At the same time, a black motorcycle rushed into the glass door of the umbrella company like lightning.

As fast as lightning!

Chapter 281 Freddy's Gloves Boom

There was a deafening bang, and the glass on the exterior wall of the solid building shattered.

Countless flying fragments shot out in all directions, and the floor was densely scattered with glass shards all over the place.

And the culprit who caused all this, the black motorcycle that rushed into the hall on the first floor recklessly, landed on the ground and at the same time swung its tail handsomely, and stopped directly in the center of the hall.

Lin Yuanfei in the car whistled and looked around.

hello, anyone?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the brightly lit but empty Umbrella Building, shrugged his shoulders, "No one is turning on the lights, your Umbrella Company is very rich. With so many lights on, don't you charge for electricity?

Lin Yuanfei said so and got out of the car directly.

He picked up this motorcycle halfway. It is not easy to find one or two usable motorcycles among the abandoned vehicles all over the city.

It's a pity that there is no need for it now Lin Yuanfei tightened the shoulder straps of the backpack, coughed dryly and held it

The long knife walked straight forward.

His destination is an area map not far away.

The building of the umbrella company is very large, and it has reached the point where it is difficult to understand the situation without looking at the area map. As for why there is a map in this place?

Please, there will be a map for you to pick up at the entrance of the dungeon when you brush the dungeon/

Isn't it common sense?

Lin Yuanfei stood in front of the area map and looked up, and quickly found where he was going.

The fifth floor of the umbrella building, Room 201, Block C.

Well, it's not that far away from him, it's just at the other end of the building.

It seems that the Umbrella Company really doesn't pay much attention to Freddy's gloves, and they still keep them in such a remote corner.

Eh... I have to trouble myself to make a trip.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and after remembering the approximate path, he walked straight to the stairs.

To be honest, he'd rather take the elevator.

It's a pity that taking the elevator in a horror movie is really deadly, and who knows if there will be a murder laser installed in the elevator of the umbrella?Lin Yuanfei didn't want to walk through the laser tunnel, so he had to obediently go up the stairs.

However, it seems that many people climb the stairs of this building.

, the design is not the kind of closed, gloomy and damp safe passage that is common in ordinary buildings.

It's a beautifully constructed staircase with upholstery and handrails.

But like the hall, there is no one here.

Lin Yuanfei climbed from the first floor to the second floor, from the second floor to the third floor, from the first floor to the fourth floor, from the fourth floor to the fifth floor... all the way up, not a single person could be seen.

Walking alone in the empty and dead corridor, feeling the quiet and dead atmosphere around me, gave people an inexplicable sense of depression.

Lin Yuanfei looked around vigilantly.

In his glance, many laboratories on both sides of the corridor have closed glass doors, and the laboratories inside the doors maintain the appearance when the researchers left.

It seems that this place is just after get off work, everything is handled in an orderly manner, without any panic, which is in stark contrast to the city.

It seems that before the official outbreak of Resident Evil, Umbrella had already done the work of alienating employees. Qie Lin Yuanfei walked forward while watching Or, while walking, the front suddenly turned into a laser channel, and a bunch of lasers swept towards him.

That would be really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, none of this happened.

It seems that even God can't bear to see his tragic experience, and doesn't want to arrange mobs for him anymore.Lin Yuanfei came directly to his destination.

Walking all the way outside the door of Room 201 in Area C, the entire umbrella building was silent and silent, and no living figures could be felt at all.

It can be said that it went so smoothly that it was unbelievably unbelievable that Lin Yuanfei, who was used to being unlucky, was extremely shocked by his extremely smooth "sneaking in".

Could it be that the group of guys from the umbrella let themselves go?Otherwise, he would have already broken in through the main entrance. There's no reason why the guys from the Umbrella Company couldn't find him, right?

Or, do those guys have any conspiracy plans to use?

Are you setting him up?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Yuanfei frowned.

He suddenly didn't dare to open the door.

Although Room 201 in Area C is right in front of him, even the glass door is clear, so he can clearly see the things in the laboratory.

Even he'd seen Freddy's torn glove, and

On a lab bench in the corner, sealed in a glass case.

What seemed to be within reach at first, but at this moment Lin Yuanfei suddenly faltered.

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