Because the car was pretty much broken down, it was impossible to drive it away.

What's more, I don't know what is going on at the entrance on the other side of the cliff. Who knows if the car can drive out? Lin Yuanfei smiled and broke the calm, "You can only go back to the mountain road."

She looked at Lin Yuanfei and said seriously, "I will wait outside, Mr. Lin Yuan, for you to come back. Unless you are already dead, I will not leave that tone. Absolute spirit.

Lin Yuanfei shut up instantly - why does this Dudao Yazi play straight balls every day?

You just tease me when you open your mouth, can you still have a good chat?

Chapter 314 If you die, you will die Lin Yuanfei is very helpless, really helpless.

It's not that he's being hypocritical, it's that Banjima Busujima has been teasing Lin Yuanfei all the time. She knows that such teasing Lin Yuanfei won't work, but she still wants to keep teasing Lin Yuanfei. Faced with such a straight ball master, Lin Yuanfei could only keep silent. Soon, they came to the vicinity of the cliff.

The fog seems to be thinner here.

In the small town, you can only see the scene within [-] to [-] meters, and it starts to blur at about [-] meters, and you can't see it at all further away.

But here, they can even see the scene more than two hundred meters away.

At the end of the cliff two hundred meters away, there is a very strange picture. In the misty world, it is gloomy and dead, full of pale tones

But at the cliff, a door of nothingness appeared in the air out of thin air.

Behind the door is a sunny world, where you can see broken mountain roads and green trees.

On both sides of the door, there was still a pale tone and a pervasive mist. Seeing this supernatural scene, Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Luozi looked at each other, and understood that it was the exit of Silent Hill.

The voice Lin Yuanfei heard in his sleep was indeed correct, there is an exit from the cliff.

He and Poison Island looked at each other, Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, "

Well, let's say goodbye here. "Lin Yuanfei said very seriously, "After you go out, you immediately go to Guiye, Fu Jiang is with Yanye, and I am very worried that Yanye is alone.Go and help, don't let Fu Jiang mess around. "Lin Yuanfei's words silenced Bushima Yako.

She seemed to want to continue her rhetoric of waiting outside, but after seeing Lin Yuanfei's serious expression, she sighed and said, "Okay." Du Daozi nodded and said, "I'll just... Uh, in the middle of what Kishima said, he froze.

Not only Du Daozi was stunned, but Lin Yuanfei was also stunned.

Shrinking, without any sign at all, shrinking from a gate to completely disappearing in an instant.

And the mercenary with half of his arm sticking out howled miserably, clutching his broken arm and screaming there.

"Ah! my hand! my hand!"

The moment the portal disappeared, the half of his arm left outside the portal also disappeared.

The muscle tissue and bone stubble at the fracture site were clearly visible, and crimson blood spewed out.

The weird picture scared the mercenaries to pull out their guns

"Who? Who is playing tricks?" Amidst the terrified roar of those mercenaries, everyone subconsciously pointed their guns at Lin Yuanfei in the distance, "Say! Are you playing tricks?"

The expressions of the mercenaries were full of terrified anger.

And two hundred meters away, Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

Depend on!You have destroyed my portal and I haven't even lost my temper yet, but you guys still want to bite back?I'm not talking about the blame at this time, don't put all the blame on me, okay?

Lin Yuanfei stared at the group of mercenaries, and pressed the handle of the knife on his waist with a dull expression.

For the first time, he had the intention to kill humans.

It has only been about ten seconds since this group of mercenaries appeared.

Before he had time to figure out what happened, the portal disappeared,

Watching helplessly the moment the portal disappeared, Lin Yuanfei wanted to kill someone.

I hate your mother's bunch of evil pens!Didn't anyone teach you not to drill around the space door?

The only exit from Silent Hill has been taken away by you, you don't want to live anymore, right?

Lin Yuanfei walked towards the group of mercenaries with a gloomy expression, and said, "

Don't panic, I'm a doctor.

Lin Yuanfei stared at the group of mercenaries with guns and said, "Your companion is injured. Even if you have questions to ask, you still want to heal the wound. His wound is so big that if he doesn't treat it quickly, he will lose too much blood and die While speaking, Lin Yuanfei took out a portable medicine box from his backpack.

After seeing the medicine box, the expressions of the mercenaries relaxed. After all, the person carrying the medicine box should really be a doctor.

In addition, the mercenary with the broken arm looked really miserable, screaming continuously, and blood sprayed everywhere.

So the leading mercenary hesitated for a second, and shouted directly at Lin Yuanfei.

"Come here! We won't kill you!"

After finishing speaking, they also shouted to Du Dao Yazi in the distance, "And that woman over there, don't move, just stand there. If you dare to move, we will beat you into a sieve!"

Obviously, this group of mercenaries couldn't figure out the situation for a while and dared not put the poisonous island any closer.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether Kishima Kiba gets close or not.Lin Yuanfei walked over with the medical kit in his hands. Although there was a knife hanging around his waist, no one took this knife seriously.

After all, there are a total of five semi-automatic rifles here, can you still fight against the sky with a samurai sword?

All the mercenaries pointed their guns at Lin Yuanfei.

If Lin Yuanfei made any rash moves, he would shoot immediately.

Then, Lin Yuanfei walked into the crowd under their vigilant gaze.

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