'What does Mr. Lin Yuan want to know?Whatever it is, I'll try to tell you the truth. " Yuki said, covering her forehead with the other hand, with a painful look on her face.

It seems that he is constantly enduring some kind of torture.

But Lin Yuanfei in the driver's seat didn't know all of this.

He stared at the dark mountain road ahead, held the steering wheel tightly, and drove the black jeep on the mountain road outside the city, row after row of dark woods, receding behind them.

Looking at the night scene outside the city, Lin Yuanfei was silent for a while, and then

asked slowly.

"Why did sister Shi want to kill me? Am I not her younger brother? What happened...?" Lin Yuanfei's voice was hoarse and deep.

The expression on Yuki's face in the back seat became more and more painful.

But she covered her forehead and covered her face with her hands so that no one could see it.

Panting softly with difficulty, Yuki murmured.

"Because Mr. Lin Yuan, you are not her younger brother at all. Sister Liangyi doesn't have a younger brother named Lin Yuanfei at all. Yes, there is only one enemy named Lin Yuanfei...

Mr. Lin Yuan, you know that, right?Almost half a year ago, the famous Liangyi family in Kyoto was wiped out, and the murderer is still at large. "At that time, only Sister Eryi and her lover who were not in Kyoto survived." Afterwards, in order to investigate the murderer, Sister Eryi and her lover were separated.In order to find the lost lover, Sister Eryi came to Raccoon City, and Sister Eryi and I met at that time. "

"And not long after Sister Liangyi left Raccoon City, a strange transfer student also came to Raccoon City." The transfer student was looking for [his missing sister], and that missing sister was Liang Yi.

'In some kind of serendipity, I met him.

"He begged me to take him to find [his missing sister], but in fact, I know that the transfer student is not sister Liangyi's younger brother at all

'He... is the one who wanted to hunt down and kill sister Liangyi, the murderer who wiped out Liangyi's family. "

"He thought he did it in a very secretive way, and no one would know that he was the culprit, but in fact, Sister Liangyi already knew about it.

"And when I met Sister Liangyi, I knew it too.

"But I can't fight him, he's great."

"I can only follow his request and take him to the place where sister Liangyi lived before.

"And there is Kayako's haunted house...

But neither he nor I thought that in that haunted house there would be hidden evil spirits of grievances.While watching the videotape, he was attacked by Kayako's wraith. "I... I knew then, that was the only chance." So...

Yuki's voice was already trembling with pain.

But she still held on to everything, tremblingly telling the reasons for everything. I took advantage of the danger when he was in a stalemate with the wraith and couldn't move.

"Originally... He should have died completely at that time, the soul dissipated and the corpse became a soulless body."

"But when his soul had completely dissipated, the body that had lost its soul suddenly sat up, not only possessing its own consciousness, but also possessing a brand new soul." At that time, Mr. Lin Yuan, you ...appeared Yuki said in pain, the hand covering his forehead tore at his hair forcefully, clenched his gums tightly, and let out a low-pitched cry of incomparable pain.

This time, it finally caught Lin Yuanfei's attention.

He glanced back abruptly and asked, "Yuki, you....

However, what appeared in his line of sight was a face with a sinister smile.

It was obviously a familiar face, but it still looked like Yuji.

But that eerie smiling face sitting on the back seat gave off a creepy feeling.

The moment the two sides looked at each other, "Yuki" smiled very sinisterly.

'When driving, watch the road carefully! "

Lin Yuanfei was startled violently, but before he could figure out what happened, Fujima Luozi in the passenger seat suddenly yelled.

"Front! Lin Yuan-jun! Front!

Lin Yuanfei looked ahead abruptly, and found that there was a

There is a towering giant tree that has fallen on the road.

Blocked the road ahead.

Seeing that the jeep was about to hit him, Lin Yuanfei turned the steering wheel violently, and the shaking black jeep made a huge arc at the fork, and drove straight into another fork beside the road.

The huge centrifugal force brought by the turn almost threw all the people in the car to the other side.

Only the sly and sinister "Yuki" was still sitting, clapping his hands as if completely unaffected by centrifugal force.

now it's right!That's right!Lin Yuan-jun's driving skills are very good. When driving, you have to look ahead, hahahaha.

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, "What are you? Why are you possessing Yuki?|

After dealing with those evil ghosts and resentful spirits for so long, if Lin Yuanfei couldn't even see this, his life would be in vain. However, when he was about to stop to solve the problem of 'Yuki' behind him, there was a sudden sound on the road behind them. Lin Yuanfei walked over to the rearview mirror and saw something running wildly. Under the cold moonlight, a burly black shadow more than two meters high was running wildly on the road like a monster.

The dim light could not see its figure clearly, but the tall and kuai

Wu's body and the hideous appearance faintly visible in the darkness are like ferocious monsters that only appear in nightmares.

On the shoulder of the monster, there was a beautiful figure squatting halfway.

Short hair in kimono, cool demeanor, indifferent eyes.

The moment he saw the two ceremonies, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but smashed the steering wheel and cursed angrily.

Depend on!

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