It's the end of the month, everyone who has a monthly pass, hurry up and throw it over, it will be gone after it expires.

Chapter 313

Chapter 313 Straight Ball Kishima Kibako's worries are not groundless.

Lin Yuanfei is very aware of his own strength, although he has now found a way to deal with the incarnation of his evil thoughts, but if there is more, it will not work.

And what exactly is Du Daozi's incarnation of evil thoughts?

The more perverted the person is, the stronger the embodiment of evil thoughts is, and for a hidden perverted slut like Bujima Yuko, the embodiment of evil thoughts... ah... thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Lin Yuanfei said to Dudao Yazi seriously, "Sister Dudao, I will send you to the cliff right now." Although now Lin Yuanfei has learned a new skill [Double Dragon Flash]

Coupled with the original nine-headed dragon flash, the development is now very balanced.

Shuanglong Shan is a sword drawing technique, and Nine-headed Dragon Shan is a normal sword technique.

Each has its own emphasis, so it can be said that the strength is very balanced. Even if there are only these two moves, they can deal with the enemy in most situations. Probably but safety comes first these days, and reality is not a game. A wave of resurrection.

In reality, if it’s cold, it’s cold.

There is only one life, and if you die once, you will have nothing.

So Lin Yuanfei really didn't want to fight the monsters in Silent Hill if he could avoid conflicts with those monsters.

Sitting on the sofa to rest for a while, and asked Bushima Yuko to bandage the wound on his back, Lin Yuanfei stood up and said, "Let's go, Bushima-senpai, let's go to the cliff." Nodding, the two packed up the things in the room.

Mainly to clean up those things that fell out of Hayashi Yuanfei's backpack, Kayako's diary, Sadako's video tape, Freddy's broken gloves, portable medical kit, general-purpose hemp rope, spare hatchet. To be honest, see When Lin Yuanfei had so many things in his backpack, Poison Island was shocked

She couldn't imagine that a normal person would have so many messy and completely abnormal things in his backpack.

Taking a deep look at Lin Yuanfei, Toshiko Busushima smiled inexplicably.

"Lin Yuan-jun is really extraordinary.

Lin Yuanfei, who was stuffing things into his new backpack, was stunned for a second, and said, "Sister Pou Island, what are you talking about?

Lin Yuanfei didn't hear clearly.

Du Dao Yazi looked at the bewildered Lin Yuanfei and smiled slightly, "

It's nothing, I just think Lin Yuan-jun you are very handsome, you are really a good man who makes people's heart beat. "When Du Daozi hit the straight ball, Lin Yuanfei coughed in embarrassment, and could only pretend not to hear it.

How does he catch this kind of straight ball?No matter how you pick it up, there will be big problems!Can you be a little more reserved, Mr. Poison Island?You tease me so much every day, it's easy for me to make mistakes!

Stared at by the meaningful and smiling gaze of Du Dao Shizi, Lin Yuanfei felt his scalp tingling, and he always felt like a dish being watched by a slut, and his back felt cold.

What?Someone asked him if his bag was broken, why there is a new bag?

Lin Yuanfei didn't know about this problem either, he just searched the bar casually, and found a new backpack casually behind the bar counter.

What a coincidence

It seems that it was prepared in advance to facilitate the development of the plot. The director team is really considerate.

It's a pity that the screenwriter is not here, otherwise Lin Yuanfei would think back on his experiences all the way, and really want to "have a good talk" with the screenwriter

Carrying the newly picked backpacks, Lin Yuanfei and Bujima Teiko left the bar.

Although Lin Yuanfei suffered a small injury in the previous battle, the wound was not deep. Relying on the self-healing ability strengthened by the t-virus, he would be able to recover in a few hours, right?Doesn't affect combat at all.

After the two went down the dark little stairs, they came to the street outside

In the sky of the watch world, snow-like ashes are still floating.Breathing in the air gives people a scorching and dull feeling.

Apparently, the air quality here is poor.

What permeates the air is not pure fog, similar to haze, the air is full of dust and impurities, and other air particles that are harmful to the human respiratory tract.

So if you want to know what the air in Silent Hill smells like, you can go to Beijing to experience the smog. It’s probably the same feeling. With a distressed expression on his nose.

Then Lin Yuanfei thoughtfully took out a disposable mask from his backpack, and after Du Daozi put on the mask, Lin Yuanfei looked around, but there was no one on the empty street.

The outer world is not as dangerous as the inner world. Although there are still monsters, most of the monsters in the outer world are weak, the kind that ordinary people can kill, so there is no need to worry.

Therefore, Lin Yuanfei glanced casually, and walked directly out of the town. The distance they were in was not far from the entrance of the town, so after walking outside for a few minutes, the two left the town of Silent Hill and stood At the entrance to the street of Silent Hill, Lin Yuanfei sighed when he turned his head and glanced at the gloomy and deserted town behind him.

If he could, he really wanted to run away and never come back.

But what happened to Yuki was his heart disease after all.

If he escaped here, he would probably be restless for the rest of his life, so Lin Yuanfei sighed long, and suppressed the thought of running away that just popped up.

The two continued to walk out, returning along the mountain road they had come from.

This road is very quiet.

Du Daozi didn't speak, neither did Lin Yuan Feifei, they were each thinking about their own things.

Not long after, the black jeep that crashed into the guardrail came out

Now in their field of vision.

Just like when they left, the jeep that carried them into Silent Hill was completely abandoned on the side of the road at this time, retaining the same appearance as when they left, without any change at all.

Lin Yuanfei just glanced at the jeep, then continued to walk towards the cliff, neither of them stopped.

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