At the same time, the dimly lit dungeon and the roaring prisoners disappeared.

Lin Yuanfei opened his eyes, and found that he was still standing on his shoulders in the laboratory, carrying the unconscious Heitong Ganye.

In his hand, he held Freddy's tattered glove.

Lin Yuanfei's eyes lingered on the glove for a second, and a sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth.

Then, as if aware of something, he immediately gave a dry cough and suppressed his smile.

The old-fashioned and serious expression was restored.

After taking a last look at the surrounding environment and confirming that it was safe, Lin Yuanfei ran out with the black tong stem on his shoulders.

I got Freddy's gloves, what do I want to do next?

It's all his business.

But even if you want to deal with it, this is not a place where you can deal with gloves with peace of mind.

Lin Yuanfei just wanted to run out of the building of the umbrella company immediately and rush out of the city to join Yuki and the others.

He ran very fast, and the figure on his shoulders trembled, as if he had been shaken uncomfortably.

Not long after running out, Lin Yuanfei groaned from his shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, a weak and dazed voice sounded.

"What is here?

The moment he heard Hei Tongqian speak, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, then quickly put him down, and looked at him excitedly.

"Brother-in-law! Are you awake?" Lin Yuanfei looked at Heitong Ganye excitedly and asked, "Are you okay? Is there any discomfort? Lin Yuanfei asked very concerned, it seemed like someone who cared too much old lady.

Hei Tongqian, who was slowly waking up, also opened his eyes weakly, and was startled when he saw Lin Yuanfei in front of him.

"Sister, brother-in-law?

A trace of confusion flashed in Hei Tong Kanya's eyes, "Who are you?

Chapter 292 The moment sister Shi heard the question of Kuroto Kanya

, Lin Yuanfei was stunned, Mom... Mom!what's the situation?Hei Tongqian, the younger brother of the two ceremonies, doesn't even know him?

At a glance in Japanese and English, the appellation of blood relatives is not as strict as Chinese.

Although there is also the title of brother-in-law, but it is very awkward. Lin Yuanfei, who usually calls his elder brother directly, deliberately calls brother-in-law in awkward Japanese in order to find relatives.

However, Kuroto Kanya's reaction made him dumbfounded.

I wipe!Hei Tongqian doesn't even know himself?

So the original owner of the body is indeed not the younger brother of the two ceremonies, but if you think about it carefully, this is indeed the truth.

One's surname is Liangyi, and the other's surname is Lin Yuan, how could they be their own younger brothers!

Nine out of ten are relatives like cousins.

Seeing Hei Tongqian's confused expression, Lin Yuanfei said with a dry smile

Brother-in-law, you may not have seen me, but I am indeed the younger brother of the Shijie clan.Although you don't know me, we have actually met several times, but at that time I was watching you from a distance in the crowd, and didn't come to talk to you, so it's normal that you don't have an impression of me. "Lin Yuanfei immediately weaved the words without any flaws, and Hei Tonggan, who was sitting on the floor, leaned against the wall and looked at him quietly.

In the intact right eye, there seemed to be a lot of emotions, but it seemed to be very calm. The two sides looked at each other for a while, until Lin Yuanfei's smile became stiff, and Hei Tonggan finally showed a gentle smile.

"That's it... what's your name, brother?" Hei Tongqian also said with a smile, "Maybe I've heard of your name before." As soon as Hei Tongqian opened his mouth, Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief

"Lin Yuanfei, my name is Lin Yuanfei." Seeing Heitong Qianye's gentle smile, Lin Yuanfei hurriedly said his name while carefully scrutinizing Heitong Qianye's reaction when he heard the name However, Hei Tongqian was only slightly startled.

'Lin Yuan...Lin Yuan.'" He murmured and repeated the surname, and said slowly, "It's really a familiar name...

Looking up at Lin Yuanfei, Hei Tongqian also smiled gently.

'Maybe you are really Shiki's younger brother...Unfortunately, I don't have relevant memories.If only Shiki was here, I could ask her about you. "Hei Tong Kanya's words seem to contain a lot of melancholy and sadness.

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously remembered the massacre of the Liangyi family that happened a year ago


However, he didn't know anything about the original owner of the body, so now Lin Yuanfei didn't dare to speak casually to comfort others, for fear of being exposed.

He could only comfort him clumsily, "It's okay, Brother Heitong, let's get out of here first. It's dangerous here, leave this place, and we'll go find Sister Shi together. I didn't ask."

The corner of Heitong's mouth curled up with a trace of bitterness.

"Looking for a style

Sure enough, I was looking for a style. The murmuring of the last sentence was inaudible.

Lin Yuanfei didn't hear clearly.

He just raised his head, looked around, and helped Hei Tonggan up

"Okay, Brother Heitong, we really should go. This is Paul

Monsters may rush out of the umbrella's company building at any time, and they must leave as soon as possible. Lin Yuanfei asked with concern as he helped Hei Tonggan to get up.

'Are you in good health?When I rescued you, I found that the Umbrella Corporation seemed to have conducted many experiments on you... Are you uncomfortable now? "

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