It's more like it's been left there for no more than two hours and is about to get cold

Seeing the appearance of these foods, Toshishima Koko was a little surprised, "This

Do these foods have an unlimited shelf life?

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, sat down on the bar counter, and said.

"The passage of time in Silent Hill has completely stopped, and these foods will not go bad if left here for [-] years. Of course, the premise is that Silent Hill can exist for [-] years.

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei reached out and took out several cans from behind the bar

Then, under Dushima Yako's astonished gaze, Lin Yuanfei opened the cans and began to eat the contents.

Although Lin Yuanfei's explanation had made her understand that the food here would not expire, but Lin Yuanfei's reckless eating of things of unknown origin still made her want to persuade her.

Lin Yuanjun.

Oh, there are other things in here, you can eat together too. "Lin Yuanfei said, and found several cans from behind the bar, and put them one by one on the bar, and said to Du Dao.

'After a tiring day in the city and a whole night of hunger, it's time to eat something to fill my stomach.

Lin Yuanfei said, "People are iron, and food is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. Next, we have to fight monsters and fight bosses. How can we work hard if we don't eat enough?

Lin Yuanfei's ridicule, if it was before, would have made Du Daozi smile knowingly

However, seeing this man muttering teasing words and eating canned food of unknown origin, Du Shimako only felt his eyes a little sour

Looking at this scene, she was silent for a while, and smiled a little forcedly.

"Lin Yuan-kun is really a good man....

She said, sat down beside Lin Yuanfei, opened a can, and murmured, "But sometimes, men can also relax a little bit, and don't take all the pressure on themselves. The task of us women is not Is it time to listen to men's complaints?

Under Lin Yuanfei's stunned gaze, Du Daozi smiled softly, "You can tell me if you have any troubles. Now it's just the two of us, no matter what Lin Yuanjun confides to me, I will keep it secret." Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded Looking at her, the movement stopped at the moment of eating

The two sides looked at each other, and Saiko Busushima smiled softly.

The atmosphere in the bar was ambiguous for a moment.

Then, Lin Yuanfei took a mouthful of the meat in the can.

With a "chuck", Lin Yuanfei sucked the last piece of meat, licked the soup around his mouth, and said.

"Don't just want to take advantage of the opportunity just because my harem is gone.

bit. "

Lin Yuanfei said with a smile on his face, "My journey is a sea of ​​stars! Sister Pou Island, it's a bit too much for you to take advantage of others' danger to flirt with me.

The two sides looked at each other, and the smile of Busujima Ruozi became even more charming.

Do you like Mr. Lin Yuan?Or... do you like it very much?

As Kishima said, he licked his lips seductively and smiled sweetly.

ps: I re-watched half an episode of Silent Hill movie, and read some materials, which made it a bit late, and I can only change it four times tonight.Fortunately, I didn't say that today must be five o'clock. This time, no one should be able to scold me for my words, right? (shock)

Chapter 306 Nuclear Explosion In the quiet bar, there was silence.

A faint fragrance wafted from the beautiful smiling lady beside her, and the deep cleavage close at hand made the men's v-neck T-shirt more charming and seductive than men's clothing. Looking at Riko Busushima in front of him, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

Busujima-senpai, Busujima-senpai, what do you think is the thing that people want to do most before dying?

Lin Yuanfei's sudden and completely irrelevant question surprised Du Dao Luozi a little.

She blinked, "Make up for some unfinished regrets in this life." Lin Yuanfei smiled, "Wrong, I want to live.Everyone before death will have the same thought, that is, I want to live, and I want to live happily and carefree. Although it seems a little difficult now, until I die, I will never give up on this goal. " Lin Yuanfei said seriously.

Du Dao Shizi blinked at Lin Yuanfei, waiting for Lin Yuanfei's next words.

However, Lin Yuanfei continued to change the topic lamely.

"In the world of Silent Hill, we don't know much information so far. But I suspect that Yuki should have a lot to do with Aretha.

Even Yuno may have something to do with Silent Hill Lin Yuanfei rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Although I always feel that Yuno and Yuki are not real sisters.

Lin Yuanfei spread his hands and said, "At first glance, these two sisters both have pink hair and are beautiful women, but their facial features don't have much in common. And the point is that if the two sisters are from In the case of Silent Hill, why did that thing only take Yuki away?

, but regardless of Yuno? "The [that thing] that Lin Yuanfei pointed to was the strange evil spirit that possessed Yuki before.

And Yuki has superpowers, but Yuno has no superpowers at all.This is a bit strange. If the two sisters are from Silent Hill, it is impossible for the elder sister to have superpowers, but the younger sister will not. Lin Yuanfei said, "I suspect that Yuki should be the daughter from Silent Hill who was later adopted by my wife's family, and she and Yuno are not real sisters."

Du Shimako thought for a while and nodded, "It is indeed possible. But Yuno refused to tell us anything and left. Even if we want to know something deeper, there is nothing we can do for the time being. Yuno's resentment is very serious. Deep." Lin Yuanfei rubbed the center of his brows and said, "From her point of view, it's normal for her to be full of resentment towards me. With Yuno's personality, it would be strange if she didn't hate me at all. Now we also We don't have time to deal with her for the time being. We have to find a way to find Yuki. We only need to find Yuki and ask what happened, so that we can leave Silent Hill.

Looking at the gloomy sky outside the window, Lin Yuanfei said, "The survivors of Silent Hill are a group of evil cultists, I don't want to stay with those disgusting guys and linger.

Yuko Busujima was a little surprised, "The residents of the church are all cultists?

Wasn't Gao Cheng and Angela very dangerous in the past?

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "As long as Saya Gaocheng doesn't die, the problem won't be a big deal. Although those cultists are brainless, they won't attack ordinary people, and are even willing to help ordinary people... provided that you don't offend their teachings and beliefs.

"And didn't Yuno say that you can't kill casually in this place of Silent Hill. Although I don't know the specific reason, killing people here will definitely be very dangerous. As the aborigines, those cultists must know this."

In fact, in Lin Yuanfei's memory, Silent Hill doesn't seem to have the setting that people can't kill people.

But Yuno emphasized this matter before leaving.

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