"No matter what they think of you, no matter what happens, I will walk with you."

So, don't feel alone.Everything about you, I will bear with you

Looking at the gentle smile of Bushima Yazi, and hearing the soft words of the woman, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a while.


Slowly looked away.

um, thanks. "He pulled out his hand a little stiffly, as if escaping from something, and walked away quickly.

Let's go to town too. Lin Yuanfei said in a low voice without daring to turn his head back, "Even in the world of watches, there will be monsters haunting it."The houses in the town can take shelter temporarily, let's find a house to rest for a while, and then plan slowly.

Kishima Yako looked at his back, felt the touch of being freed between her fingers, fell silent, and sighed softly for a few seconds, she cleared up her mood and resumed her usual gentle smile.


ps: There will be an update later, it should be updated five times today.In addition, regarding the setting of Silent Hill, a certain degree of magic modification will be carried out. After all, in this mixed world view, it is impossible to restore the original flavor completely.

For the needs of the plot, I must change it magically.

The only thing that can be done is to not make too many changes while respecting the original setting as much as possible.

Well, to put it bluntly, it is to make a more face-saving second set or above

Chapter 305 Endless Snow

Under the gloomy sky, the world is a vast expanse of pale white, just like an old photo that has been overexposed, and all the buildings in the field of vision are glowing with weird colors.

In the world of Silent Hill, everything looks so weird and eerie

The street surface is cracked with disrepair, but there are no overgrown weeds.

In this white and foggy world, all I can see is-

A bleak white, without any extra color, without any bright colors.

Even the clothes on the models in the shop windows on the side of the road looked dull and full of gloom in dark tones.

In the sky, gray-white "snow" was falling silently, and those were ashes like ashes, forming a thin layer of ashes when they fell on the ground.

Here, you can't feel any wind, and time has lost all meaning.

Lin Yuanfei looked down at his watch, the hands of time were still slowing down.

Turn slowly.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, almost seven hours had passed since they fled out of the city.

Considering that it took at least half an hour to chase on the road, it took about [-] minutes to argue and think with each other after waking up, and it took more than [-] minutes to walk from the scene of the car accident, so I was unconscious in the driver's seat for about six hours. ?

No wonder after running all the way, the exhaustion was relieved instead. It seems that he slept for too long when he was in a coma, but after being in a coma for such a long time, didn't that guy Freddy take the opportunity to fuck him?

Is it because you are not sure and dare not do it casually?Or have you really decided to make peace?

After thinking about Freddy's behavior, Lin Yuanfei chose to believe the first one without a doubt.

But in this weird world of appearances, Freddy didn't dare to provoke him casually, and he didn't dare to provoke Freddy easily. Coconut's notebooks are crammed together, but there's really no time for Freddy right now.

After all, in a place like Silent Hill, it is easy to have a nervous breakdown.

To force Freddy, who is attacking on the spiritual level, to the point where you can't stop dying. It's like digging your own grave.

Since Freddy is keeping himself safe now, Lin Yuanfei will let him go temporarily.

The real trouble now is this strange, deserted town in front of you.

silent Hill.

Glancing at his watch again, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath. Today is June 2003, 6, the seventh day that Lin Yuanfei traveled to this world.

Just last night, he passed through the Raccoon City full of zombies, avoided the pursuit from the two rituals, and came to the legendary tourist attraction Silent Hill.

Hey... This past review is a little sad. Looking at the deserted town in front of him, Lin Yuanfei has a million things that mmp wants to say in his heart.

He's been so unlucky the last two days that he's in no mood to joke now.

After walking around the town for a while with Koujima Koko, the two saw a bar by the side of the road.

Lin Yuanfei chose this place without hesitation.

Because this bar is on the second floor.

Now that the place is higher, it can give him a little more sense of security. After all, he can see far from the height. If there is any danger, he can see the monster's movements clearly at the first time.

Of course, Lin Yuanfei knew that this was self-deception, but it was not very useful.

But sometimes you have to do this. After all, self-deception can make people calm and clear-headed.

After going up the small dark stairs to the second floor, Lin Yuanfei opened the door and walked into the empty bar.

The room in front of him was dark and dilapidated, like an abandoned house that had been abandoned for many years and no one cleaned it. However, there were still a lot of wine behind the bar.

The tables in the bar are also full of half-eaten food, it looks like the guests left in a hurry after eating half of it

The color of the food made it impossible to believe that it had been placed for a long time.

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