Even in order to save him, he has now been targeted by some kind of evil and terrifying evil spirit

Now Yuki has completely lost herself and is possessed by evil spirits.

Lin Yuanfei couldn't act as if nothing had happened, he had completely ignored the two couples who were chasing after him frantically, Lin Yuanfei's only concern now was Yuji's life and death. "You monster, what do you want to do with Yuki?

Clenching the steering wheel tightly, Lin Yuanfei roared in a low voice, "What do you want? A living sacrifice? A soul? Or something else? Why are you staring at Yuki! Tell me what you want, and I'll find it for you." No matter what!

However, in the face of Lin Yuanfei's roar, that thing smiled happily

"Yuki has also found a good man... to this extent, she is still willing to trust her and want to save her.

"Lin Yuan-jun, you are really a good person who makes people have nothing to say.

"Yuki lied to you so much and almost caused you to be hacked to death by two rituals. Do you really have no complaints or anger towards her? It's so fake, Lin Yuan-jun, if you are angry, just say it. Why bother?"

How about hiding it and pretending to be righteous?Such pretense is really ugly.

Amid "Yuki"'s mocking sound, Lin Yuanfei smiled coldly.

'You yourself are a cesspit, but please don't think the whole world is maggots.

Although I, Lin Yuanfei, am not a good person, at least I know what it means to repay favors! "

"Yuki saved me, and more than once. For this, even if there is a lot of resentment, I can't ignore her!"

Amid Lin Yuanfei's sneer, the black jeep rushed up a steep slope.

Some mottled characters can be vaguely seen on the dilapidated street sign standing by the roadside.

Although all the words on it could not be read clearly in the dark, Saiko Busujima's eyes widened in the passenger seat.

Ji... Silent Hill? "She looked at Lin Yuanfei suddenly, and said, "Lin Yuan-jun!Silent Hill ahead!Can't go any further!I remember that after the disaster twenty years ago, the road ahead was cut off.We continue to rush forward now, and we will rush down the cliff soon. However, the moment Lin Yuanfei heard the name of the place, he was stunned... Silent Hill? "He suddenly realized what

And the monster sitting behind him laughed excitedly

"That's right! Silent Hill! It's Silent Hill! Welcome to Silent Hill hahaha!"

"Go ahead and drive Lin Yuan-jun, the so-called broken mountain road is just a fake news to scare outsiders from entering, there is a road ahead.

Silent Hill, it has been there for [-] years hahahaha... Amidst the happy laughter of that thing, Lin Yuanfei stepped on the brake.

His face was extremely ugly.

However, it has no effect.

Obviously he had stepped on the brakes to the bottom, but the speed of the jeep not only did not decrease, but continued to accelerate.

And from the radio in the car, there was a sudden piercing and horrible noise, which was extremely painful torment. All the girls in the car covered their heads and screamed in horror. Then, the black jeep flew straight away. Going out, the monster in the back seat let out a hearty laugh.

"Welcome home! Yuki! We've been waiting for you for sixteen years, boom

With a loud noise, the black jeep crashed heavily into the metal guardrail.

A huge impact hit him head-on, Lin Yuanfei only felt that his eyes were dark, and the world began to spin in his eyes.

Then you don't know anything

Chapter 300 My own sinful darkness.

Endless darkness.

In the confused and chaotic brain, there was a faint feeling of pain.

When the consciousness gradually broke free from the deep and dark mud, the perception of the body gradually returned to the brain.

The first thing Lin Yuanfei felt was the drowsy and painful brain, as if it was about to burst, and it felt like waking up the next day after a hangover, followed by a burning throat, dry and tingling, as if inhaled Like a lot of dust, a lot of foreign objects that make people want to vomit have accumulated in the throat, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Then, Lin Yuanfei slowly opened his eyes.

Sitting up straight, he raised his head and the world gradually became clear before his eyes.

The color, from the initial darkness, gradually rendered a layer of distinct paleness.

A white and misty world appeared in front of his eyes, and it was such a white and misty world.

It seems to be in a thick fog, and can only see the scene within ten meters.

No matter how far away, you can only see the misty white mist.

And in the sky, dots of off-white crystals were silently falling, like snow, but they couldn't feel any chill.

The whole world is quiet and dead, without any unnecessary sound.

Sitting in the driver's seat like this, Lin Yuanfei slowly regained consciousness and gradually returned to his body.

All the previous experiences began to emerge continuously.

Zombies, Raccoon City, the Umbrella Company Building, the two rituals that Kuroto Kanya chased after, the mutated Yuki, and the chase on the dark mountain road. When all the memories returned, Lin Yuanfei subconsciously widened his eyes, and there was a shock .

However, the seat belt tied to his body restrained him, and his forced struggle directly broke the interface of the seat belt.

There was a muffled sound, and the seat belt, which had lost its interface, was flying in the narrow car, and the metal at the rear end hit the front windshield of the jeep heavily.

The dull voice woke up the unconscious people in the car one after another.

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