While the muzzle of the gun was spinning and spitting out flames, Lin Yuanfei ran out in a panic, and had no time to deal with the wound on his back.

The only thing that makes him fortunate now is that the burned area on his back should not be large. After all, the painful and itchy area is only such a small area.

If it is not dealt with, it will not affect his combat effectiveness temporarily.

Under the light of the Umbrella Building, Lin Yuanfei's figure was like a ghost moving rapidly through the small garden outside the building.The two metal barrages that followed couldn't catch up with him at all.

In less than ten seconds, Lin Yuanfei rushed to the outer wall of the building

The hard glass of the outer wall can resist the impact of ordinary bullets, but the moment Lin Yuanfei slashed out with his sword, the glass of the outer wall of the building shattered, and Lin Yuanfei rushed into the room on the first floor.Here, it looks like a lounge, and there is even a soft carpet on the floor.

There are soft and comfortable sofas in the room, and the decoration is also very European-style and elegant.

It looks like it should be a living room or something.

There's even some valuable art hanging on the walls

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei is not interested in studying the wealth of the umbrella company at this time.

After rushing into the room, he put down the backpack on his back.

When he was hit by the shock wave of the rocket, he suffered a small burn on his back near his shoulder. Lin Yuan Feifei was worried that his backpack would be affected.

And the situation was as he had guessed, there was a small tear in the black backpack, and there were burn marks on it.

Lin Yuanfei opened the backpack and quickly counted the contents inside.

Kayako's human skin notebook, Yamamura Sadako's resentment videotape, prepared hatchet and fire axe, small portable medicine box, general-purpose hemp rope

Basically everything was not lost, which made Lin Yuanfei heave a sigh of relief.

He took off the tattered clothes on his body, then opened the small portable medicine box, took out the iodophor spray inside and sprayed it on the wound on his back shoulder, and then quickly put a bandage on himself.

Although the bandage is not very good, but in a hurry, just a little bandage will do.

Then Lin Yuanfei stuffed everything back into the backpack again, and ran out of the room with the backpack with a small gap on it.

He was thinking about how to solve the key problem of the stalker on the fifth floor. It was not good for him to fight the stalker in a narrow area like the corridor.

Because the firepower of the gun in the pursuer's hand was crushing him.

He doesn't have a lifeless old mother to protect him, and he doesn't have a god with a physical body to carry bullets.

The tracker who charged head-on with heavy firepower was simply doomed.

It would be great if there was a gun at this time Lin Yuanfei sighed and thought without ambition.

As a kendo master (pseudo), although it is shameful to fight with a gun, there is also a limit to kendo.

And the comatose man in the room on the third floor also made Lin Yuanfei very concerned.

The moment he saw the other party, the memory remaining in this body frantically gave an early warning.

That feeling is very special, and it is the first time since time travel.Lin Yuanfei is sure that that man must be very important to the original owner of the body, and he has a deep memory.

Nine times out of ten it is...the existence of relatives or friends?But isn't the original owner of the body a descendant of the Feitian Yujian style?Why do you know the experimental samples of the umbrella?

Could it be that the sleeping man is also a master of swordsmanship?Is it Japanese knowledge with the original owner of the body?Like Lin Yuanfei, he was also targeted by those bastards from the umbrella?

So if he rescued the opponent himself, wouldn't it be an extra combat power for nothing?

In any case, with the strength and level of the original owner of the body, the acquaintance who can make him care so much is probably also a master or an acquaintance.

Jianhao, right?

No matter how bad it is, even if the other party is just an ordinary friend of the original owner of the body, as long as the other party is rescued, maybe some past experiences of the original owner of the body can be obtained.

So far through time travel, Lin Yuanfei is still at a loss about the identity and information of the original owner of this body, except for the name of the other party, the relationship between the two rituals as siblings, and the identity of the inheritor of Feitian Yujian, he knows almost nothing about it. If you can know more about the original owner of this body, it will definitely be a great help to the current Lin Yuanfei. At least, if you can find out the past of the original owner of the body, then you may be able to find the original owner of the body. The master's master re-learned kendo. So far, Lin Yuanfei only knows how to do half-handed Nine-headed Dragon Flash, but he has to brush so many dungeons one after another, which is really powerless.

If you can find the master of the original owner of the body to learn swordsmanship again, or ask the other party for help, then you will have a greater chance of going to Chiba City to rescue Brother Cheng.

Otherwise, relying on Lin Yuanfei's current half-assed strength, and recalling the overwhelming power of Sadako when he appeared several times, Lin Yuanfei is really not optimistic that he can retreat in front of Sadako.

After thinking of this, Lin Yuan Feifei didn't continue to climb upstairs.

After he reached the stairs on the third floor, he rushed straight to the room where the unconscious man was.

Change of plan, save people first

Chapter 284 Insufficient memory residual strength

Chapter 284 The lack of memory residual strength has always been Lin Yuanfei's biggest headache.

If he could slash evil spirits with his sword, chop aliens with his sword, and kick zombies with his feet, Lu Ping would not be reduced to the miserable state he is today.

Even the Nine-headed Dragon Flash was forced out by relying on the muscle memory of this body.

But in many cases, using it out and using it proficiently are two concepts, and fully exerting its power is a completely different concept.

The same Taizu Changquan can only bully local ruffians in the hands of ordinary youngsters, but in the hands of Qiao Feng it can blow up the heroes of Juxian Village. No matter how bad it is, it is impossible to reduce to the point where the muscles in the arms of Nine-headed Dragon Flash will collapse after performing two moves in a row.

Lin Yuanfei already knew it when he used Nine-headed Dragon Flash. The sword moves he used were very forced. , His body muscles will feel a strong sense of discomfort and stagnation, and there is no such smooth feeling at all.

There is no doubt that if the real Flying Swordsman came to use

With this move of Nine-headed Dragon Flash, the power will definitely be several times stronger than Lin Yuanfei's, and may even be dozens of times stronger.

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