Silent Hill in the watch world is quiet and silent, empty and no one can be seen

Not even a lot of monsters.

Although there were one or two strange big birds entrenched on the top of several buildings, those monsters seemed to have poor eyesight and did not fly down to attack Lin Yuanfei and them.

Therefore, Lin Yuanfei and Bushima Yuko can be said to have arrived at their destination safely and without any worries.

The only middle school in Silent Hill, Lakeside Middle School.

In Silent Hill, where the overall architecture is Western-style, even the architectural style of the school is Western-style.

Looking at the school buildings that are common in American dramas in front of him, Lin Yuanfei sighed, thinking that he had come to the set of Resident Evil 2

Gathering his mind, Lin Yuanfei gave a dry cough and walked in with the gun in his arms.

Said, "Let's go, I'll take the lead." Lin Yuanfei said, pushing open the school gate while holding his hand

The rifle in the middle closed the safety and hung it on the back, while pulling out the long knife at the waist

In this kind of building, it is Jikyo Xiandongyue who can bring him a sense of security.

After all, close combat with rifles is really profitable, and you have to get close to the problem of ricochets in such a narrow space.

Lin Yuanfei's actions also reminded Du Dao Zouzi.

She also carried the rifle on her back in a learned manner, and drew out her samurai sword.

Just like that, two figures in modern attire carry black rifles

, But walking into the gate of Lakeside Middle School with a samurai sword like a samurai in the old days.

After opening the door, you can see a paragraph written in Japanese on the walls on both sides, which should be something like a slogan.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Du Daozi.

This time, there was no need for Lin Yuanfei to speak again, Du Daozi directly said the above content.

It says on it——they are the spirits of demons, perform miracles, go out to the kings of the world, let them focus their battles on the great day of God Almighty—seems like a religious term? "

Du Shimako was a little confused.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, "It's the content in the New Testament Revelation

, it seems that this town is really occupied by believers.Even the school's slogan is in this kind of religious text, which shows the influence of those believers in the small town.

In fact, not only are there religious terms on the walls of the entrance, ears, but even the school windows are the kind of glass window grilles similar to churches, and the patterns on them are basically crosses.

Inexplicably, Lin Yuanfei felt a little gloomy looking at this middle school teaching building with a strong religious atmosphere.

Then, his eyes widened.

At the end of the corridor, there was a pale man standing silently. His long black hair covered his face, and his pale long skirt seemed to blend into this strange world.

Lin Yuanfei once felt that kind of eerie aura when he was killing the cultists on Bird See Island.

Swallowing his saliva, Lin Yuanfei's expression froze as he stared at the pale figure at the end of the corridor.

I know your mother... Sadako Yamamura?

Isn't it a truce?Why is there a Yamamura Sadako here? Could it be that besides the little loli Sadako, there are other Yamamura Sadakos?

son?Now to kill him?

Depend on!Too much!

Chapter 323 Aretha Sees That Pale Figure

Chapter 323 The moment Alessa saw the pale figure, Lin Yuanfei's body became completely stiff.

His hand subconsciously touched the exorcism wooden knife that he hadn't used for a long time.

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, today is indeed the seventh day...

According to Yamamura Sadako's curse, Yamamura Sadako should come to kill him today.

It's a pity, didn't you already reach a truce agreement with the little Lolita Sadako?

The other party also said that waiting for Lin Yuanfei to rescue Brother Cheng in Chiba City, it is right that he would not provoke Lin Yuanfei before that, after all Lin Yuanfei is still valuable to her.But what's the situation with Sadako Yamamura in front of me? Although the other party's long hair covers her face, and even though she's wearing a pale long dress that female ghosts would wear, her breath and feeling are all the same as when Lin Yuanfei killed the cult leader on Bird See Island. The ghost of Sadako Yamamura controlled by the high priest when she was a priest is exactly the same!

Gan!Could it be that there is really more than one Sadako Yamamura?

Or is Xiao Zhenzi really just a clone who was lucky enough to be reborn?Is Sadako Yamamura's real body still in a dry well in Chiba City?

Now Sadako Yamamura came to kill him according to the curse?

Staring fixedly at the pale figure at the end of the corridor, Lin Yuanfei's eyelids twitched.

The enemy of the evil spirit system is the nemesis of his physical training. Thinking about how powerful the original owner of the body is, the master swordsman fell into the hands of Yuki and Jiaye.

Now that I am facing Sadako Yamamura who is stronger than Kayako, I really feel that the chances of winning are not great.

Swallowing, Lin Yuanfei shouted to the pale figure at the end of the corridor.

"Hey! Ms. Sadako, haven't we stopped the war? Why are you here? Help me fight monsters? And this is Silent Hill! Aretha's territory! You, a foreign ghost, are causing trouble on other people's territory, don't be afraid die?

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, the pale wraith at the end of the corridor moved slowly, as if wanting to float forward.

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