Lin Yuanfei rolled around like a lazy donkey, and rolled towards a metal operating table not far away in a panic.

When his body just hid behind the console, two booming explosions came from where he was before.

The violent shock wave mixed with the shattered fragments of the grenade splashed all around, Lin Yuanfei was trembling behind the console, if his reaction was a second slower, he would be cold now!

After the shock wave of the explosion dissipated, Lin Yuanfei immediately crawled towards the window.

His figure curled up under one console after another, avoiding being spotted by the pursuers outside the door.

It's a pity that the trackers outside the door have been locking on Lin Yuanfei's movements through various operating consoles. When Lin Yuanfei crawled outside, the trackers threw two grenades again.

This time, Lin Yuanfei predicted the existence of the grenade in advance.

When he heard the sound of the ring of the grenade, he suddenly threw a stool in front of him to the left.

Da da da da da da da da da da da

The moment the stool flew up, the tracker subconsciously raised his gun and began to shoot.

While the dense metal storm tore the stool apart, Lin Yuanfei's body rushed in the opposite direction.

His body directly shattered the window glass on the right side, and he flew out in the air.

But this is only the fifth floor, even if Lin Yuanfei fell down, it wouldn't be a big problem.

But he didn't want to just fall off.

While his body was falling rapidly in mid-air, the weapon in Lin Yuanfei's hand

The knife viciously pierced into the glass of the outer wall beside him.

Amid the sound of glass shattering, when the knives of his hands and feet shattered the glass of the window on the third floor, Lin Yuanfei grabbed the sill of the window on the third floor with his free left hand

The falling body froze suddenly, and the whole person hung on the window on the third floor.

Lin Yuanfei heaved a sigh of relief, looked down at the room on the third floor, and then saw a strange scene.

A heavy-headed tracker covered in grenades is standing next to a test bench on which lies an unconscious man

The man's body was filled with dense tubes of various sizes.

The tracker's thick fingers were holding a catheter, as if trying to pull it out.

When Lin Yuanfei lowered his head to see this scene, the tracker who was pulling out the catheter just happened to raise his head, and the eyes of both sides looked at each other in mid-air for half a second!

Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

What style is this?What is this stalker doing?

Lin Yuanfei was still wondering why there were clearly two pursuers chasing and killing him on the bridge, but why only one appeared on the fifth floor chasing him. So the remaining one is here? What is the origin of this unconscious man?What the hell are the trackers doing?

With so many catheters inserted into his body, is this guy an important test product for the umbrella?

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously looked more at the comatose man, a handsome man who looked mature and steady even in his sleeping face, his gentle appearance could easily make people feel good about him.Just by taking a look, you can understand that the other party is a good person to get along with.

The sleeping face in a coma, calm and weak, like a cub without any self-protection ability, making people subconsciously want to protect him. What surprised Lin Yuanfei the most was that the man in front of him looked a little... cooked?

The moment he saw this man, his brain exploded for a moment, as if he had met someone very important.

Or... the memory of the original owner of the body reminding him crazily?

Is this an acquaintance of the original owner of the body?

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously took a second look.

Then, the tracker standing next to the test platform roared violently, threw away the catheter in his hand, and picked up the six-barreled Vulcan cannon on the ground.

The six metal barrels spun slowly, and the pitch-black muzzles silently aimed at Lin Yuanfei hanging on the window.

An angry roar came from the mouth of the tracker.

hoohoo! ! !

From the muzzle of the Vulcan Cannon, a metallic blazing sun spit out at the same time da da da da da da da da da da da da da da

Chapter 283 Murder investigation da da da da da da da da da da da

At the same time as piercing gunshots rang out in the laboratory, Lin Yuanfei, who was hanging on the window, let go of his hand with numbness, and fell down.

Even in order to speed up the falling speed, he kicked his feet hard on the window, and his whole body flew towards the ground like a fired shell.

A dense storm of metal bullets flooded the place where he once hung

The window sill on the third floor, which was still relatively intact, was directly submerged and torn apart by the storm of metal bullets, and countless fragments splashed in all directions.And Lin Yuanfei, who was falling rapidly, glanced over his head, and saw that by the window on the fifth floor, the tracker had already stuck half of his body out of the window, condescendingly pointing the black rocket launcher at him.The moment he raised his head, he watched the rocket launch towards him with a long flame.


As soon as Lin Yuanfei landed, he ran out in a panic, and the rocket landed on the place where he landed.

Amidst the deafening noise, the violent shock wave mixed with the scorching flames spread outwards. Before he could run out of the explosion range, Lin Yuanfei was knocked over by the shock wave, and fell on the lawn in a state of embarrassment.

His back was burning hot, and nine out of ten it was burnt. A gust of cool wind blew by. Lin Yuanfei's back was icy cold, and his clothes were obviously burned off, and the wound exposed to the air was blown by the cool wind. Over time, the coolness of the skin and the heat of the wound mixed together to form a itchy pain that made the scalp tingling, so itchy that people wanted to reach out and scratch that part of the area.

At the window on the fifth floor, the tracker had already put down the bazooka, and raised its terrifying six-barrel Vulcan cannon again, pointing the gun at Lin Yuanfei on the grass below. At the same time, the tracker on the third floor Also appeared from the window.

The two trackers stood by the window at the same time, raised the Vulcan cannon, and aimed their guns at Lin Yuanfei on the grass.

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