There was another groan of pain, and it was obvious that everyone in the car

Everyone was just like him, falling into that kind of painful and chaotic dark coma, while Lin Yuanfei stared blankly at the gray man in front of him.

, The white world is stunned.

The front of the black jeep was stuck on the twisted guardrail, and half of the front of the car was already outside the road. Behind the guardrail outside the road was a deep cliff with no bottom.

If it weren't for the protective fence to block the out-of-control jeep, everyone in Dawa would have fallen under the cliff at this time, right?However, Lin Yuanfei didn't have time to worry about the situation of the jeep at this time. He quickly looked behind him, a little panicked.

"Yuki, you still..." Before he finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei was stunned in the back seat of the jeep, there was no beautiful girl with pink hair.

Not only was there no Yuki, but even Yuno was gone, only the door on the left was silently opened, and the air mixed with dust from the outside was silently eroding the space inside the car.

In Lin Yuanfei's field of vision, he could only see Saya Gaocheng, who was rubbing his eyes and slowly waking up, and Angela.

And my wife and sisters who were there all disappeared.

In the driver's seat, Du Daozi, who was in a coma, also slowly woke up. The voice of Yujie, who was almost exactly the same as Miyuki Sawajo, whispered obsessively, but Lin Yuanfei didn't pay attention at all.

He immediately opened the driver's door and got out of the car.

Standing in this strange white and foggy world, he shouted loudly.

"Yuki! Yuno! Where are you guys?"

Lin Yuanfei looked out of the car in panic, trying to find clues about the two girls.

Even he who only has a superficial understanding of the world of Silent Hill understands the malice and horror hidden in this place.

When I woke up and saw the car door was opened and the two girls disappeared, my heart was cold.

Unspeakable panic filled his chest, but just as he finished shouting, a cold warning sounded in the fog not far away.

The voice is shouting so loudly, is it because you are afraid that those monsters will not know you are here?

Lin Yuanfei looked over there suddenly, only to see Yuno, who was wearing a Chunmu high school girl uniform, sitting on a rock by the roadside in the white mist, assembling something with a cold expression.

At her feet, there was a backpack, and some parts were scattered under her feet, which were too far away to see clearly.

Here is a deserted mountain road.

Outside the protective fence on the right is a bottomless cliff.

On the left, there are almost vertical cliffs.

Looking up, he also couldn't see the top of the mountain wall, and had no idea how high the cliff wall was.

Where Yuno is sitting, it seems that there has been a landslide, and a lot of gravel and mud have slipped into the road in the water, blocking half of the road

And what Yuno was sitting on at this time was one of the broken stones more than half a meter high.

In the gray world, you can't see anything farther away.

Off-white crystals are constantly falling in the sky, but when you touch it with your hands, you know that it is not snow, but something similar to ashes.

The air is also full of dust, and the lungs and throat will be very uncomfortable after inhaling such gas. In this quiet, strange and dead world, Yuno's indifferent voice full of disgust appears extremely cold.

Thanks to you, I finally returned to this disgusting place.It's as disgusting and weird as in the dream, even if you stay a little longer

It's all upsetting.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her in a daze, and looked at the deserted mountain roads around him, feeling a little panicked.

"Yuno..." Lin Yuanfei swallowed, and asked, "Where is your sister, Yuno, who was assembling things, paused when she heard this question?"

Then, a sneer of unknown meaning came out.

"It has nothing to do with you." After she finished speaking, she pushed the last part in her hand hard, and then stood up holding the black semi-automatic rifle.

He looked coldly at Lin Yuanfei who was beside the car, "I didn't kill you, just because this place can't kill people randomly. It doesn't mean that I forgive you about my sister, you have to take full responsibility!"

"Next, I don't want to see you anymore. I hope you will be more conscious and don't appear in my sight again." Yuno's eyes contained infinite cold killing intent.

"Silent Hill is open to all sinners."

"And you will receive the punishment and torture you deserve here." "I hope you have fun. Lin Yuanfei, your sinful karma will eventually turn into the flames of purgatory and burn everything about you here!

"Pay the price you deserve! You villain who harms others and yourself!

[Picture: Silent Hill

Chapter 301 Divergent roads in the world of thick fog

Chapter 301 Divergent roads In the white and foggy world, strands of ashes slowly descend from the sky like snow.

On the silent, desolate mountain road, the only thing that could be heard was Yuno's disgusting scolding.

Hurt self and others

Faced with Yuno's cursing and reprimanding, Lin Yuanfei was silent. Indeed, from Yuno's point of view, Yuki's disappearance has nothing to do with him.

The wraith who possessed Yuki said that he had been waiting for Yuki for ten years, and why it has been unable to possess Yuki during these sixteen years, and why did it wait until now to successfully possess Yuki?

In addition, Yuno has repeatedly prevented her sister from using superpowers before, saying that she will be targeted by something, and the causal relationship between this is not clear?

Yuki used super powers that she shouldn't have used, which attracted the attention of that evil being, and the other party possessed her.And if it wasn't for Lin Yuanfei, Yuki would not have been involved in this series of turmoil at all, nor would he have continuously used superpowers in order to save Lin Yuanfei.

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