Chapter 302 The Gentle Wind is quiet, dead silent, gloomy, silent, and eerie.

In this white and foggy world, Lin Yuanfei watched silently as Yuno's figure disappeared from sight.

Behind him, Du Daozi came over, a little worried.

"Lin Yuan-jun, is it really okay to let my wife and classmate go alone?

Lin Yuanfei was silent for a while, then slowly shook his head.

"Yuno will outlive all of us, she knows this place well."

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei looked behind him.

Inside the jeep, Saya Takashiro and Angela who woke up have already got out of the car

The two girls, one older and one younger, seemed to regard each other as a reliance in the previous chasing chaos, even now they are holding hands tightly.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei looking at them, Gaocheng Saya said.

"What the hell is this place? Did something happen when we were lost? Why did Yuki-senpai disappear? And what did Yuno-senpai say just now?" Yuki

With those words said, Gaocheng Saya now looked at Lin Yuanfei with fear and guard in his eyes.

Finally, what the hell is going on with you guy?A ghost who resurrected from a dead body?Did you frame Miss Yuki? "Amid Gaocheng Saya's suspicious questioning voice, Lin Yuanfei looked at her coldly, and without saying a word, Angela quickly tugged at the corner of Gaocheng Saya's clothes to tell her to shut up

Everyone present could see that Lin Yuanfei was in a bad mood.

At this time, if a man who slashed and killed zombies like melons and vegetables ran away and got angry, the girls who were helpless would die miserably.

Cheng Shaye also noticed Angela's worry, seeing Lin Yuanfei's gloomy expression and the knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand, her expression froze slightly, recalling the scene of Lin Yuanfei hacking and killing human zombies like chopping vegetables again.

Subconsciously swallowed, all the words behind Takashiro Saya were swallowed back

But in the next second, he seemed ashamed of his cowardly retreat.

Takashi Saya said a little angrily, "I've had enough of staying with a guy like you! Angela, let's go! Don't care about this ghost who resurrected from the corpse!

Saying that, Takashi Saya walked in the direction she came from.

And Angela was led away by her, looked at Lin Yuanfei and Kishima Yako behind her, a little panicked and at a loss.

Go...where? "The little girl asked in horror, "Sister Saya, aren't we going to be with Big Brother and the others?"

Takashiro Saya hummed in a low voice, "What are you doing with that monster of unknown origin? Who knows if he will kill you while you are not paying attention? Let's go back now and find the police for help! Raccoon What happened in the city, the government can't ignore it! If you continue to follow this monster, sooner or later you will die without bones left down.

After walking to the distance that Lin Yuanfei and the others could no longer see, Gaocheng Saya hummed softly.

That guy has a mess of troubles, he is chasing and killing, and he is a monster. It sounds like there is some kind of resurrection. Who knows if he is the rebirth of an evil ghost who has been dead for many years?Just stay away from him.We've already left Raccoon City anyway, so we just need to get out of this place and go to the police for help.

The previous monsters were chasing him, even if we bumped into him, as long as we killed Lin Yuanfei and didn't know Lin Yuanfei, the two rituals wouldn't trouble us. "Saya Takashiro explained softly, holding Angela who half understood

Disappeared in the mist.

And it wasn't until the two of them had walked far away that Lin Yuanfei turned his head to look at Du Daozi beside him.

Expression, very dull.

Are you still leaving? "Lin Yuan Feifei asked like this.

Ruozi Busujima smiled, and said elegantly and calmly, "Why should I leave? How could a good woman turn around and leave when a man needs her the most?" Saying this, Busujima sat down directly in front of Yuno. He sat down on the rock he was sitting on, and looked at Lin Yuanfei with an expression of listening to a story.

What I am more concerned about now is my wife and sisters, as well as your safety, Mr. Lin Yuan. "Bushima Yako said, "And this place is so weird, no matter how you look at it, it's very abnormal.I remember that there is absolutely no place like this near Raccoon City... Hayashi Yuan-kun, do you know anything?Next, how much do we have to support together?Can you share with me what you know?I will be your strongest backing. "Poison Island Smudge's gentle whisper, quiet and virtuous smile, at this time of betrayal, it is like a gentle breeze blowing into Lin Yuanfei's heart.

He was slightly startled, the pain in his heart seemed to be relieved a little.

Gentle and soothing.

After standing silently for a while, Lin Yuanfei smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Thinking about it, I'm a bit hypocritical...

Lin Yuanfei rubbed his cheeks vigorously, shook his head vigorously, and then restored that bright smile, "Okay, Sister Pou Island, let's exchange information about Silent Hill." Lin Yuanfei's smile was very bright , as always, free and easy, or... heartless.

However, there seems to be bitterness and reluctance behind that bright smile, and only he knows it.

On the other hand, Koko Busujima looked at him quietly, his eyes became softer and he let out a soft "hmm".

"I'm listening," Kishima Yako said softly, "Lin Yuan-kun, please tell me. You don't need to know everything, just tell me about this Silent Hill."

'After all we're going to come down and fight a lot of monsters, right?If I don't know anything, I will be in a hurry.

Poison Island was very considerate and didn't ask Lin Yuanfei everything, she asked about things related to Silent Hill.

Because of the experience from this way, Yuki screamed after being possessed

Those words, Yuno's cursing content before leaving, all these show that the place called Silent Hill they are in is extraordinary.

There are even monsters.

For the two people in front of them, those are the things that are imminent. As for Lin Yuanfei's past, there are more hidden secrets, she didn't ask.

It's not that she doesn't want to know, but that a smart woman knows what to do to make a man feel at ease.

Facing such a gentle Budao Yuko, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, and his expression became serious. I don't know much about Silent Hill, so I need you, Senior Sister Budao, to introduce me to Silent Hill first. Happening.Then, I might deduce something useful...

Chapter 303 The cut-off road is in the narration of the poisonous child of Busujima

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