(For the fourth watch, the desks in the entire classroom are covered with dust, only the desk in front of Lin Yuanfei and the others is free of dust.

There are several stacked books placed neatly on it, and the title page of the top book has Alessa's name written on it.

emmm...Why is there a girl named Alessa in this part of Japan?Can foreigners immigrate?

Although this Silent Hill has a western-style decoration and architectural style, it is impossible that even the residents are foreigners, right? Lin Yuanfei took a look at Kishima Yako and asked this question.

Kishima Yako said, "The main residents of Silent Hill are indeed Americans, because this resort was invested and built by Americans, and many of the residents are Americans who immigrated to live in the United States. Well, this explanation is okay. .

Although Lin Yuanfei thought this explanation was ridiculous, but since the setting of the world view was like this, it was still recognized by pinching his nose. He picked up these textbooks one after another, flipped through the pages, but did not see Any extra graffiti, and no clues to where to go next.

But after picking up all the textbooks, Lin Yuanfei and the others found such words engraved on the desk.

Morning...cough cough.

just kidding.

Engraved on the desk are several crooked Chinese characters.


This time there is no need for Du Dao Yazi to read, Lin Yuanfei directly recognized these Chinese characters.

There are still many Chinese words in Japanese. For example, the meaning of "witch in front of me" is the same as witch or witch.

Then, the world in front of him changed in an instant. He seemed to see a blurry scene. The world in front of him was a little blurry like a blurry picture in an old movie.

In one classroom, a group of students in purple uniforms threw books at the same target.

And the girl who was thrown the book and scolded loudly by everyone covered her head and sat tremblingly in the seat that belonged to Aretha.

Lin Yuanfei heard the screams of those students.

Witch!Witch!Witch!Witch get out!Witch, get out, this can be said to be a scene of campus bullying Lin Yuanfei was startled, but when he came back to his senses, he found himself still standing in the classroom, next to Aretha's seat.

The classroom I was in was still dilapidated and abandoned.Except for Aretha's desk, the other desks and the floor are full of dust

Lin Yuanfei looked at Riko Busushima, and was about to say something.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door. Lin Yuanfei and Kishima Yako looked at the door at the same time, only to see a girl with pink hair running past the door.

Seeing the side face at that moment, Lin Yuanfei was startled.

Damn... Yuki?

He subconsciously rushed out, but he could only watch helplessly as the pink-haired girl ran up the stairs leading to the third floor.

Lin Yuanfei and Du Dao Yazi looked at each other, Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth and chased after him!

He understood that the girl in front of him was definitely not Yuki.

but a leader.

It was Alessa who was leading them to see what Alessa wanted them to see.

But even if he knew all this, but without knowing the truth of everything, Lin Yuanfei could only chase out with Du Daozi and follow Alesha's arrangement.

At least Aretha is willing to arrange for the guide to take them to see the truth, to prove that they are still valuable, and following Alesha's arrangement is definitely safer than acting alone.

After all, Silent Hill is just a false world created by the dark side of Aretha.

Here, Aretha is the strongest.

It is the Creator.

There is no need to fight against the Creator at someone else's home court - when it is not necessary.

So although Lin Yuanfei can run fast, he still consciously slowed down and kept running at the same speed as Poison Island Smudge

The two chased the pink-haired girl up the stairs on the third floor, stood in the corridor and watched the girl rush into the bathroom door at the end of the corridor.

Seeing all this, Lin Yuanfei has almost confirmed that although some details are set differently, this Silent Hill

The main world of the movie is indeed based on the original movie.

Lin Yuanfei continued to run forward with a blank expression on his face. He and Du Daozi pushed open the door of the bathroom and walked into this dirty, dusty and abandoned toilet that looked like it had been in disrepair and closed the door. At the same time, Lin Yuanfei and the others heard a low cry of a girl from the end of the bathroom.

This is a restroom that has been abandoned for many years. The mottled walls are covered with peeling paint, and the decayed wooden partitions are full of dust. It seems that it can be broken with a little force.

And in the cubicle at the far end on the left, there was the sound of a girl crying.

In this eerie world of watches, the sudden cry of a girl seemed extremely frightening.

However, Lin Yuan Feidao, who already knew the general setting of the Silent Hill world, did not have much fear.

After all, Silent Hill is not the midnight bell, and Aretha is not Yamamura Sadako. Although the crying in the wash-washing question is just a way to attract Lin Yuanfei and the others to dig out the truth.

There will be no corner kills when you get close, and there will be no scary wraiths jumping face and zooming in when you open the door.

However, for the sake of safety, Lin Yuanfei would push away the wooden boards of each compartment every time he passed by.

At the same time, he clenched the knife in his hand, guarding against the possible eventuality. After all, empiricism kills people. Although there is no danger here in the original movie, it does not mean that there is no danger in this world!Lin Yuanfei didn't want to bet his own life that the world fully respected the original.

After pushing open all the compartment doors without finding anything abnormal, Lin Yuanfei stood outside the last compartment door.

Here is the last compartment at the end, with decayed wooden boards hanging crookedly, it seems that there is no defense at all.

And when Lin Yuanfei walked outside the door of this compartment, the girl's sobbing sound that had been sounding before had ended here.

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