
The black jeep that was driving suddenly changed direction and turned directly into a fork on the right.

The motorcycle behind followed closely behind.

The two cars drove towards the Sanzhidao Overpass on the edge of the city one after the other.

The rest of the car was full of confusion, and they didn't know what was special about Sanzhidao.

Three Ways is a street on the edge of Raccoon City, most of which are overpasses across the city.

There is the edge of the city, but no matter how you think about it, there is no way to get rid of the pursuers, right?

It wasn't until the black jeep drove up the overpass of Sanzhi Road that Yuno finally understood what her sister was going to do. Her eyes widened in horror, and she quickly grabbed her sister. This time, Yuno really panicked.

Can't!elder sister!You really can't use your power anymore Yuno screamed in horror, begged in pain, and cried sadly

The voice made people feel distressed, "If you use that kind of power again, you will really...

Yuno couldn't say what happened next.

Because Yuki's hand was lightly placed on her forehead, at that moment, Yuno's body, who was originally howling and crying, froze suddenly.

Then, slowly fell down, as if hypnotized

"Sleep for a while Yuno, you are too tired In Yuki's soft voice, she slowly put down the hand on her sister's forehead.

And this sudden revelation of a supernatural power left Gaocheng Saya on the side dumbfounded.

But Yuki ignored the horrified stares of these people. She gently hugged her sister in her arms, looked at Lin Yuanfei in the driver's seat, and murmured, "Speed ​​up, Lin Yuan-jun. Follow this road in a straight line Go forward, don't turn the corner, believe me, we can rush out. This Sanzhi Road overpass is built at a height of ten meters from the ground, and not far away is the steel city wall raised by the Umbrella Company to block the city

At the end of the overpass was a big bend, and the straight-line distance from there to the city wall was less than ten meters.

Seeing all this and hearing Yuki's words, everyone in the car knew what Yuki's plan was.

Takashiro Saya grabbed the handle in horror and screamed, "You are crazy, Yuki's plan is clearly to use the inertia of the car to leap out from here.

But here is more than ten meters from the ground!Even if the jeep really leaped over the city wall and fell outside the city, would everyone in the car still be alive?

Takashi Saya looked terrified.

However, Lin Yuanfei in the driver's seat had a gloomy face, tightly clenched the steering wheel, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

That hysterical and crazy appearance didn't look like he was trying to survive.

It's like committing suicide.

Yuki in the back seat watched all this quietly, quietly watched the black jeep speeding up on the overpass, and watched the rapidly approaching curve ahead.

The corner of her mouth curled into a complex smile.

Drops of scarlet blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and her face became even paler.

let's fly...

In Yuki's murmur, a slope of air suddenly appeared in front of the jeep that was galloping at high speed.

An invisible and colorless air slope appeared on the road, allowing the high-speed jeep to rush directly up.

In the huge inertia, the black jeep that had driven more than [-] yards jumped out of the overpass of Sanzhi Road like a black lightning bolt, drew a long arc, and landed on the land outside the city wall. Both Takashiro Saya and Angela couldn't help screaming.

Even Toshiko Busushima grasped the handle tightly, looking pale.The only people in the car who could maintain a calm mood were probably Yuki with a complicated smile on his face, and Lin Yuanfei with a gloomy face.

In his perception, this car is not a complete leap out, an invisible force has been holding the body underneath.

In other words, an invisible force constructed a long sloping runway in the air, and the black jeep seemed to leap out, but in fact it kept galloping on that invisible road.

Soon, the black jeep leaped tens of meters at a [-]-degree downward angle, crossed the steel city wall, and landed intact.

The moment of landing, there is not even any excess in the bodywork

The jitter is like simply going from a downhill road to another smooth road.

The black jeep continued driving on the road outside the city without stopping.

Lin Yuanfei glanced behind him through the rearview mirror, but the two couples riding a motorcycle did not catch up.

It seemed that they didn't have Yuki's strength! The speed of the black jeep slowly slowed down.

Lin Yuanfei clenched the steering wheel, and while slowing down the car, he took a deep breath.

His gaze was still fixed on the scenery in front of him, as if he was diverting his attention through such actions.

He was worried that as long as he thought about all this a little more, his emotions would get out of control due to the explosion. He clenched his teeth tightly, driving in the quiet suburban forest, Lin Yuanfei murmured.

"Now...can you tell me everything?" Yuki, what's going on with all of this?

ps: Five more today, and three more tonight

Chapter 297

Chapter 297 In the car of the original owner of the body, following Lin Yuanfei's voice, fell into a brief silence.

Yuno was unconscious in her sister's arms, and Saya Takashiro hugged Allah tightly against the car door, trying to stay away from Yuki beside her as much as possible.

And Yuko Busushima in the passenger seat opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, only Yuki caressed his sister's sleepy side face, and murmured

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