Because if Lin Yuanfei was dreaming, it would be impossible not to see Yuki's face, let alone dream that Yuki asked him to go back to the cliff. So, was it really Yuki telling him the voice just now?

Let him leave quickly?Go to the cliff?

Lin Yuanfei thought about it, and slowly stood up.

He went to the window, opened a corner of the curtain, and looked out at the street.


Just like before he fell asleep, the street outside was still empty and deserted

, could not see any figure.

Misty mist enveloped this pale world, and there was no life to be seen, as if it was dead.

Gray-white ash snow fell in the sky, like the ashes of a dead person, forming a thick layer on the ground.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Yuanfei frowned, "Did something happen when I fell asleep?"

Lin Yuanfei asked like this.

However, Kishima Yako shook his head, "Nothing happened, everything is as usual

Lin Yuanfei looked down at his watch again.

It is 10:05 in the morning, and he slept for about two hours?

Coupled with the seven hours of coma last night, it can be regarded as a full sleep.

Lin Yuanfei's tired and exhausted body seemed to regain vitality at this moment.

Although this body was injected with the t-virus, it seemed that even the t-virus was defeated by the vitality of this body.

Lin Yuanfei touched the skin on the back of his neck. The scabs on the skin he picked up when he dug out the chip yesterday had come off.

Although it was just a small injury that couldn't be smaller, a normal person would only

It takes a day or two to recover.

But it's only been about twelve hours now, right?It recovered so quickly, did the t virus strengthen the recovery speed of this body?

But this t virus is too weak, right?

In the original movie, after Alice was strengthened by the t-virus, she spawned monsters with all kinds of psychokinesis, strengthened her physical body, walked over walls and exploded monsters, and exploded satellites in space while standing on the ground. Here, besides strengthening the wound recovery speed, it is useless at all?

This t-virus is too weak! Lin Yuanfei sighed, gave up the hope of strengthening the t-virus, and began to think about Yuki's voice heard in the dream.

Yuki was telling him to run, to go back to the cliff.

Could it be that now going back to the cliff can find a way out?

Lin Yuanfei glanced at Bu Dao Yazi and said, "Sister Bu Dao, do you want to leave?"

Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "I seem to know the way to leave. Du Dao Yazi was a little surprised, "Where is it?


Lin Yuanfei opened his mouth, and was about to say the word cliff, but a shrill and terrifying siren rang through the entire Silent Hill, interrupting his words.

The ear-piercing screech made one's scalp tingle, similar to the sound of an air raid siren, resounding throughout the world for no reason.

At the same time, there was a dense sound of flapping wings outside the window. In Lin Yuanfei's field of vision, the sky above the street at this time was densely packed with birds.

These pigeons and crows who didn't know where to hide before, all flapped their wings in fright at this time, and flew in groups like wild geese fleeing to the same direction, even though the sight was blocked by the dense buildings of the town. , Lin Yuanfei also knew where these birds flew to.

The church, the only safe place in this nightmare world Every time the outside and inside worlds switch, the creatures of the town will flee-

Like fleeing to the only safe place - the church.

Seeing this scene, Du Dao, who had already listened to Lin Yuanfei's science popularization about the distinction between the inner world and the outer world, subconsciously clenched his knife tightly.

He asked, "Lin Yuan-jun, is this... the other world?

Lin Yuanfei watched all this and nodded slowly.

His expression was a little numb.

In the sky outside the window, the birds have gradually flown away.

The ear-piercing siren that resounded throughout Silent Hill has also silently disappeared.

In the sky outside the window, the originally pale mist gradually turned into a deep blackness.

The blackness is constantly rendering this world, like layers of black curtains that are constantly covering up all the light sources of this world.Visible to the naked eye, everything in view is constantly dimming, dimming, dimming.

In the end, the whole world became dark and cold.

Even Lin Yuanfei couldn't even see her face, who was close at hand.

His world turned into darkness.

As far as the eye can see, apart from darkness, there is only darkness left.

The inner world that can still be seen clearly in games and movies, after no need to provide the audience with a vision, the real inner world is a desperate blackness

Lin Yuanfei clenched the knife in his hand, his heart constricted for a moment.

Forgot to look for lighting facilities.

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