Dr. Charles leaned back slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

The things that should be done have been almost done, and the next thing to do is to wait for her daughter to leave the city.

His finger moved the mouse, wanting to see the street conditions on his daughter's route out of the city.

However, at this moment, the screen on the display screen trembled.Immediately afterwards, a line of red English words appeared—the network connection was interrupted.

The screen on the display is stuck.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Charles was startled.

He sat up straight, and before he could make any further operations, a sigh came from behind him.

"Computers are unreliable... just like people, aren't they?"

Hearing this voice, Dr. Charles paused for a second, and then he turned around slowly, looking at Daniel indifferently.


Absolutely no panic or fear of being caught.

Next to Daniel was a heavily armed man.Daniel was looking at him at this moment, his eyes full of sympathy.

"Do you think I don't know what you've been doing...Doctor 1, you broke the ban."

The existence of —— is a secret among secrets, but you told outsiders about its existence, which makes me very headache. "Daniel said, "Originally you didn't deserve to die, we all appreciate and value you, but it's a pity...

Amidst Daniel's sigh, his sick mercenary raised his gun and aimed at Dr. Charles in the wheelchair.

Daniel then bid farewell and may you and your daughter be reunited in heaven. "The voice fell, and the gunshots rang out.

Amidst the dull muffled sound, the muzzle of the muzzle equipped with a silencer could not even see the flame.

However, the body of the doctor in the wheelchair twitched suddenly, and there was a hole in his chest.

The scarlet blood spread silently around the wound, quickly staining his body red.

And the doctor's body, which gradually ceased to twitch, gradually lost the breath of life.

Those gray silent eyes, without any focal length, empty and lifeless

Seeing this scene, Daniel pinched his eyebrows and said.

"Why do people always do such dangerous things? Isn't it good to live?

He took one last look at the doctor's gradually icy corpse, shook his head and turned to leave.

At the same time, on the gypsy driving on the road, the little girl in the back seat suddenly noticed something.

She looked down at the watch on her wrist with a look of horror.There, the pointer that was originally slowly turning has completely stopped.

Looking at the watch hands that stopped suddenly, she grabbed Yuki beside her in horror.

"It's bad! My father is in danger! We can't go any further!" Amidst Angela's terrified screams, the jeep slammed on the brakes and stopped.

Pojimako in the driver's seat turned around in confusion and asked what happened?What danger is Dr. Charles in?

Angela looked down at the watch on her wrist with a miserable expression.

"I don't know...but my father's watch and mine are connected to each other's vital signs. If any of us encounters an accident, the hands of the other's watch will stop moving.

"My watch suddenly stopped moving just now, my dad he...

He... ●

The little girl was talking and crying.

Du Daozi looked at her, was silent for a few seconds, and asked, "Is there a possibility that the watch is malfunctioning?

The little girl Angela cried and shook her head, "Impossible! This is a watch made by my father himself. As long as there are no problems, it can still turn even if the world is doomsday. But now it suddenly stopped... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo My father, my father, his... woo woo woo woo, amidst the little girl's mournful cries, Yuki quickly hugged the little girl in her arms, stroking the little girl's back distressedly, and comforted her.

Maybe it's just a glitch?You see, there are so many weird things happening in this city. Now you can't even get through the phone, and there is no signal. Maybe something has affected your watch. Your dad said he would pick you up at the secret door , how could he die?Don't cry, I'm sure you'll be fine. " Yuki tried to persuade.

But the little girl cried even more sadly.

"No! This watch will never fail! My dad knows what he made, and it will never fail. The watch has stopped now, and he must have been killed by the bad guys... woo woo woo woo dad . woo woo woo...

Amid the sad crying of the little girl, her body was also throbbing in pain, as if she was about to faint from crying.

Seeing this scene, Kishima Yako was silent, and said slowly, "Since Dr. Charles has been killed, something must have happened outside the city. If we go to the secret door now, we probably won't meet Dr. Charles, It's the other people in the umbrella." Taking a deep breath, and taking a last look at the direction of the hidden door, Roko Busushima made a decisive decision, and the dark black jeep made a handsome U-turn on the road, and she drove directly towards it. Directions to the Umbrella Corporation building.

Staring at the huge umbrella logo in the center of the city in the distance, Kishima Kibako said, "Let's go to Hayashi Yuan-kun now! We must tell him the matter!"

The black jeep hit and flew two approaching zombies, and went back the same way

Seeing the movement of the jeep on the surveillance screen, Daniel shook his head.

"A group of very smart guys..." He looked at a researcher beside him and said, "The control number one

Is the system loaded successfully?Why has there been no response for so long?The researcher looked at him helplessly, "si, No. [-]'s mental resistance is as violent as before, and the control system is still unable to synchronize with his thinking fluctuations. This time the loading failed again." Daniel looked at the monitor Screen, "What about Lin Yuanfei? How far is he from the company?"

"Less than three minutes."

"Then activate the emergency plan!" Daniel stared at one of the rooms on the surveillance screen, looked at the black-haired man lying quietly on the big bed in the center of the room, and said, "Number one is our indispensable experimental sample. , there must be no accidents." Not long after this order was issued, a burly follower slowly walked into the room.

After its eyes wandered around the room, it walked straight to the unconscious boy on the hospital bed. Then, the burly hill tracker began to operate the instruments next to the hospital bed, turning off the scientific instruments inserted into the boy's body one by one. .

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