Unfortunately, the memory of the original owner of this body has completely disappeared.

After Lin Yuanfei crossed over, he couldn't recall anything related to the original owner of the body, and he couldn't even perceive the soul or memory of the original owner of the body at all.

He understands that it is easy to improve his strength in his current situation. After all, this body is the contemporary descendant of Feitian Yujian Style, and the memory of kendo has been engraved in his body's instincts.

As long as he finds someone to teach him and awaken the muscle memory of his body, Lin Yuanfei can quickly recover the strength that a contemporary descendant of Feitian Yujian School should have.

And there is only one person in this world who can do all this

That is the master of the original owner of the body, the blond royal sister that Freddy saw in the dream weaved.

It is a pity that Lin Yuanfei is completely ignorant of the original owner of the body. He neither knows the other party's past nor the right experience, let alone the right origin. The master of the original owner of the body is nothing more than a dream come true, but at this moment, an acquaintance appeared in front of his eyes, a

An acquaintance known to the original owner of the body.

So as long as he wakes up that acquaintance, Lin Yuanfei can quickly learn about the past experience of the original owner of this body?

After all, Yuki had only known the original owner of the body not long ago, so he couldn't provide Lin Yuanfei with any useful information.

But the man who was comatose on the third floor was different. Being able to send out such a strong signal from the residual memory of this body, this person definitely has a lot to do with the original owner of the body!

No matter what, Lin Yuanfei had to rush over to save the opponent!

Yamamura Sadako of Chiba City currently has an overwhelming advantage for Hayashi Yuanfei.

If you don't want to find a way to strengthen your own combat effectiveness, or find a few powerful helpers, you may not be able to defeat Sadako Yamamura.

Be it public or private, Lin Yuanfei had to rush to rescue the comatose man as soon as possible.

What's more, since entering this building, there has been a protective umbrella everywhere, and only one tracker was sent to chase and kill him.

Judging from the current situation, the pursuit of him by the stalker was not the main purpose. Otherwise, the two stalkers would block him to death in the middle of the corridor, which would really push him into a desperate situation.

Now it seems that the bigger reason why Umbrella sent the tracker to the fifth floor to chase him down was to buy time for the tracker on the third floor.

The tracker kept tearing off the catheter from the unconscious man, as if he wanted to transfer important test samples.

But the other party is doing it in a covert way, and even sent a tracker to attract Lin Yuanfei's attention, it seems that they don't want others to find out that they are transferring this experimental sample.

As the enemy of the umbrella, the more the umbrella wants to protect, the more he must work hard to destroy the very simple truth.

The figure of Lin Yuanfei was running fast in the corridor on the third floor.His naked upper body was muscular, as strong as a hill, and his burly shoulders were half wider than ordinary men. When the burly figure was running, it was like a tyrannosaurus charging, and his whole body was full of fierce and terrifying aura.

However, not long after he rushed out, there was a strange noise from the corridor in front.

Immediately afterwards, one hideous monster after another rushed out from the other end of the corridor

Body without skin, head without eyeballs, hideous face

The hole, the sharp fangs, and the crimson figure crawling on the ground... dense lickers rushed out from the end of the corridor before Lin Yuanfei climbed the stairs in silence, without any sense of existence. But now they are roaring and swarming over

Seeing the dense numbers, Lin Yuanfei sneered, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Sure enough, he guessed right, the group of bastards in the umbrella attached great importance to that comatose man!

The figure of Lin Yuanfei broke into the army of lickers without the slightest hesitation.

The icy sword light erupted into sticky blood rain between the scarlet limbs one after another, instantly dyeing half of the corridor in a strange and alluring red

Flying sword flow!Nine-headed dragon flashes!

Jianguang burst out instantly, and the few lickers closest to Lin Yuanfei screamed and were dismembered.

The bodies of these lickers strengthened by the virus are as fragile as butter that melts at the touch of the blade of the famous sword Kikyo Xiandongyue.

While the sticky viscera and blood were splattering, more lickers rushed towards Lin Yuanfei without fear of death.

However, Lin Yuanfei kept walking, and his figure moved quickly.

Every time it turns, it is cut out with a knife.

Every jump will surely knock back the lickers in front.

His figure is like an extremely slippery loach, jumping and moving rapidly among the army of lickers, smashing and flying away all the lickers who stand in the way

Lin Yuanfei didn't have any intention of staying, let alone any intention of stopping.

He frantically slashed at the monsters in front of him, keeping his ears moving at his own pace, not giving time for the opponents to engulf him.

As for whether those lickers who were struck by him are alive or dead, Lin Yuanfei has no time to think about it.

Among such a group of crazy and fearless monsters, if you want to survive, you must keep moving!

Once he stops, what greets him will be the tragic ending of being dismembered!

Chapter 285 Garan's Cave

Puff - puff puff puff puff

With force, the samurai sword slashed with force and force set off a bloody storm among the monsters.

Viscous and foul-smelling blood splashed in all directions, and the screaming monsters had their organs cut off one after another.

Some are hands, some are heads, and some are a certain piece of flesh on the body... The wounds of these monsters are also mild or serious, and there is no unified system at all.

Some monsters twitched and groaned several times on the ground after being split into the air, and then stopped moving, completely losing the breath of life.

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