Not far away, Ershi had already turned her head and looked this way. After seeing Sister Yuki, she was a little confused.

My wife and sister, you... why are you helping him?

The two ceremonies were very confused, "You all know about him, but you still want to help him...isn't it strange?

My wife Yuno glanced at Lin Yuanfei lying on the floor again, gritted her teeth, kicked Lin Yuanfei on the shoulder angrily, and roared, run, you idiot!You run!

'Do you want my sister's efforts to be in vain?

Amid Yuno's angry roar, Lin Yuanfei's body shook violently

He raised his head, looked at the weak girl in Yuno's arms, looked at Yuki's pale face, and hesitated for a second.

Lin Yuanfei jumped up violently, gritted his teeth, and ran directly behind him. Seeing Lin Yuanfei's departure, the eyes of the two rituals turned cold.

'It seems that there are some stories between you that I don't understand yet.And you sisters are actually capable... This article is beyond my expectations.

Liang Yi sighed softly and said, "But what will happen to those who dare to stop me from killing know.

The two men walked over with a blank expression on their faces.

Looking at Ryoichi's enchanting and magnificent magic eyes, my wife Yuno, who was supporting my sister, smiled reluctantly.That's really unfortunate...

I really want that bastard dead. "

"Unfortunately, I can't let my sister's hard work go to waste...

With a bitter smile, my wife Yuno suddenly threw two flash bombs from behind.

The moment the scientifically made weapon exploded in the hall, Yuno had already rushed out with the unconscious Yuki in his arms.

The two ceremonies on the other side suddenly backed away, turning around to avoid this

Dazzling light.

However, when the explosion of the flash bomb disappeared, Lin Yuanfei and the three of them had disappeared in the hall.

In the distance, the two ceremonies could only see the backs of the three of them running towards a jeep on the side of the road.

She shook her head and rushed out.


The indifferent and disdainful words were full of disregard for Yuno's tricks.

Lin Yuanfei, who was running wildly, had already arrived at the side of the jeep. Kishima Kibako in the driver's seat was shocked when he saw him.

Mr. Lin Yuan?What happened inside? "

On the side of the road outside, they could only see the general picture inside from a distance, and couldn't understand what happened at all. Lin Yuanfei looked back, saw that the two rituals had chased them out, gritted his teeth, and said.

No time to explain!

He roughly pushed Busujima Riko to the co-pilot position, and he got into the driver's seat directly, and said, "We have to run for our lives. While Hiroshi Hayashihara started the jeep, Yuno was also unconscious.

My sister rushed into the jeep.

This seemingly delicate and frail girl, carrying a sister who was about the same weight as her, was able to run faster than most adults. This superhuman physical ability made Saya Takashiro look sideways in the car.

Wow!My wife and classmate, are you so good?

Yuno hugged her sister and sat in the back seat, and immediately closed the car door, panting exhaustedly.

quick!drive fast!drive fast! "However, without her shouting, when the sisters got into the car, Lin Yuanfei had already kicked the gas pedal, and the black jeep went straight on the road.

In the two ceremonies following the pursuit, her body drew an arc in mid-air, but she could only miss the car by a narrow margin, and landed on the position where the jeep was before. The jeep was a second late, and the place where the two ceremonies landed would be the roof of the jeep.

But now, she could only watch the jeep speeding up on the long street, which was getting faster and faster, and quickly disappeared from sight.

The two men rubbed their hair, and cut it with disdain, "Follow the head

Did it run like a turtle?What an ugly gesture, Lin Yuanfei. "Amidst the humming of the two ceremonies, the roar of the motorcycle engine suddenly sounded.

In the next second, Lin Yuanfei's motorcycle, which was still in the hall on the first floor of the umbrella, burst through the gate and flew out beautifully and precisely, it stopped beside the two rituals. The knight on the car looked at the two rituals with a gentle smile. Do you have a ride? I am very confident in my driving skills." Under the night, the two looked at each other and smiled.

A few seconds later, the silver Harley motorcycle drove through the long and deserted long street, accelerating continuously.

Chase and kill Lin Yuanfei in the direction where he disappeared

Chapter 295 Silent Hill

Under the dark night, the brightly lit Raccoon City is a hell on earth.

Endless zombies roamed the streets, their dazed and sluggish appearance lost the breath of the living, and turned into the most vile and terrifying monsters, attacking all living things in sight.

Under the dim lights of the street lights, a black jeep crossed Long Street and galloped rapidly between the streets of Raccoon City.

Lin Yuanfei in the car was staring at the street ahead, his hand holding the steering wheel was shaking.

He gritted his teeth tightly, looking like he was on the verge of going crazy.

Staring desperately at the street ahead, he drove the car extremely fast, trying to divert his attention by such behavior.

In the driver's seat next to him, Toshiko Busujima looked at him worriedly, but the atmosphere in the car made her choose to remain silent.

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