People live in the world, and the only thing they can rely on is themselves.

It is nothing but the self-deception of cowards to pin their hopes on illusory saviors.

The two rituals have changed from saviors to evil stars?

Heh... so what?

It can even be said that what really hit Lin Yuanfei the most was not the reason why the two rituals became enemies.

But Yuki.

This Guan Lin Yuanfei has always trusted and protected.

Heart, the girl he saw when he opened his eyes after time travel is Lin Yuanfei's real heart disease

Her deceit was the important reason for breaking Lin Yuanfei's sanity.As for the so-called two ceremonies, it was just a stranger who had never met before today.

If it becomes an enemy now, it is nothing more than fighting with Freddy,

It's just about the same position as Jiaye and Fujiang.

Lin Yuanfei has already encountered so many monsters, so what if there are two more rituals to hunt them down?

I cut Freddy, sealed Kayako, killed a Fu Jiang, kidnapped the mayor of Raccoon City, destroyed their cult ritual among thousands of cultists, and rescued Raccoon City full of zombies All the friends who had to be rescued.

Along the way, you have suffered so much, you have suffered so much, you just want to scare me with two rituals?Have you asked the opinions of the monsters I hacked to solve?

Even at this moment, the pursuit of the two people behind him could not make Lin Yuanfei's mood fluctuate in any way.

At this moment, the only reason that can make his expression gloomy is the girl sitting in the back seat, that Yuki who is smiling so weirdly."

In Lin Yuanfei's mind, he kept thinking about what happened along the way, those words that Yuno accidentally revealed, and this extremely weird and terrifying "Yuki" at this time, and gritted his teeth.

Yuki is helping him.

This is something he can be sure of.

Yuki was always helping him.

But what happened to Yuki!

Feeling the cold and evil aura emanating from the girl behind her

Lin Yuanfei's heart trembled.

Chapter 299 Silent Hill

(Fifth watch asks for blade monthly pass People live in the world, not all-knowing and omnipotent.

Many times, some important things will be overlooked, and some important clues will be missed.

This is normal

But now recalling all the experiences along the way again, Lin Yuanfei fell silent.

It turned out that there was always the biggest anomaly hidden beside him. Yuki was the culprit who killed the original owner of the body, and Lin Yuanfei only crossed over after the original owner of the body was killed by Yuki.No wonder Yuki believed Lin Yuanfei's so-called "amnesia" so easily. It turned out that it was to give him a step down.

This also explains why when Lin Yuanfei showed his flaws many times and Yu Nai wanted to chase and grab Lin Yuanfei's painful feet, Yuki stopped him.

It's not that Yuki believes in Lin Yuanfei, nor is it because she is naturally dumb, but because she has long known that Lin Yuanfei is not the soul of the original owner of the body.

Even when Lin Yuanfei fought against the wraith monster several times, some

What seems to be a coincidence, in retrospect, can also explain that Tonga Coconut never attacked Yuki.

Although Freddy attacked Yuki, he quickly missed.When Qiu Mingshan killed Freddie, it was obvious that everyone was frozen by Kayako's wraith power and unable to move, but Yuki was able to rush out screaming and rescued Lin Yuanfei just right.

Do you think it was a small universe explosion?In fact, it's just a matter of course!Even in the heavy rain on Toomi Island, when Lin Yuanfei was fighting with the controlled Sadako Wraith, Lin Yuanfei could roughly guess why the heavy rain suddenly stopped.

At that time, it was raining everywhere, except for the small area where Lin Yuanfei and the others were fighting. It seemed that some kind of force isolated the heavy rain, but afterward Yuki's face was very pale and Lin Yuanfei sneered inexplicably, with a complicated expression.

It turned out that he had been enjoying Yuki's protection all along.

If Yuki hadn't been helping secretly, he would have died several times, right?

Gritting his teeth, Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth and growled as he felt the evil aura that seemed to be getting colder and colder behind him.

"who are you?!

He can be sure that the person behind him is definitely not Yuki, but something evil, terrifying and weird!

Before Yuno fell into a coma, she had prevented Yuki from using superpowers several times, and she even made it very clear the last time.

If Yuki continues to use it, what will be targeted? Obviously, Yuki's super power must be very dangerous to use, and even if it is used too much, it will be stared by some kind of evil existence. However, in order to reverse the situation and rescue Lin Yuanfei, but Yuki used her superpowers again and again.

Now, the evil existence feared by Yuno has finally come and possessed Yuki's body like this, and even the breath he exhaled is eerie and chilling.

Lin Yuanfei couldn't imagine how powerful this evil body really is. Did Yuki always risk being targeted by such a terrifying monster to save himself?

Holding the steering wheel tightly, Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth.

No matter why Yuki saved him, and no matter how much Yuki concealed from him, even up to now, Hayashi Yuan

Fei still only knew the tip of the iceberg of the truth.

But he knows that Yuki saved him and keeps saving him!

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