These mercenaries are very military-literate, and they did not stand together in groups, but spread out separately.

In this way, even if there is an accident, they will have time to react.


It's a pity that the guy who walked into the crowd was the non-human Lin Yuanfei and the moment he intersected with the first mercenary, the knife on his waist came out of its sheath.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew up beside the cliff.

The two nearest mercenaries didn't even know what happened, they just watched helplessly as their guns were sent flying with the hands holding them. The mercenaries standing far away raised their guns subconsciously, but Fly too fast.

Within ten meters, no ordinary person could catch up to Lin Yuanfei without preparation.

ps: Originally, I wanted to change it at five o'clock today, but it turned out that at six o'clock in the morning, the renovation started downstairs, and the sound of the electric drill made my scalp numb.Not to mention the fifth watch, I didn't sleep well.Coupled with the heavy rain outside, it was impossible to go out.

I've been listening to the sound of electric drills all day at home, I feel like I'm going crazy

Chapter 315

Chapter 315 Are you all interstellar players? The speed of the bullet is very fast.

Generally speaking, the speed of human beings is not as fast as bullets.

Even Lin Yuanfei couldn't be faster than a bullet.

But although he was not as fast as the bullets, in this short-distance confrontation, he didn't need to be faster than the bullets, as long as he was faster than the speed at which the mercenaries raised their guns.

In the field of vision of these mercenaries, Lin Yuanfei, who claimed to be a doctor with a medical box, just walked into the siege, and immediately turned into a gust of wind with afterimages. The two nearest mercenaries didn't even realize what happened. As soon as he arrived, the hand holding the gun flew into the air with the rifle.

The remaining three mercenaries farther away raised their guns subconsciously, but their fingers dared to touch the trigger, and their arms lost consciousness.

Even the three screams were almost connected together.

When the last three mercenaries retreated in horror, holding their broken arms, there was no mercenary around Lin Yuanfei who could pose any threat to him.

In the blood splattered, stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the ground.

The painful groans and screams of the mercenaries made one's scalp numb

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei didn't have any sympathy.

When he saw the umbrella company's logo on the group of mercenaries, he realized that the two sides couldn't just kick the leading mercenary to the ground without saying anything.

, Then stepped on it, Lin Yuanfei looked down at the other party condescendingly, and asked coldly.

'Now, I ask, you answer.If you don't answer, I'll ask someone else... 1 Do you know what I mean?

Lin Yuanfei's bloody samurai sword lay silently beside the mercenary's neck.

The cold murderous aura made the opponent's scalp numb.

Although the mercenary had already broken an arm at this time, and the wound kept bleeding outwards, but being threatened by Lin Yuanfei, he could only nod in cold sweat.

After all, he is just a mercenary of the umbrella company, so there is no need to sacrifice his life for the so-called professional ethics of a mercenary for some salary, that's all.

Lin Yuanfei asked directly, "Are you sent by the Umbrella Company to Silent Hill? What is the mission?" The mercenary said quickly, "The mission is to capture the escaped experimental target

"How many of you are there?

"A total of more than [-] people, besides our team, there are other teams nearby. There are five helicopters in the sky, and seven small armored vehicles on the ground, but three armored vehicles have been blown up and now only four remain. We are going to the place where the battle took place for reinforcements, but we got in here somehow...Sir, we don’t know anything! Don’t kill us! We are just paid, and what the umbrella does has nothing to do with us.

Lin Yuanfei didn't even press the question, the mercenary captain explained everything in a straight-forward manner.

Lin Yuanfei frowned, and asked, "Where are you fighting? Who are you fighting? Who is the experimental target you want to capture?" Lin Yuanfei thought that these guys came to Silent Hill to catch him, but now it seems that , their target is someone else?And the mercenary captain continued to confess in a bamboo tube.

What we want to catch is a biochemical weapon that has absconded from the laboratory. There is a built-in chip in his body, and we can track his location through the chip. "

"According to the location given by the company, the experimental sample fled to the abandoned town of Silent Hill outside the city. When we surrounded it, we found a woman in a kimono beside it. These two are very powerful, so the superior hurriedly Send us for reinforcements."

Hearing what the mercenary captain said, Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

It turns out that the umbrellas are chasing and killing Kuroto Kanya and Ershi?

Damn... cheating.

Umbrellas are really bad.

If you dare to chase after the two rituals, aren't you afraid of driving her into a hurry, and the root style directly jumps out and rides on the face?

Lin Yuanfei was shocked by the fearlessness of the umbrella company.

But these have little to do with him now.

He keenly noticed the useful information in this passage.

"You said that you can track his location through the chip in the experimental sample? Do you have tracking equipment?

Lin Yuanfei just asked casually, unexpectedly, the mercenary captain immediately reached out to touch his pocket in a very cooperative manner.

Touching it, he said, "Here, I'll show it to you." Then, under Lin Yuanfei's embarrassing gaze, this guy has no bones at all, and directly took out the important positioning instrument.

It was something like an electronic watch, except that instead of the time displayed on the screen, there were a red dot and a blue dot.

The mercenary explained directly.

The blue dot represents our location, and the red dot represents the target

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