"You don't need to turn around...Since I'm changing clothes in front of you, Lin Yuan-jun, it means you can watch it. If it's Lin Yuan-jun, I

don't mind. " Du Daozi's soft laughter was charming and seductive, which made Lin Yuanfei's blood boil.

Angela on the side widened her eyes, "Eh? Brother, are you blushing?"

Lin Yuanfei almost died of anger...Damn it!This brat is deliberately tearing down my platform, right?

Glaring at the other party angrily, Lin Yuanfei said, "This is refreshment! You know what a fart! Do you understand Tianwang Gaidihu and Baota Town River Demon? Cut... I can tell you don't understand just by looking at your expression. How can you, a bourgeois capitalist like you, understand the great spirit of my communism? Yankees are Yankees, and they have never even seen Tiger Mountain by strategy. They are uneducated and terrible." Lin Yuanfei mumbled the words that no one could understand, and said, "Senior Poison Island, have you changed? We should go now."

Kishima Kiba hadn't spoken yet, but Yuno let out a laugh.

The perverted senior is really dishonest... Even though his body has changed, he still talks about benevolence and morality. He is really a hypocritical hypocrite.Even if you turn around and look at it openly, will anyone bother you?It's ridiculous to want to see it but dare not. "Amidst Yuno's sneer, Lin Yuanfei gave a dry cough, and his slightly bent waist straightened slowly.

"Master Shi Geng! You are only Shi Geng! Your whole family is Shi Geng!"

You perverted slut!

Lin Yuanfei burst into anger, trying to divert the attention of everyone present

The effect is outstanding.

Yuki couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Eh? Why should I be blamed for Chi Yu? Hayashi Yuan-kun, you and Yuno will argue with each other in the future, can you not take me with you... He didn't do anything, so innocent." Poison Island Shouzi said, "Okay, I've changed, let's go, everyone." After Bushima Yazi finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei looked back subconsciously, and almost didn't froze.

Lying down... in the trough!

so beautiful!

Wearing men's clothes, Poison Island Stain had a kind of heroism that Lin Yuanfei had never seen before.

Although he had seen a beautiful girl in women's clothing, it was the first time he had seen a beautiful girl in men's clothing, especially a high-level beautiful girl like Ruoko Busujima.

Suddenly, he understood one thing.

In this world, being beautiful means you can do whatever you want

Even the men's clothes are so charming and charming, this Du Daozi is really a stunner! Lin Yuanfei quickly looked away after his eyes stayed for three seconds. He was afraid that he would look twice more, and he would not want to look away. Forcibly pretending to be calm, Lin Yuanfei said, "Okay, let's go. Little sister Angela, hold my hand.

Lin Yuanfei took the little girl's hand and said, "We will take you to see your father now." The little girl obviously resisted being held by a strange man.

But he didn't continue to struggle.

Lin Yuanfei led Angela and walked in front, and Bujima Yako and Yuki sisters followed behind.

A group of five people left the teaching building and went outside.

And at the same time as the five people walked out of the gate, the nearest public phone booth on the side of the road suddenly rang.

Lin Yuanfei walked over directly, picked up the microphone

"Moses Moses?

On the other end of the phone, came the voice of Dr. Charles.

"You found my daughter u?

Lin Yuanfei glanced at Angeli behind him and said, "That's right, we found it. Now shall we bring her to see you?

Dr. Charles on the other end of the phone said, "Okay, now I'll tell you where the glove is actually stored.

Chapter 279

"Okay, now I will tell you the real location where the glove is stored. The moment Lin Yuanfei heard Dr. Charles' words, he almost vomited blood.

Fuck!The address you mentioned earlier is fake? "Lin Yuanfei felt cold sweat all over his back.

On the other end of the phone, Dr. Charles' voice sounded again.

"That's right, the address I told you before is indeed fake. You have to follow that address to find it, and you will never find what you're looking for." Lin Yuanfei broke into cold sweat, "Is that address an empty room?"

"Of course not, there are some small gifts locked inside... If you went to find the gloves directly against the agreement, the gift in that room would be a souvenir for you." Dr. Charles said, "But now it seems that you are indeed a lecturer. People of credit. Then I will tell you the real address of the glove. Listen carefully.

The real address of the glove is at…

At that moment, Dr. Charles suddenly shut up.

Lin Yuanfei almost didn't explode...Holy shit!what happened?

But no matter what happened to you, even if you are going to die, please finish your sentence before you die, okay?

Lin Yuanfei was in a hurry.

Fortunately, Dr. Charles on the other end of the phone is not dead.

He said, "The internet froze for a bit...well, where are we talking?

Lin Yuanfei was a little embarrassed, "The address of the glove! Mr. Doctor, where is the glove I'm looking for!

As Lin Yuanfei spoke, he glanced around.

After confirming that there was indeed no one nearby, he said weakly, hurry up!Where is that glove? Lin Yuanfei was in a hurry.

And this time, Dr. Charles finally did not take a big breath.

He told Lin Yuanfei the real address, "The gloves are on the fifth floor of the Umbrella Building, Room 201, Area C. When you get there, I will unlock the door for you.

Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, thanks, Lin Yuanfei planned to ask about the way out of the city, but the doctor suddenly made a request at this time.

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