Or, after killing someone, besides immediately entering the inner world, there are other dangers?

Lin Yuanfei's gaze focused on the captain of the mercenary who shot and killed the young mercenary.

If there is bad retribution, it will definitely be fed back to him.

But when there was another noise in the darkness, it had nothing to do with the captain.

A pair of pitch-black hands emerged slowly from the scorched earth, and directly grabbed the young mercenary's body.

Immediately afterwards, under the astonished gaze of everyone, the pair of pitch-black hands directly pulled down the corpse of the young mercenary.

And on the ground where the corpse was, the ruins and scorched earth swallowed up the corpse silently like a swamp.

The sinking speed was very fast, before Lin Yuanfei decided whether to take action or not, the body of the young mercenary had already sunk into the ground completely.

Immediately afterwards, there was a creepy, scalp-numbing chewing sound from the ground.

It seemed that there were some terrifying monsters eating in the soil under everyone's feet.

Witnessing this series of weird scenes with his own eyes, and hearing this terrifying voice, the mercenary captain's spirit was on the verge of collapse. He, who had shot his companion to death, screamed in horror at this time.

Mr. Lin Yuan!There is a ghost!

He crawled towards Lin Yuanfei in horror, as if he really regarded himself as

Lin Yuanfei's subordinates are gone.

It's a pity that when this guy crawled over, Lin Yuanfei kicked him away without saying a word.

The captain of the mercenary rolled over in the scorched earth and was kicked two meters away. He raised his head in pain and looked at Lin Yuanfei pleadingly.

'Mr. Lin Yuan!I'm really determined to work for you!Please, help me, the mercenary captain seemed to feel some kind of crisis and fear, trying to hug the only thigh in his sight.

However, after this guy crawled over with no spine, Lin Yuanfei kicked him away again with a cold face.

"You're useless, idiot." Lin Yuanfei looked at this guy and said, "Please have a bit of rubbish consciousness, don't get too close to me, okay?

Lin Yuanfei said viciously, villain breath + max

But this time, the captain of the mercenary didn't crawl over because when the underground chewing sound disappeared, the weird rustling sound sounded again.

Then, under the terrified gaze of everyone, a young figure slowly crawled out from the ground.

Like slowly crawling out of a swamp, this one is dead

The young mercenary who fell once climbed out of the scorched earth and mud layer.However, all around his eye sockets turned into a strange black, and his eyes also exuded a gloomy and strange blood light.

From his slightly opened mouth, there was a dull growl like a monster

Obviously he looked like a young mercenary, but the evil aura on this guy was closer to another kind of evil incarnation of monsters that Lin Yuanfei had encountered.

After seeing the scene of this young mercenary "resurrected from the dead", Lin Yuanfei understood what

'In Silent Hill, are dead people eaten by the avatars of evil thoughts and merged into one?

Lin Yuanfei stared at the "young mercenary" in front of him, his temples throbbing.

His keen intuition told him that what was in front of him was very dangerous and he had to run away immediately!

But being stared at by that thing, Lin Yuanfei didn't dare to run around, he could only stare at the other party, alert to the other party's next move.And the incarnation of evil thoughts that ate the body of the main body did not lock on Lin Yuanfei.

Its cold and strange gaze focused on the mercenary captain who shot and killed "it".

There was a ferocious sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey ha ha ha ha ha....

There was a piercing scream from the monster's mouth.

Then, it jumped directly at the mercenary captain with the broken arm. Amidst the terrified screams and howls of the other party, the monster with the body of the young mercenary on its head jumped directly on the mercenary captain. The screams of the captain, the strange laughter of monsters, the sound of teeth tearing flesh, and the creepy chewing sound.

Without hesitation, Lin Yuanfei picked up Budao Qianzi, turned around and ran away. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the monster gnawing and biting the mercenary captain, Lin Yuanfei picked up Budao Qianzi and ran all the way.

Soon, the terrifying and weird monster and those screaming mercenaries were left behind.

While running, Lin Yuanfei was sweating coldly.

It turns out that killing people in Silent Hill will attract this kind of monster?That kind of terrifying sense of oppression is something that even the incarnation of evil thoughts can't give him! There are not many monsters that can make him feel life-threatening since he crossed into this world!

Could it be that the incarnation of evil thoughts can still be strengthened after eating the flesh and blood of the main body?

That is to say, for every death in Silent Hill, there will be one more full-body horror monster?

But Silent Hill in this world has existed for twenty years. After such a long time, even if only half of the people died, wouldn't it mean that the whole town is the embodiment of this kind of complete evil?

This tm is still playing a fart?You can hang me at any one end, okay? And there is no such setting in the original book!

Screenwriter, you tm, get out of here, don't add random settings to increase the difficulty of the game, Hun Dan

ps: the late third update

Chapter 318 Flying Over the Wall and Walking in the Dark Underworld

Chapter 318 In the dark inner world, Lin Yuanfei ran wildly on the mountain road with Dudao Qianzi in his arms

It is said to be a mountain road, but in fact it has become a strange scene like purgatory.

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