Even Takashiro Saya had already sensed the oppressive and gloomy atmosphere in the air, and he didn't dare to speak indiscriminately. The only person in the whole car who could maintain a normal mood, probably!

There was my wife Yuno who was sorting through the backpack.

"Sister Liangyi has caught up."

Yuno took out some spare parts from the backpack and quickly assembled an automatic rifle.

Then she opened the car window, leaned out with half of her body, pointed the gun at the motorcycle Yuno who was fast chasing on the street behind her, and said, "Hayashi Yuanfei, drive hard. I know you have a lot of doubts in your mind, but in this situation Excuse me, please press down a little bit, my sister tried her best to save you, not to let you get into a car accident and kill us all!

Yuno's expression was full of undisguised disgust.

Obviously, this sick and delicate sister-in-law girl is still full of disgust for Lin Yuanfei.

But because of Yuki, now she has no choice but to help and point the gun at a friend she once knew.

With half of Yuno leaning out of the window, blowing the cold night wind, she took a deep breath.

'If you want to die, just open your mouth and face Sister Liangyi by yourself. "

"Now my sister is in a coma, no one can stop you.

"But if you want to live, drive well! Live, there will be plenty of time for you to find the truth!

Amidst Yuno's shout, she had already raised her gun and aimed at the pursuers behind.

Come motorcycle, pull the trigger.

Da da da da da da da da da da

The sudden gunshots on the long street startled many zombies.However, before those zombies could get close, they were hit by a jeep passing by at high speed.

The dense bullets shot towards the rear, but the motorcycle didn't have any thought of stopping.

The moment Yuno fired the gun, Kuroto Kane, who was driving the car, also sighed.


"I really don't want to meet people like this.

One of his left hands was raised.

Then visible to the naked eye, the left hand quickly twisted, swelled,

It deformed, and then turned into a monster covered with scales. The arm Hei Tonggan also directly placed his arm in front of the car, and the five swollen and enlarged fingers moved together at the same time. After the palms together swelled, they turned into one shield.

All the bullets fired towards the two were blocked by the palms of the pair of monsters.

When the metal bullet hit it, it made a crisp and crisp sound, as if hitting an iron plate.

Seeing this scene, not only everyone in the jeep was stunned, but even the two ceremonies on the motorcycle lost their voices.

"Hei Tong!"

She grabbed her husband's left shoulder in panic, looked at the completely mutated arm in disbelief, and lost her voice, "Your hand!

Kuroto Kanya was still holding the handlebar with his right hand and driving the motorcycle, holding up his completely mutated left arm, and said with a wry smile.

"Scary, right?

"Shi, during the time you and I were separated, I have been transformed into a non-human monster by the guys from the umbrella

"During this period of time, all I can do is to maintain my final consciousness and not be controlled by them, but this body has become an out-and-out monster. In the sigh of Kuroto Kanya, the two rituals Tremblingly stroking her husband's ugly and ferocious left arm.

Biting his teeth and lips, he suddenly looked at the jeep in front of him that was still driving at a high speed, his eyes were cold and full of hatred, I will avenge you, Hei Tong...

"If it wasn't for Lin Yuanfei...0 If it wasn't for what he did, you wouldn't have been arrested!


"Whether it's Lin Yuanfei or Umbrella Company. I will avenge you

I will definitely avenge you!

In the murmur of the two rituals, Heitong smiled wryly.


'Avenging each other's grievances is actually not the best way to solve the problem. "Shi, I always have a feeling that this Lin Yuanfei seems to be a little different from the Lin Yuanfei we know..."

"The feeling he gave me when he rescued me, the tone and manner he spoke to me, it's really...strange... completely like another person." Heitong Ganya's eyes were fixed on the high-speed ordinary car in front of him. , said.

"I think that something else might have happened. The little girl who came to save him seemed to have yelled something very interesting? Did you hear that? Style?

After Hei Tong finished speaking, the two ceremonies fell silent.

Hei Tong, what do you want to say Facing his wife's questioning, Hei Tong also smiled bitterly.

Said, "It doesn't matter if you call me a bad person or say I don't care about the seriousness but...but...I hope that after catching up with them later, you

Don't be so quick to kill.

At the very least... l At the very least, give them a chance to speak and ask them what they want. "

"I always feel that there must be something wrong with it." Hei Tonggan also murmured, "This Lin Yuan Feifei feels different to me."

During the high-speed galloping of the motorcycle, the distance between it and the black jeep was constantly being drawn in.

Just when Yuno emptied a magazine and retracted into the car to change the magazine, Ryoshi finally nodded slightly.

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