Looking at the empty umbrella building in front of him, with no living people in sight, he always felt uneasy.

It's possible that the umbrella company can't find him wandering around the city, but he even flew a dragon and ran straight at the crystal, and the umbrella company hasn't found him yet?

impossible? !Are the people under the umbrella all star players?Don't need eyesight?

Standing outside the door hesitated for a few seconds, Lin Yuanfei hesitated for half a minute, then gritted his teeth and pulled out the bellflower fairy Dongyue.

Anyway, even if you know there may be a trap in front of you, you can't do nothing.

In case there are actually no traps here, and I have been fighting wits and courage with the air, isn't that funny?

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yuan quickly slashed out the samurai sword in his hand

There was another loud bang, and the glass door in front of him was directly shattered by Lin Yuanfei.

When countless shattered glass shards splashed inward, a faint fragrance suddenly wafted out of the laboratory.

The scent is very light, like the scent of lavender flowers, but also like the smell of mint, very weird, but also gives people a sweet feeling.Just taking a small sip, Lin Yuanfei felt that half of his body was going to be paralyzed.

Lying... in the trough?

Without hesitation, Lin Yuanfei dragged the paralyzed half of his body and rolled backwards.

While crawling, he stayed away from the doorway that was constantly emitting fragrance, and his face was bitter.

Depend on!Sure enough there is a poisonous gas that traps this entire lab?The potency of this medicine is a bit strong! With Lin Yuanfei's physical fitness and strength, half of his body is paralyzed after just taking a small sip. If ordinary people take it, they can still live.

Holding his nose and holding his breath, he considered whether to rush in and forcefully take the gloves away.

However, at this moment, the sound of the ground shaking slowly came from the end of the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, a burly tracker with a heavy weapon slowly appeared in Lin Yuanfei's field of vision.

The moment the eyes of the two sides intersected, Hayashi Yuan, half of his body was paralyzed

Fei smiled wryly and murmured.

"I've become a rabbit in a trap...

Watching the tracker raise the rotating six barrels fiercely, Lin Yuanfei's eyes turned cold, he turned around without hesitation, and ran away



Cough cough...Okay, no kidding, I have something to do today, the fifth watch failed, I will make it up tomorrow

Chapter 282 It is not a disgraceful thing to escape while overlooking the scenery.

Especially in such a narrow space terrain, a person with a knife wants to confront a monster with a six-barreled Vulcan cannon, which is comparable to mental retardation.

Especially now that Lin Yuanfei had inhaled the poisonous gas, and half of his body was paralyzed, making it difficult for him to move, while the opponent was burly, armed with a heavy weapon, and arrogant.

Under the ebb and flow, if you don't run, you are a fool!

Limping, Lin Yuanfei jumped out like a lame frog.

His speed is very fast, even if his limping movements seem mentally retarded, he is still very fast.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yuanfei rolled and jumped to the corridor behind him ten meters away. At the same time, the angry roar of the pursuers and the piercing sound of machine guns sounded.

Da da da da da da da da da da

The dense bullets flooded half of the corridor, Lin Yuanfei kept running forward, and the bullets behind him kept tracking him.

In the end, he slashed hard, smashing the door of a laboratory next to him, and rushed in regardless of what laboratory it was.Behind him, a storm of metal bullets followed, smashing most of the remaining glass doors into fragments.

And more bullets chased into the laboratory, crackling...

Amidst the explosions, a pair of experimental instruments near the door were all blown up, while Lin Yuanfei squatted behind a certain metal operating table in the middle of the laboratory, with his back to the door, and clenched the bellflower fairy Dongyue in his hand. There are a lot of things piled up in the room, which looks very messy, and there is very little space to move around.

Once the tracker dared to walk in, Lin Yuanfei could take advantage of the terrain to attack and kill him.

Although the heavy weapons in the hands of the tracker are very powerful, compared to Lin Yuanfei, the tracker's personal force is a joke The tracker at the door seemed to be aware of this too. After it chased to the door, it saw the laboratory full of things in front of it.

Lin Yuanfei sat behind the metal console, panting softly,

Feeling the feeling of numbness slowly receding in the body.

At this time, the tracker outside the door made a new move.

Its sight swept around the room, and it actually directly locked on the direction of Lin Yuanfei.

The tracker then removed two grenades from his body and used his teeth to tear off the tabs.

After a delay of three seconds, he threw both grenades to the area where Lin Yuanfei was.

The smooth grenade drew a graceful arc in midair, although the sound of breaking through the air was weak, Lin Yuanfei still heard it.

He turned his head sharply and saw two grenades falling towards the area where he was.

Instant scalp numbness.

"I rely on!"

This tracker is a bit smart!

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