He stepped on the accelerator, not only could not stop, but had to speed up and gallop out.

A horrified scream came out of Takashi Saya's mouth.

What is that! "Apparently, she was startled by the monster that appeared out of nowhere and chased them.

And Angela in her arms stared at the figure of the monster and murmured.

"A powerful monster produced by the mutation of the No. [-] tracker ∴ virus." That is... the terrifying thing that the umbrella company was afraid of. Dad said that only this thing exceeded the range of acceptance of all of them.

Because it's too powerful and completely uncontrollable..."

Chapter 298 So What

On the dark mountain road, Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth and concentrated on driving the black jeep on the steep mountain road. This road, which seems to have been abandoned for a long time, shows no signs of human activities at all, even Even the concrete floor is cracked and there are many places covered with accumulated leaves.

In some cement gaps, even clumps of weeds grew.

Obviously, no one has maintained this road for many years. Driving on such a road at high speed, Lin Yuanfei had to concentrate all his energy.

Because the road is narrow, and the road may break ahead at any time.

He is not a professional driver, and maintaining a speed of more than [-] yards on such a road is already the limit. Behind them, on the dark mountain road, a tall and burly monster is chasing crazily.

On the shoulders of monsters, half-squatting two rituals are kept ready to

The ejection pose.

She seemed to be waiting for an opportunity for the two sides to get closer.

However, Lin Yuanfei desperately accelerated the speed of the car to the limit that he could control, completely preventing the monster from catching up.

The two sides were chasing each other on the dark mountain road, and the roaring sound made by the monster running wildly was deafening. Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth and roared angrily.

"Angela, keep talking! Does this monster have any weaknesses? It has been chasing us for so long, is it a perpetual motion machine?

Angela in the back seat curled up in Takashi Saya's arms, staring nervously at Yuki in front of her."

This eerie smiling girl has been sitting there, stroking the unconscious Yuno, but without any unnecessary movements.

However, this is the case, just seeing the other party's weird smile is enough to make people's scalp numb and dare not provoke her. It seems that what is in front of them is a weird and terrifying evil thing, once provoked, there will be no place to die generally.

Staring nervously at this weird "Yuki", Angela said loudly.

"It's not a perpetual motion machine! This No. [-] tracker is made of a mutated T-virus, and all trackers are built with it as a blueprint.

"Umbrella wants to make more controllable chases as strong as it is

Tracker.but failed.

"But all stalkers have shortcomings. This guy also has the same strength. Although the stalker is very powerful and can carry heavy weapons for long-distance raids and transfers, it was developed mainly for jungle warfare, street warfare, and wilderness tracking warfare. More enhancements are related to tracking and searching. It is impossible for this kind of high-speed chasing behavior to last for too long!

"Big brother, keep driving! Before long, this guy will be exhausted and have to stop and rest. After receiving Angela's guidance, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath.

He glanced at the rearview mirror again, looking at the chasing monster behind him, as well as the two rituals squatting on the monster's shoulders.

Very godly and cold.

Yes, the two rituals are very strong.

Now even Hei Tonggan has become so weird and powerful.

And these two are now hunting him down.

But so what?

After all, the combination of these two people is nothing more than a combination of humans and monsters.

They don't have the ability to haunt evil spirits, unlike Sadako and Kayako

Even if you hide in the outer sky, you can hunt down the past.Although they are very troublesome and powerful, the chances of winning a head-on battle with them are not high, but so what?

He is not the original owner of the body, there is no reason to hunt down and kill the two ceremonies, and there is no reason to fight the two ceremonies head-on.

Can't beat?Can't afford it?so what?I turned around and hid in the next city, can you still find me in the vast crowd?

I even left Japan and went to other countries to live my own life. If I hide in this huge world, no matter how strong you are, you can turn the whole world over?

I can't afford you, can't I still hide from you?

Staring fixedly at the mountain road ahead, Lin Yuanfei managed to calm down at this moment.

The savior who had always believed in longing turned into a terrifying killer in the end. This really subverted his worldview and indeed caused a huge blow to him.

So much so that when he faced the two ceremonies not long ago, he was at a loss and was at a loss.

If it wasn't for Yuki's timely help, he would probably have died at the hands of the two rituals at this time.

But struggling to survive for so many days in this perilous world, Lin Yuanfei may not have learned much else, but the mental training

Definitely much stronger than in his previous life.

What about the past experience of the original owner of the body?What about the hatred of the two rituals?So what if the longing savior becomes the evil star?

When Freddy climbed back again and lied to Lin Yuanfei with Alaya's dream promise, Lin Yuanfei understood.

In this dangerous world, no backer can be relied on

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