking for


And Lin Yuanfei didn't intend to continue the conversation with the other party.

Now that the intention of the other party is confirmed and the general situation is understood, this person is useless.

To be honest, the moment Lin Yuanfei saw this group of cultists, he was still a little surprised.

He thought that these guys had all been captured by the police, or were under investigation on Tomi Island, but he didn't expect that there would be some fish who slipped through the net and dared to come to Raccoon City to assassinate him.

Lin Yuanfei no longer knew whether these guys were ignorant or fearless.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

From the point of view of this group of guys, Lin Yuanfei was seriously injured, unconscious, and must have been seriously injured.

Assassinating an unconscious and seriously wounded person must be very easy. Who would have thought that Lin Yuanfei would have been healed by the umbrella in just one day?

Hey... When he was seriously injured, he was counting on someone to give him a sip of milk. Now that he is full of health, why does he still feel that the future is gloomy?

The sudden appearance of this group of cultists made him feel bad again after he had just relaxed.

He seemed to have returned to the miserable past when he was besieged on all sides, and his eyes were full of monsters and ghosts.

Shaking his head and getting the melancholy thoughts out of his mind, Lin Yuanfei looked at the three girls in front of him and said

"Sister Poujima, you are covered in blood, do you want to change your clothes?

As Lin Yuanfei said, he took out a set of clean men's clothes from his backpack, and said, "I have some new clothes that I haven't worn yet, do you want to change them?

Busujima Shizi, who was covered in blood, looked at Lin Yuanfei and blinked, "Do you have any old clothes worn by Mr. Lin Yuan for replacement?

Hehe...I'm just kidding," Du Dao Jianzi chuckled, took over the clothes with the hang tag under Lin Yuanfei's awkward and speechless gaze, and said, "Anyway, thank you Lin Yuan-jun, Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly He let out a sound, took a step back, and said, "In addition, introduce a new member to everyone, Lin Yuanfei looked at the stairs not far behind him, and said, "Come out, Angela, and say hello to everyone.

The next second, a little girl with freckles timidly stepped out

Come, appear in everyone's sight.

Chapter 278 Senior Sister Invites You

Chapter 278 Sister, please respect yourself That is a little girl who looks about seven or eight years old, with small freckles all over her face, a typical European and American race.

Following Lin Yuanfei's words, the little girl came out timidly, wearing the uniform of Akasaka Elementary School and carrying a satchel

If the plot is the same as the movie, then there should be an antidote to the T virus in this satchel.

However, none of Lin Yuanfei and his party were poisoned, so there was no need for this thing.

When Lin Yuanfei found out that the other party was hiding in the toilet, he was shocked.

On a gloomy night, in a quiet and deserted toilet, there was a little girl standing with his back facing him. He almost thought he had encountered a ghost again.

Fortunately, luck is good this time, not only is it not a ghost, but it is the important target they are looking for this time, the daughter of Dr. Charles, Angela

However, just as Lin Yuanfei said a few words to Angela, he heard the noise from the building, and understood that Dudao Scorpion and the others were in trouble

, so immediately rushed to the first floor.

Although the six cultists had guns in their hands, they were able to knock down the group of cultists one by one before they reacted, relying on Lin Yuanfei's superhuman burst speed.

Shaking off the blood on the blade, Lin Yuanfei put the knife back into its sheath.Then he looked at the girls behind him with a smile on his face.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the little sister Angela we are looking for this time... Angela, say hello to everyone. We are all sent by your father to pick you up.

Angela looked at the three girls in the corridor, and nodded obediently

Then he said, "Thank you everyone.

The poisonous island scum covered in blood asked, "Little sister Angela, have you been hiding in the school? Then do you know where the students and teachers in the school have gone? Why is the whole teaching building watching alone?" No." Angela said, "When the disaster happened, everyone ran away.

Only I hid in the toilet, waiting for my father to rescue me. " said the little girl.

It seems that this little girl has a lot of trust in her father, and she is still willing to believe that her father will come to save her in such a crisis, but her father did not disappoint her, he did come to save her

After coughing dryly, Lin Yuanfei said, "Okay, the meeting for newcomers will be over for now. Next, we have to sneak out quickly and talk slowly after running out of Raccoon City." As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei looked at Kidao Yazi "Senior Bujima, hurry up and change your clothes. We'll leave after changing." Lin Yuanfei said, his eyes wandered in the corridor, thinking about which classroom can let Bujima Yuko change clothes.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Busujima Ruozi nodded in agreement.

"Lin Yuan-jun is right, we really don't have time to waste now, let's leave as soon as possible." "Bushima Yako said, taking off his shirt in front of everyone

In that instant, Lin Yuanfei's eyeballs almost popped out, what the hell? !

Changing clothes in public?Is it so fierce?

Lin Yuanfei turned around quickly, and said with a righteous face, "Senior Poison Island! Please respect yourself!

Behind Lin Yuanfei, came the chuckle of Poison Island Smudge

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