
When watching a movie, even if you enter the other world, the lens in the picture is barely visible.

Congratulations on the birth of the lord, five more tomorrow

Chapter 308 The Incarnation of Evil Thought

Chapter 308 Incarnation of Evil Thoughts (In the dark inner world, the light of the flashlight in the hand of Busujimako became the only light source to illuminate the darkness.

After being oppressed by the cold darkness where he could barely see his fingers, Lin Yuanfei heaved a sigh of relief the moment he saw the light.

I couldn't help but gave a thumbs up to Poshishima Smudge.

As expected of a senior, she is mature and stable, much better than those yellow-haired girls who have not even grown their hair. Facing Lin Yuanfei's praise, Bushima Yuko smiled reservedly. She looked at the dark world in front of her and asked, "But isn't there a lot of monsters in the other world?We hold a flashlight so blatantly, will it attract monsters because of the light of the flashlight instead?

After Kishima Kibako's question was finished, there were suddenly loud and thin voices in the surrounding darkness.

Lin Yuanfei and the two looked back, and saw that in the light of the flashlight, the walls, dining tables, floor, and everything in the bar were constantly falling off like dry and peeling human skin, "exposing" the layer Camouflage the hideous barbed wire below.

The wooden bar peeled off layer after layer and turned into iron

Composed of silk mesh, it looks like a torture tool.

And not just the bar, everything in this bar, everything in this Silent Hill world, have all turned into steel skeletons, fine barbed wire, and even the walls have turned into steel with dark red rust marks

Standing in the dark and looking around, everything in the field of vision has turned into a disgusting dark red color.

And the wine bottles on the shelves on the bar counter also changed into one after another, and at this time they all turned into disgusting vessels soaked in human limbs and organs.

In the few cans that Lin Yuanfei hadn't finished eating, the leftover pieces of meat turned into the corpses of maggots, and the whitish color was disgusting.

Seeing all this, Busujima Smudge's expression changed.

Even the stable and mature sister Yu couldn't help but change color after seeing this scene

Area..." She retched in pain and almost didn't spit it out

Looking at Lin Yuanfei in a panic, Budao Shizi asked, "Lin Yuan-jun, the eyes of the Dudao Yazi we ate just now are full of despair.

Lin Yuanfei quickly comforted her, "Don't worry, the inner world is the inner world, and the outer world is the outer world. We eat everything in the outer world."

Meat does not turn into maggots. "Probably, to be honest, Lin Yuanfei is not sure.

But now I have to quickly comfort Poushima Luozi, otherwise if she feels that her stomach is full of maggot corpses, then... Uh... Lin Yuanfei thought about that scene, and even he felt a little disgusted Qian Xiao With that, Lin Yuanfei changed the subject.

"Don't worry, Sister Poujima, the light of this flashlight is not far away, as long as we don't intentionally wave it at the window, even if there are monsters passing by, they won't find us." As soon as Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, the street outside There was a dense rustling sound, as if countless arthropod insects passed by outside.

Lin Yuanfei and Du Daozi looked at each other, and quickly silenced. At the same time, Lin Yuanfei snatched the flashlight from Du Daozi's hand, and turned off the light. In the dark, the two quietly approached the window, and through the The cracks in the curtains peeked out from the street. The town outside had changed dramatically.

The concrete streets have disappeared, replaced by ugly black scorched earth, which seems to have been repeatedly burned by the flames of hell, and the air is filled with foul-smelling black gas

And in those mutated iron net buildings one after another, dark red gloomy fire can be faintly emitted. The light comes from the poisonous fire of hell underground in the other world, which is the proof that the karmic fire of hell is continuously scorching this ugly world. .

Black rain keeps falling from the sky, like weeping tears of sorrow and resentment

The entire inner world is filled with desperate heat and terror, and the dense rustling sound comes from the densely dense and strange hellworms crawling in the distance.

With the help of the dark red flames on the street, Lin Yuanfei and the others could barely see the appearance of the insect swarm.

Each hellworm has the size of an adult scorpion, with a pitch-black carapace and a multi-legged body. It looks like a cockroach that has been magnified countless times, but it is more disgusting than a cockroach.

These hellworms can eat humans in the original movie, just like the Egyptian scarab in the movie mummy, once surrounded, they will be eaten clean

At this time, in Lin Yuanfei's field of vision, densely packed hellworms flooded in from a distance like a tide, and the whole street was full of these dark, weird and terrifying hellworms. The dense and terrifying number made one's scalp numb. These hellworms are only the first harbingers.

Normally, the appearance of hell worms must be accompanied by the sight of Lin Yuanfei, the scariest monster in the world, looking further away.

There, in the darkness, there was a faint, loud, metallic screech of some kind of metal weight being dragged along the street.

The moment Lin Yuanfei heard the voice, his eyelids trembled, and he realized who the monster appeared in the darkness.

Corner head

The strongest and scariest monster in the world in Silent Hill appeared so soon?

His gaze was fixed on the other side of the street.

Then, he finally saw the most terrifying monster.

A burly and strong man appeared at the end of the street. His body was as strong and tough as steel, and the dirty and broken rags were entangled around his lower body like a long skirt. A sinister thriller.

Its head was a huge metal triangular head, and the long conical structure reflected the dark red fire light that diffused from the ground in the dark.

A huge guillotine, more than two meters long, was dragged behind him. The blade of the guillotine was as wide as half a door panel, and the terrifyingly long blade was even longer than the bodies of most adult women.

Compared with this fierce and huge guillotine, the biggest cold weapon of human beings is a child's play toy.

Just like this, dragging this long, ferocious guillotine, the most terrifying monster in the Silent Hill world stepped on the densely packed hellworms, walking from the darkness like being surrounded by gods on "worm waves".

[Figure: Triangle head]

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei's breathing almost stopped.

If he confronted the triangle head here, he can be sure that he has no chance of winning but fortunately, the triangle head did not find them in the bar

In the distance, the triangular head that came from the "wave" went away and quickly disappeared at the other end of the street.

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