Now that Yuki is possessed by evil things, and even completely disappeared, coupled with the terrifying place name of Silent Hill, Yuno, who is Yuki's younger sister, is fully qualified to blame him.

Even with the character of my wife Yuno and her fanatical love for her sister, the fact that she didn't kill Lin Yuanfei immediately to avenge her sister can only be attributed to what Yuno said - you can't kill casually here.

If there is no such restriction, probably all the people in this car will be killed by the angry Yuno as a sacrifice for anger, right?

Lin Yuanfei was silent, without saying a word.

Behind him, several girls in the black jeep woke up one after another.After waking up, Busujima Ruko rubbed the space between his brows and climbed out of the car door on the driver's side.

Looking at Yuno who scolded Lin Yuanfei outside, subconsciously tried to persuade him.My wife and classmate, now is not the time to quarrel, can we calm down first?

She looked at her surroundings and asked, "Do you know what this place is? This fog is very strange. There doesn't seem to be such a place near Raccoon City... Is there anything going on here?

Facing Du Shimako's question, Yuno remained indifferent.

After she glanced at Lin Yuanfei coldly, she bent down and picked it up.

backpack on the ground.

After putting the backpack back on her back, Yuno walked straight to the side with the gun in her arms.

You wish for good luck," Yuno said indifferently, "As for where is this place?You can ask this Lin Yuanfei, he seems to know a lot about wraith monsters, maybe he also knows about Silent Hill.He can answer your questions. "After finishing speaking, Yuno left directly.

However, silently, a knife stopped in front of her.

The moment Hayashibara flew out the knife, the atmosphere on the mountain road froze Yuno's eyes, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Oh?" She sneered, "You want to kill me?

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and said, "Yuki is missing, I understand your anxiety. But in this weird and inexplicable place, it's better for us not to separate. One more person, one more strength, you Want to find the missing Yuki too?

Yuno looked at him with a smile full of mockery and disgust.

Do you really think you are a messenger of justice?After killing a few cultists and sealing two wraiths, you think you can solve everything?Don't make me laugh, Lin Yuanfei, you don't understand anything at all! "

Yuno sneered, "I'm separated from you, I just don't want to waste my sister's painstaking efforts. She lost everything to save your little life."

, I don't want to chop you off when I can't control my emotions!Do you understand?You self-harming disaster star, what do you know?Jumping out and pretending to be a good person without knowing anything, I have already had enough of your self-righteous appearance!

Now that things have happened, I don't want to ask who you are, how did you appear on [Lin Yuanfei]'s body, and I don't even want to know why you know so much about these wraith monsters in Raccoon City. "

'You like to hide your little secrets, it doesn't matter, that's your own business.The matter between me and my sister, we can solve it ourselves, you don't need to intervene!

Please stay away from me!Stay away from my sister!The next time I see you again, you will either kill me, or I will kill you, there is no other possibility.I've had enough of your self-righteous hypocrisy!

The gun in Yuno's hand was aimed at Lin Yuanfei's dark muzzle, exuding the breath of death.

Not far away, Bujima Yuko was a little anxious, but in the face of the stalemate in the confrontation, she dared not speak easily, for fear of irritating both sides in the confrontation

Until Lin Yuanfei raised his head and looked at Yuno.

He took a deep breath, tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, stared at Yuno's face firmly, and said every word.

"If you really want your sister's good, then it's time to

Work with us! "

"No matter what happened to Yuki, it's not the reason for you to die alone now!"

"Indeed, I don't know anything. I don't know what happened to Yuki, and I don't know what happened to Silent Hill. But no one in this world is born omniscient. We can exchange information and communicate with each other.

"You can tell us the information you know." And all of us in the same industry can be your help, let's solve the trouble together and get Yuki back!

"This is the most rational behavior, and it's really for Yuki, not for the hysterical venting and personal emotions like you are now. In Lin Yuanfei's calm growl, Yuno in front of him was indifferent.

Even sneered out loud.

Looking at Lin Yuanfei, the mockery in Yuno's eyes became stronger. She seemed to see an extremely ridiculous clown, and seemed to hear an extremely absurd joke, she shook her head with a sneer

"You really don't understand anything..."

'Lin Yuanfei.

"You just drown here with your own teamwork."

Yuno pointed the gun at Lin Yuanfei's head with a cold expression, and said, "Now, get out of the way. I don't want to kill you, at least not now.

So if you don't want to die, go away. "

"In Silent Hill, a guy like you will only be food for monsters. If you continue like this, I don't think we will see each other again."

'In hell you'll pay for everything you've done!

Yuno left with a sneer, this time Lin Yuanfei did not stop her.

Because he knew that blocking was meaningless.

If this girl who has made up her mind to go is blocked again, she will mercilessly sieve all those who stand in her way. The only thing he can do is stand by the side of the road and watch Yuno's back disappear into the misty sky. Finally, in the vast white world, it was completely swallowed by this fog.

ps: something happened at home today, everyone in the group should know that the update has been delayed.

In addition, the new dungeon needs to sort out the thinking, re-browse the specific setting set and some other materials, so there are only two updates today.

Tomorrow, if possible, I will try my best

Chapter 302 The Gentle Wind is quiet, dead silent, gloomy, silent, and eerie.

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