Chapter 303 The Truncated Road In the narration of Poison Island, Lin Yuanfei probably knew the existence experience of Silent Hill in this world.

More than twenty years ago, Silent Hill was developed by Raccoon City.

Everything in this tourist resort is built in European and American style, the street buildings are in European and American style, the food and restaurants are in European and American style, and even the schools and neighborhoods are built in European and American style.

The European-style holiday tourist area has been very popular among people for a period of time, and it has become a famous tourist hotspot.

However, with a disaster twenty years ago, everything changed in Silent Hill.

After all, Yazi Dushima is not an aborigine of Raccoon City, and all her knowledge of Raccoon City comes from some legends in the market.

Even the legends have become ambiguous over time, at a time when most people have forgotten and ignored Silent Hill.

But in any case, it is now certain that a terrible disaster occurred here in Silent Hill twenty years ago.

At that time, it was said that hundreds of people were killed and injured, and half of the residents of the town

He disappeared without a trace, and the body has not been found until now.

After the disaster, the mountain road leading to Silent Hill was abandoned, and no one dared to go to that abandoned broken road.

Because the road there is said to be cut off, driving on the mountain road can fall off the cliff at any time.

This is what Du Dao Yuzi knew. After Lin Yuanfei heard the information about Silent Hill, he began to think silently.

He was thinking about the setting of Silent Hill in this world. Lin Yuanfei didn't have a deep understanding of Silent Hill. He had only watched a live-action movie, and watched one or two game live videos on the Internet when he was bored.

I know some general settings and iconic monsters of Silent Hill, but I don’t know much about more things. After all, there are four games in Silent Hill, and there are subtle differences in the settings of movies and games. After Ling appeared in this weird and chaotic world, it is absolutely impossible to keep the original taste without any changes. The only thing Lin Yuanfei can do is to speculate on the situation of Silent Hill as much as possible based on some previous experiences.

First of all, judging from the evil ghosts and spirits he encountered before, in the case of live-action movies, the settings of these evil spirits and spirits seem to follow

From a live-action movie.

For example, the original setting of Sadako Yamamura was a virus in science fiction, not a ghost, but obviously there is no such setting in this world

And since there are two rituals and the magic eye of death, there must be a root cause

Under the premise of the existence of the root, a setting that is too free will inevitably fail to integrate with the subjective worldview of this world.

So the biggest possibility of Silent Hill in this world should be similar to the movie.

But it can't be absolutely the same.

Just like Sadako Yamamura was controlled by cult priests raising ghosts in this world, Freddy is an American living in Japan, Raccoon City is in Japan. These plot settings are completely different from the original, which proves that the horror and abnormality of this world even if it is similar to The original setting of the movie is the same, but there must be its own magic changes.

Lin Yuanfei, on the other hand, was thinking about the plot of the movie Silent Hill.

In the movie Silent Hill, the residents living in this small town are believers of the angel of death Samael, standard cultists.

Alessa, the little girl who turned Silent Hill into an isolated hell, was a little girl born by her mother out of wedlock, without a father. Because of this background, she was regarded as unclean by those believers.

, her mother was also regarded as a traitor who violated the gods.

Aretha was bullied by her classmates, excluded by everyone, and even raped by the janitor in the school toilet since she was a child.

After she was raped, the cultists bewitched her mother, claiming that a meeting would be held to cleanse Alessa of her sins and let her integrate into the crowd, so that she would not be bullied and excluded in the future. But in fact, these cultists They think that a little girl born out of wedlock is an unclean thing, and after being raped, she becomes a disgusting dirty thing. They can't tolerate such a dirty thing staying in the small town.

The so-called words to help Aretha get rid of her sins are nothing but lies to trick Aretha's mother into agreeing.

At the rally, the cultists tied Aretha to the stake and burned her

Although Aretha's mother rushed into the rally with the police, the little girl who was rescued was severely burned all over her body and turned into a coke-like horror. Her life was hanging by a thread, and she was constantly suffering from physical pain. torment.

In that painful torment, the dark side of Aretha appeared. The demon from hell responded to Aretha's resentment and became the dark side of Aretha. In Aretha's painful cry, the entire Silent Hill was destroyed by evil force

Corrupted by the amount of energy, isolated from the human world, and time stagnant, the people in the town will always have to face their sins in this endless torture.

Tortured day and night.

This is the story of the movie Silent Hill.

However, in some more detailed settings, in fact, all the monsters in Silent Hill come from the evil in the heart.

Everyone can find their own demons.

This is the abyss full of despair for anyone.

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's general narration, Budao Yazi was stunned

"Like this.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei with some worry, and then looked down at her hands, "Then will the evil thoughts in our hearts manifest corresponding monsters?

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and smiled wryly, "Probably. And Yuno said something very important just now, this place is not suitable for teamwork. Although I don't know the specific reason, it is very likely that we will have our own differences." It is related to the incarnation of evil thoughts.

"If we act together in the greenhouse, we will fight very hard then, right?" Under Lin Yuanfei's speculation, Busujima Saiko was silent for a while.

Then, he looked at Lin Yuanfei seriously, "Then Lin Yuanjun, do you want to act separately?

Lin Yuanfei opened his mouth and was about to speak.

However, in the direction of the mountain road when they came, two figures, one big and one small, slowly appeared.

Saya Takashiro, Angela.

The two girls who had already left, returned to Lin Yuanfei and the others again.

Gaocheng Saya said with a panicked expression, "The mountain road over there is broken! There are all cliffs below, and there is no way at all! How did we get here from there?

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