"I want to hear my daughter's voice, you give her the phone.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes

He was sure that Dr. Charles had seen them all through the surveillance cameras.

But this guy still wants to talk to his daughter... Minus... Is he so worried?

Lin Yuanfei handed the phone to Angela, regardless of what the father and daughter were talking about

He just looked around and said, "Okay, it's time for us to part ways." Lin Yuanfei said, "If the way out of the city is not dangerous, I won't go with you.

Yuki hesitated to speak, Yuno smiled coldly, and Busujima Sousuke sighed softly.

This is the plan they made at the beginning, but at this time they really have to separate, and no one really feels relieved that Lin Yuanfei will leave alone

Except for Yuno, this perverted sister-in-law probably wishes Lin Yuanfei could die in Raccoon City, right?


After seeing the doctor and his daughter finished chatting, Lin Yuanfei took the phone that Angela handed over.

"Mr. Doctor, can we talk about the route out of the city?" Lin Yuanfei said, "How do you plan to make us unarmed?"

Will the old, weak, women and children of Iron leave Raccoon City safely?

On the other end of the phone, Dr. Charles' deep voice came.

"There is more than one route out of the city. In addition to the closed bridge, there is a reserved exit secret door on the edge of Motoki Town. When you get there, we will open the secret door and let you out. And go from you The direction of the secret door only takes less than ten minutes by car. There are hardly many zombies on the road, so it is very safe.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, then we will meet at the secret door." Lin Yuanfei said, and hung up the phone.

Then he looked at the girls behind him, "The secret door out of the city is in Benmu Town. After you go there, the doctor will open the secret door for you. Let's separate here. I'm going to the umbrella company building. You are outside the city. Wait for me, I'll be back soon." Yuki opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but Kishima Kishiko preempted her.

So let's part.

Du Dao Yazi looked at Lin Yuanfei very seriously, and said, "When a man is about to go to the battlefield, a woman can only bless, not hinder. So Lin Yuan-jun, you must come back well.

Lin Yuanfei grinned, "Then Yuki will leave it to you. If you lead the team, Budao-senpai, I'm still very relieved."

Kishima Yako sighed, with a complicated expression on his face.

"I hope... Mr. Lin Yuan, you don't break your promise. You must come back safely.

Lin Yuanfei smiled brightly, "Don't worry, I have all kinds of problems, but I never break my promise and get fat. I promised to see you later, and I will see you later... Everyone waved to the girls present, Lin Yuanfei Turn around and leave, and run towards the umbrella company building.

His speed was very fast, and his back quickly disappeared from the girls' sight

Yu Ji stared blankly at Lin Yuanfei's leaving back, and subconsciously took a step forward.

However, Yuno beside her calmly held her and shook her head.

And Kishima Yako was already holding Angela's hand and walking towards the jeep parked by the side of the road.

This was driven by Lin Yuan, and among the few girls present, only Dudao Ruozi can drive.

Gaocheng Saya in the car looked at the direction where Lin Yuanfei disappeared, a little surprised.

Is that guy really gone? Saya Takashi was shocked, "There are the most zombies in that direction!"

Kishima Yako smiled wryly, but did not speak.

Several girls got into the car one after another.

And just when the jeep was started and slowly drove away from the school, Dr. Charles made another call.

What was shown on the surveillance screen was a woman in a kimono.That's another survivor in the city, on his way to Akasaka Elementary School

When the phone booth on the side of the road rang, the two men glanced at it and walked over

On the other end of the phone, came the voice of Dr. Charles.

'You don't have to go to Akasaka Elementary School anymore,' Dr. Charles said. Someone helped me find my daughter L. Now you can go to the city wall in the Kimotocho area. If you go faster, you may be able to catch up with the secret door opening. shake your head

No, but if you want, you can tell me the whereabouts of Heitong.I can't leave him alone. ’ Hearing this, Dr. Charles sighed

"All right

"The boy named Mikiya Heitong is in Room 306, Block C, on the third floor of the Umbrella Company Building. The way to save him is also very simple, just pull out the intubation tube at the back of his head. If his vitality is strong enough, he should

able to regain consciousness. "Hearing this sentence, the two rituals nodded.


She hung up the phone and looked in the direction of the city center.

There, the logo on the exterior wall of the Umbrella Company’s building gleamed coldly under the moonlight, giving people a strange and eerie feeling.

"Hei Tong..."

In the mouths of the two rituals, the name was murmured.

The figure quickly disappeared into the darkness

ps: There are only two chapters today, everyone will just read it, tomorrow five more

Chapter 280 The black lightning monitoring screen shows the woman in kimono slowly disappearing.

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