"But Mr. Lin Yuan, we are all

●. ●

The icy blade silently slashed across the mercenary captain's ear amid the surging blood, and one of the mercenary captain's ears flew out.

Lin Yuanfei looked at him blankly, and said, "I'm not discussing with you! Either do it or die! You choose!" After these ruthless words, the air on the edge of the cliff seemed to freeze .

The mercenary captain over there trembled, covered his bleeding ear with his severed arm, gritted his teeth suddenly, and pulled out the gun at his waist.

"Maeda! You asked for this!

Pointing the pistol at the young mercenary, the mercenary captain gritted his teeth and roared, "It has nothing to do with me!

Bang one by one

A gunshot rang out, and a fishy flower exploded from the young mercenary's chest.

The red blood flower lay on the ground and twitched in disbelief.

"Team...Captain..." He looked at the captain not far away in disbelief and tremblingly said, "You actually drove.

bang bang

Three consecutive gunshots were fired, and the young mercenary lay on the ground. The corpse twitched several times, and did not move. The face of the corpse, which was gradually losing its body temperature, froze in disbelief at the moment before death.

The captain who fired the shot closed his eyes in pain, and said, "You asked for it! It has nothing to do with me. After witnessing all this, the expressions of the other mercenaries are very strange."

Everyone was silent.

In the air, for a while, only the sound of the cold wind on the edge of the cliff could be heard. Lin Yuanfei stood beside the mercenary captain and waited for a while, pulling back a distance with a blank expression.

At the moment when the young mercenary was shot, Lin Yuanfei felt a certain ominous atmosphere in the air.

Then, while Lin Yuanfei retreated, in this vast expanse of whiteness,

, In the foggy and strange world, a piercing air defense siren suddenly sounded.

While the siren sounded numb, the mercenaries who were still alive all looked shocked.

"What... what's wrong?" the employees asked blankly.Lin Yuanfei stared at the mercenary captain who shot and killed, waiting for the follow-up changes.

Du Daozi in the distance has already begun to run towards this side. The switch between the outside world and the inner world is so abrupt, it is beyond everyone's expectations.

Even visible to the naked eye, the sky began to darken.

At the same time as the alarm sounded, the switching of the other world had already begun.

The unusually fast switching speed made Lin Yuanfei subconsciously clenched the knife in his hand, cold sweat dripping from his head.

Under normal circumstances, it would take a while after the alarm sounded to switch between the outer world and the inner world, but this time, the inner world was switched directly?And the speed is still so fast, it gives people a weird illusion, it seems that there is something horrible that can't wait to jump out to feel the more and more weird breath in the air, watching the light in this world become more and more dim, and finally completely turned into a pitch black color.

At that moment, standing in the darkness where you can't see your fingers, feel

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help swallowing when he saw the eerie darkness surrounded in all directions.

This is... I succeeded in my death

ps: there are more in the evening

Chapter 317 The eerie darkness of hell-level difficulty silently enveloped the world.

The darkness when entering the inner world was so heavy that one could hardly breathe.

Even the deepest darkness is incomparable to that terrifying feeling.Not only does it block your field of vision, but something dark and heavy weighs heavily on your heart.

Gives a feeling of panic.

But in the next second, a light came on in the darkness.

Pojima Luozi, who was holding a flashlight, approached. With the dim light, Lin Yuanfei immediately looked at the mercenaries at his feet.

It seems that these mercenaries did not act rashly. After all, they are all one-armed men now. With such serious injuries, they probably have lost the energy to fight Lin Yuanfei.

Coupled with the weird and terrifying world in front of them, all the mercenaries were full of panic.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, this...what's going on?

The mercenary captain looked at the dark inner world and asked in horror.

In their vision, everything in the darkness is constantly peeling

There are layers of skin.

The concrete streets turned into scorched wasteland, the flames of hell appeared under the jagged cliffs, and the terrifying flames steamed upwards.

The people on the edge of the cliff felt the strange horror of the world in the coming heat wave, which frightened the group of unprepared mercenaries.

Lin Yuanfei took a few steps back expressionlessly, staring at the mercenary captain.

He had a premonition that something must happen to this mercenary captain next.

This time, the world switched so suddenly and the switching speed was so fast, it was absolutely abnormal, and it was most likely related to the young mercenary who died tragically.

Could it be that the reason why you can't kill people in the Silent Hill world is because killing people here will immediately switch to the other world?

But even if you don't kill people, the inner world will switch with the outer world.

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