And Freddy looked at him, still smiling brightly.

"This appearance is really a good declaration of righteousness. People who don't know think you are an exorcist hunter who kills demons and demons. It's a pity.

Freddy shook his head and said with a serious expression, warrior, let's make a fair deal. "

"You want to live, and I want to live, so we actually have a common goal."

"As long as there is a common interest, there is a possibility of reconciliation

"If... I mean if.

Freddy looked at the glove in Lin Yuanfei's hand, and said with a smile, "I am willing to share my power with you, so that you can also have the ability to sneak into other people's dreams, and I am willing to help you deal with the monster wraith around you, you Are you willing to kill me?

Kill me, and you will lose a very big boost! "

ps: Five changes today, three changes first, and two changes later

Chapter 291 Brother-in-law Freddy's smile is very subtle.

In its mouth, there are very reasonable words.

It stood there and put forward a very tempting proposal. If... Lin Yuanfei said that if he really got Freddy's power and had Freddy's help, then he would be able to greatly enhance his own strength viability.

In this way, even if you encounter other monsters and wraiths in the future, you can have more ways to deal with them, right?

Lin Yuanfei narrowed his eyes.

"It's a very tempting proposal, and my heart is moved."

"Unfortunately, you are not worthy of trust.

Lin Yuanfei said, "I promise you now, but you can tear up the agreement and continue to kill me at any time afterwards. Do you think I will be stupid enough to bring a time bomb that may explode at any time? That is absolutely impossible."

What Lin Yuanfei meant was simple, Freddy was not trustworthy.

As for Lin Yuanfei's suspicion, Freddy was very helpless.

Little samurai, little samurai, think about it carefully, I was imprisoned by you

During the time in the warm cup, what you did. "

"Think carefully about the things you have done. When did I cheat you, brother Ferguson? When did I lie to you?

"I have satisfied all your requirements, and I have answered all your questions. You asked me to help you kill Kayako, and I will teach you how to do it."

'You asked me to give you an early warning, and I agreed.

"I have satisfied all your conditions. On the contrary, you, a dishonest guy, have been using me and unilaterally tearing up all the agreements. In the end, because I couldn't help you deal with that Yamamura Sadako It burned me.

'You are the most treacherous, vicious, cruel villain! "

"Think about what you've done, who is the least trustworthy of the two of us? Don't you bastard have any idea?

Freddy denounced Lin Yuanfei's evil deeds with righteous words and anger.

Lin Yuanfei hesitated for a few seconds, and thought about it carefully... He also had an embarrassing expression, "It seems to be like this

Seeing Lin Yuanfei shaken, Freddy was slightly relieved.

Then go on.

So when we cooperate between the two of us, it's me who really has to worry!

After all, it's not the first time you kid have done such things as unloading mills and killing donkeys, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges.I'm the one who worries the most, okay?

Do you think you can sit back and relax now that you have my gloves?Uncle Freddy just doesn't want to fight you to the death! "Otherwise I can forcibly pull you from the reality into the dream, and I can fight you to the death in the dream!"

In Freddy's loud warning, it said, "But that's not necessary! We two can obviously cooperate and live together, why do we have to fight to lose both? Such a fight is completely meaningless!

During Freddy's earnest speech, Lin Yuanfei hesitated for a few seconds and asked, "Then how do you plan to cooperate with me?

It's very simple, I will share part of my power with you, Freddy said, "This glove is my last resort, and as long as you wear the glove in the future, you can use part of my power, such as sneaking into other people's dreams Kill enemies. And after wearing gloves, you will also have the perception of evil spirits, and you will not be hurt by evil spirits and the like so easily."

"As for me, as long as you don't damage the glove, then I can continue to live. If you kill those wraiths with the glove, I can also devour them

Their remnants get benefits. "

"As long as the two of us work together, what Kayako and Yamamura Sadako are all rubbish!" In the sound of Freddy's righteous words, Lin Yuanfei thought for a few seconds and said, "Are you sure you won't take the opportunity to attack me?" Freddy shook his head again and again, "No, no, what good will it do me if I sneak up on you?"It's already time like this, if I sneak attack you, it's okay if I succeed, but if I fail, wouldn't I be dead?No matter what you think, it won't do me any good if I tear up the agreement in the future. "

"It seems to be the truth...

Lin Yuanfei pondered, remained silent, and hesitated for a while.

In the end, he stared at Freddy firmly and said, "Okay, I'll let you go. Since you are willing to help me, then I don't need to kill you. Next, let us work together in this Survive in this dangerous world." When Lao Tzu left Raccoon City with his gloves on, he immediately threw the gloves into the holy water pool!

Lin Yuanfei looked at Frye with a smile on his face, "If you are willing to work with me and stop chasing and killing me, that would be great."

"Freddie, I trust you once, I hope you won't let me down.

Lin Yuanfei said seriously

Seeing that Lin Yuanfei was willing to let it go, Freddy showed a bright smile

"Then what a little samurai, let's get along well together in the future." It walked over with a smile, and shook hands with Lin Yuanfei.

The man and the ghost looked at each other and laughed, and then, Freddy's figure disappeared without a sound like flying sand.

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