Toshiko Busushima looked at his exhausted appearance, a little confused

"Lin Yuan-jun, what were you doing just now?

Du Dao Zouzi didn't know Lin Yuanfei's intention of slashing so many knives in the air just now, and Lin Yuanfei relaxed his body while rubbing his arms muscles that had become extremely stiff due to excessive force.

Said, "Consolidating the newly learned swordsmanship... As you know, Sister Busujima, I am not the descendant of the Feitian Yujian style, but the soul is attached to this body. I don't know how to fly sword flow

any swordsmanship.But through fighting that monster just now, relying on the drive of muscle memory, I learned a new sword skill, and I was just consolidating it because I was afraid of forgetting it. "This is the first time Lin Yuanfei admits that he is not [Bigu Qingjuro, Busushima Luozi's expression is a little weird.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei who was lying in front of her as if she was on vacation, and after hesitating for a few seconds, she finally asked her inner confusion.

So Mr. Lin Yuan, you were originally...another person?Are you not Lin Yuanfei?

"Uh... this needs to be corrected," Lin Yuanfei said, "Although I come from another world, although I possessed this body through time travel, my real name is Lin Yuanfei. It has the same name as this body, but it is different. Just the surname." Lin Yuanfei shrugged and said, "My surname is Lin, and I am Chinese. My surname is Lin and my name is Yuanfei, and the original owner of this body is named Lin Yuan and named Fei. This is the difference between us. "

"Then my face before time travel is exactly the same as my current body. Except that I'm not as strong, everything else is exactly the same. I'm about the same height, and my facial features are exactly the same. Even the mole on my buttocks...I, sorry, This seems like it shouldn't be said in front of girls."

Lin Yuanfei smiled and said, "In short, this body is almost exactly the same as my original body, except that the whole body muscles look healthy.

There are many kinds of males, and there is not much difference. "Bushima Yako thought about it, blinked his eyes, "Then what did Lin Yuan-kun do in the first place?"

"Uh... this text..." Lin Yuanfei tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, he was a teacher at first, but being a teacher was very troublesome, and then he was expelled from the school... cough cough... resigned Lin Yuanfei said with a sullen face, " Then I worked in sales for a period of time, and originally planned to do it for a transition period of two months before changing to a new job. But before I had time to change jobs, I woke up and found myself lying in the haunted house of Kayako.” Lin Yuan Fei spread his hands and looked innocent, "So I don't know why I came to this messy world to suffer. Could it be because I had a few unfinished books before, so I was sent here to redeem my sins?

Chapter 312 Lin Yuanfei's Redemption While Lin Yuanfei was talking with Du Dao Yazi, the scene in the other world changed.

Pieces of dry "skin" emerged silently from the floor and slowly rose into the air.

Then, these skins are constantly attached to the walls, the ceiling, and everything in the room.

Gradually, the barbed wire shelf became a wooden bar, and the dark red rusted steel walls returned to the original color of the cement.

Everything in the house returned to the way it was before, and even the few cans that were opened turned into their original appearance. The pieces of meat inside were lying quietly in the cans, as if nothing had happened.

It's just that now that Kishima Yako sees these cans, he doesn't dare to eat them anymore.

The darkness slowly faded from the field of vision.

Dismal and gloomy white, once again replaced everything in sight.When Lin Yuanfei and the others looked out the window, the street once again turned into that kind of quiet and deserted silence, with a strange mist of whiteness and mist drifting.

In the sky, snow of ashes like ashes is falling.The world of Silent Hill became silent again. Lin Yuanfei whistled and lay down more relaxed.

The barbed wire frame lying in front of him has long been turned into a soft sofa and stretched out on it, Lin Yuan Feifei yawned so tired. "

He kneaded the muscles of his arms, relying on such movements to relieve fatigue.

Du Dao Yazi glanced at it, then took the initiative to walk over and sit beside Lin Yuanfei, gently grasping Lin Yuanfei's thick arm with his slender white fingers.

Under Lin Yuanfei's strange eyes, Du Daozi smiled slightly and began to massage Lin Yuanfei's arm with his slender, white fingers.

Feeling the gentle massage from Du Daozi, Lin Yuanfei hesitated for a second, thinking that he should not be too hypocritical and coughed dryly. He pretended to lie down calmly and let Du Daozi continue to massage.

But Yuko Bushima asked curiously while massaging Lin Yuanfei.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, what you said just now is a bad ending... what is a bad ending?

Oh, this is a term for writing novels," Lin Yuanfei said, "I had a part-time job before time travel, which was writing online novels.But because

For this and other reasons, I have unfinished several novels... Well, unfinished means that the ending is rotten, failing to give a satisfactory ending, and just messing around to finish the book. This is called unfinished.Speaking of this matter, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but sighed.

"So have you seen the image of my incarnation of evil thoughts? I probably guessed the metaphor of the incarnation of evil thoughts." The headless warrior corpse represents that this body has lost its original soul. "

"The deformed tumor growing on my back is a metaphor for me, the resurrected guy, to occupy the magpie's fruit and control this body that does not belong to me, and the deformed monster only has the upper body. It is a metaphor for the unfinished novels I wrote before. It is the proof that I was cursed and resented by the readers because of the bad ending. The sewn up mouth is the proof of the guilt and pain in my heart. Because my bad ending was indeed wrong, I can only bear it when I am scolded by the readers, and I can’t talk back. , endure the torture obediently.” “As for the deformed body that is connected to the chair, it is even simpler. We write online novels, which are basically updated every day. Wherever we go, we take the laptop with us, it’s like being crucified. You can never get away from the table." Lin Yuanfei shrugged his shoulders innocently, facing the astonished eyes of Toshiko Busushima.

"It should be like this... It's almost the same as I thought. If I have the incarnation of evil thoughts, then I should indeed write a novel with me

It seems that there is a lot to say.

After a while, she said softly, "Lin Yuan-jun, let's separate later."

Poison Island boy looked at Lin Yuanfei, and said seriously, "Lin Yuan-jun, didn't you say that there is an exit over the cliff? Let me find the exit by myself. I will leave the matter of Silent Hill to you." Poison Island Yazi's sudden application for leaving the team stunned Lin Yuanfei for a second

This is not in line with the character of Busujima Saiko, and Busujima Saiko didn't run away when the crisis was threatening before, why is he running now?

Lin Yuanfei thought for two seconds, then frowned, "Are you worried about your evil incarnation?

Kishima Yako nodded, but didn't hide it. "That's right, I'm really worried about this..." Kishima Yako said softly, "Lin Yuan-kun is already very tired from dealing with his evil incarnation, if my evil incarnation also attacks us, Lin Yuan-jun will definitely not be able to attack us at the same time." To deal with two monsters. Although I am weak, my incarnation of evil thoughts must be very strong. In this evil and weird world, no one knows what kind of powerful monster evil thoughts will become.

Kishima Yako's concerns are correct.

Although Lin Yuanfei was able to deal with his own resentment incarnation with ease, if he added another enemy, he would definitely die a miserable death.

So after hesitating for a few seconds, he nodded.

"Okay, I'll see you off later.

Looking at Du Dao Yazi in front of him, Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "

If you can get out of Silent Hill safely, then I would actually be very happy.So Busujima-senpai, don't feel sorry, it's not that you abandoned me, but I involved you in this disaster.

"Your safe departure is my salvation...

ps: It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket blade.

Although I never offer bounties, there should still be plenty of updates, at least more than most authors who offer bounties... Well, so I still have enough confidence to ask for votes.

At least I don't ask for votes when I'm below three (squint eyes).

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