However, at the moment when the pale wraith moved, there was an ear-piercing explosion in the air.

The terrifying sound of the explosion sounded like the terrifying sound made when the radio signal was interfered with.

The chaotic and terrifying sounds seem to come from the noises in the depths of hell

The harshest sound in the world may not be comparable to it, and it makes people's scalp tingle.

Hearing this sound, Lin Yuanfei and Du Daozi subconsciously covered their ears, both of them had painful expressions on their faces.

This terrifying sound was heard once when they entered Silent Hill, but it did not expect to appear again now. At the same time as the piercing sound sounded, Sadako Yamamura, who was suspended at the end of the corridor, seemed to have suffered a huge blow.

The originally gloomy and pale figure began to tremble, and then, like a holographic projection whose signal was disturbed, intermittent signal spots appeared on the body.

Under Lin Yuanfei's dumbfounded gaze, Sadako Yamamura, who was originally suspended at the end of the corridor, screamed in pain, and the whole figure disappeared out of thin air.

It's like a holographic projection with the signal cut off and with the disappearance of Sadako Yamamura, the whole world returns to normal again

The piercing and strange voice disappeared immediately, and the gloomy and uninhabited world returned to the deserted dead silence again. Only Lin Yuan Feifei and Du Dao Shouzi stood in the empty school corridor in a daze, with a confused look on their faces. …what happened?

Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

Is it possible that I have become a prophecy?Did Alessa really intervene in Yamamura Sadako's life?

Thinking about it, it seems possible.

After all, the surface world and the inner world of Silent Hill are the dimensional space in which Aretha's evil power is manifested, and it can almost be said to be Aretha's body.

Sadako Yamamura is an outsider, although I don't know how it crosses the boundary between the watch world and the real world and manifests here.

But it is an unclean wraith that runs rampant in Aretha's world, and it is only natural that it is hit by Aretha.

Seeing the moment when Sadako Yamamura disappeared, Hayashi Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief, but also had a headache.

Although Sadako Yamamura disappeared this time, what if they leave Silent Hill?Is Sadako Yamamura going to continue hunting him down?

Come on!

At first, I thought it would be safe to reach an agreement with Xiao Zhenzi, but now it seems that Xiao Zhenzi is useless at all!

No wonder that guy had to force him to go to Chiba City. It turned out that the real Sadako Yamamura was still in the dry well in Chiba City.

So Xiao Zhenzi's plan is to trick Lin Yuanfei into being her thug?

Help her get the main body and let her replace it?

Depend on!This little Sadako is a little sinister!The stomach is full of bad water, and the appearance of such a cute little loli is in vain.After figuring this out, Lin Yuanfei was very helpless and looked at Yuko Busushima beside him.

On the other hand, Poshishima Shoko was in a daze, completely unaware of what was going on just now.

Lin Yuanfei smiled wryly, and said, "Okay, don't look at it, let's go on. That guy shouldn't appear in a short time." The guy Lin Yuanfei was referring to was naturally Shancun Zhen who appeared and disappeared just now son.

The appearance of Sadako Yamamura made him dare not be lazy.So it turns out that he has been targeted by Sadako Yamamura?

If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have fished. Now the longer it drags on, the greater the danger.

After all, Sadako Yamamura is similar to Kayako, they are the type who kill people from morning to night, and they don't take off work at all.

I have to get the Silent Hill thing done quickly, and then go to Chiba City to deal with the real Sadako Yamamura...what's the matter with this?

It's intertwined, so let people rest?

Lin Yuanfei looked helplessly at the corridor, and went straight up to the second floor


On that graffiti drawing paper, the school has three floors, and each floor has four windows.

But except for one of the windows on the second floor, the other windows are blacked out, only the window on the second floor has a figure of a little girl

The implication of this is already obvious.

Lin Yuanfei went directly to the second floor.

Then he stopped at the door of the third classroom in the corridor. He stood at the door of the classroom and looked at the classroom in front of him.

The dusty classroom was as dirty as if no one had been there for decades.

The floor and desks are full of dust.

However, one of the desks and chairs was as clean and tidy as new, standing out from the pile of dusty desks.

Lin Yuanfei walked over directly and looked down at the desk.

There were several books piled up on the desk, Lin Yuanfei opened the title page of one of the books, and the name of the owner of the book was written on it.

Koko Busujima walked over to take a look, and read out the pronunciation of the name


Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Shizi looked at each other and understood.

This desk is where Aretha sits when she is studying.

ps: There are two more updates later

Chapter 324 Witch

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