s position.This scale can be zoomed in and out, and it can track targets within a radius of [-] kilometers at most. "Lin Yuanfei took a look and said that this thing is good.

Okay, I like this stuff very much. "Speaking, Lin Yuanfei directly took the instrument away.

He was worried about how to avoid the two couples. Now that he has this watch on his body, as long as Hei Tongqian appears within [-] kilometers around him, there will be a reminder, so it will be safe.

In the future, as long as you are careful, and this instrument can locate Hei Tong Ganya, how can the two couples hunt and kill him?

The enemy is clear and we are dark, hahaha.

After Lin Yuanfei snatched this watch-like instrument, he felt better

Although the portal was lost by the group of mercenaries, but the other party sent such an important item, Lin Yuanfei was not so angry. He moved his feet away from the mercenary captain's chest, and Lin Yuanfei looked at the six people around him. The mercenary, clutching his shoulders and humming in pain, thought for a while and asked again.

"In addition to tracking the target you mentioned, did your boss ask you to track other targets?

Lin Yuanfei just asked to be on the safe side, but he didn't expect

A mercenary was recruited immediately.

"Yes! The above allows us to keep an eye out for another possible target while tracking the current target."

"The target was a large, grown male with a black backpack, a wooden sword and a katana sword at his waist, and we all had pictures.

As he spoke, the mercenary also struggled to take out a photo from his pocket.

After Lin Yuanfei took it over and took a look, he was right, the burly one above was him.

After seeing this photo, Lin Yuanfei thought for a while, pulled off the mask on his face, and smiled at the group of mercenaries.

"By the way, are you all interstellar players? The characteristics given by your boss are so obvious, why didn't you realize that I was the target you were looking for when you saw me?

Carrying a new dark red backpack, a wooden knife on his waist, a samurai sword in his right hand, and a medical box in his left hand, the burly Lin Yuanfei said with a smile on his face, and the moment he saw Lin Yuanfei's face clearly , the faces of these mercenaries are all green

Chapter 316

Chapter 316 This is what you asked for In the eerie fog, the moment you saw Lin Yuanfei's face clearly, the faces of all the mercenaries turned green.

At this moment, they realized that this fierce god in front of them was their secondary target!

But to be honest, it's not the mercenaries' fault.

After all, the watch world was filled with thick fog, and when Lin Yuanfei stood two hundred meters away, they could barely see the outline of a human figure.

After Lin Yuanfei approached to a certain distance, the medical kit in his hand blocked the two knives at his waist again.

Finally, when Lin Yuanfei approached completely, these mercenaries had not had time to notice the abnormality, they were all chopped down by Lin Yuanfei like chopping melons and vegetables.

Coupled with the inexplicable collision into a strange world, the inexplicable loss of a hand of the companion, inexplicably encountered a vicious killing god and cut them all down.

At this moment of life-and-death crisis, who is in the mood to think that this guy in front of them is their secondary target? Especially Lin Yuanfei was still wearing a mask at the beginning, which is even more confusing.

Now after Lin Yuanfei took off his mask, the mercenaries compared the photos with the real person, and saw that Lin Yuanfei's appearance was somewhat different from what his boss described, but overall it was exactly the same.

At this moment, they realized that they were "blessed". The moment they saw Lin Yuanfei's expression clearly, the leader of the mercenary captain immediately shouted loudly.

"Lin...Mr. Lin Yuan! We have no ill intentions towards you!

We are all just ordinary employees of the umbrella, relying on wages to support our families, and we don't want to chase you down.Whatever grievances you have with the umbrella, we are willing to help you!From now on, we will leave the umbrella company and never work for the umbrella again!We pledge our allegiance to you and we will do whatever you ask us to do! "

The shout of the mercenary captain was immediately echoed by the other companions.

Except for one of the mercenaries who didn't speak, all the other mercenaries nodded repeatedly, "That's right! We are now out of the umbrella and pledge our allegiance to you!

The ability of this group of weeds to fall with the wind made Lin Yuanfei take a high look at them.

As expected of a social person of Lipai, this ability to turn his face and deny people is a fraud!

Lin Yuanfei glanced at the group of guys, then looked at the only mercenary who didn't speak, and asked, "Why doesn't this little brother speak? You

Have a different opinion?

Regarding this, the young mercenary who was holding his shoulder glared at Lin Yuanfei viciously, making no effort to hide his disgust and anger.

"Shut up, you executioner! Even if I die, I will never bow to a villain like you!

The young man's vigor made Lin Yuanfei nod his head.

"Not bad, I, Lin Yuanfei, like people with backbone.

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei glanced at the mercenary captain at the side and said, "Aren't you going to pledge your allegiance to me? Then it's time to work."

Pointing at the angry young mercenary, Lin Yuanfei said, "

Hit him with that pistol in your belt, and I'll let you live.

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei didn't want to let these mercenaries go.

After all, the two sides already had irreconcilable conflicts and hatred. Lin Yuanfei chopped off their arms. Even if they could survive in the future, they would probably only be disabled for the rest of their lives.

For this kind of vengeance, the young mercenary's reaction is the most authentic.

Although the other old fritters yelled loudly, they were just afraid that Lin Yuanfei would kill them all.If Lin Yuanfei really let them go, these guys probably turned around and started thinking about how to revenge and kill Lin Yuanfei

But Yuno said that in the world of Silent Hill, killing people is not allowed. Although I don't know where this setting came from, but to be conservative, Lin Yuanfei planned not to dirty his hands.

What's more, he also wanted to see with his own eyes what would happen after the murder. Then, facing Lin Yuanfei's threat, the mercenary captain hesitated for a second

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