Is it true that Yuki is the dark side of Aretha just like the original film? But...) It doesn’t feel right.

Whether it is the information revealed in Aretha's words, or Ji

Shizune's existence time, and Yuki's age, these things don't match up.

ps: I recommend a friend's book, "I, Raisu Soma, I Don't Want to Be Demolished".

Introduction: Reborn in a parallel world, she becomes an ordinary Japanese high school student, Makoto Kuisusu

Both parents are busy with a car and a house. Although there is no younger sister by my side, there is an obedient and obedient maid and a gentle childhood sweetheart Lai Xu Cang. I really feel that I can spend the rest of my life in peace until one day A woman who claimed to be the Sword of Demon Slaying found his home.

"Stop it, my house, how many times have I told you that Dracula can't be Japanese!"

Chapter 333 The Price of One Hand, Yuki's Identity

Chapter 333 The Price of One Hand Yuki's identity is now Lin Yuanfei's only headache.It is now certain that Yuki has a great relationship with Aretha from Silent Hill.

But what is the specific relationship, Lin Yuanfei is not sure.

According to the most likely scenario, Yuki will be Alessa's kind side, which is also compatible with the original movie.

But Aretha's kind side in the original movie doesn't have any superpowers.

However, Yuki was able to control the dream, hang and beat Freddie, the ghost king of Elm Street, and showed a strong telekinetic power. This strength is really a bit strong. Without knowing the real situation, Lin Yuanfei has not dared to jump to conclusions easily.

There was too much fog in front of him, and he still couldn't figure out the truth of the matter. Freddy might know something, but if he didn't say anything, Lin Yuanfei was helpless.

Sighing, Lin Yuanfei got off the bed and stretched his body.

Although the muscles are still a little sore, but now is not a rest

I have to go to the big hotel as soon as possible to finish the next plot.Lin Yuanfei was looking forward to what Alesha would show him at the Grand Hotel.

However, at the same time Lin Yuanfei got off the bed, Bushima Yako said in surprise.

'Lin Yuan-jun, there is a note on your back. Lin Yuanfei was startled, and subconsciously touched his back.

Indeed, I found a sticky note.

With a light pull, Lin Yuanfei tore it off, and saw this sentence written in English on it.

When you see Yuki's cutie, you can put on my gloves, maybe it can help you.

There is no doubt that this note was definitely written by Freddy.

That guy didn't know what kind of tricks he played in the dream, and secretly pasted such a note on Lin Yuanfei's back. After Lin Yuanfei woke up, he was brought directly to the real world.

As for why that guy didn't say it face to face, although Lin Yuanfei doesn't know the reason, but Freddy is a mentally disabled person. If he can understand his brain circuit, it's abnormal and now he doesn't understand his behavior. That's Lin Yuan Fei is proof that he is alive as a normal person

Tore up the note casually, Lin Yuanfei put his backpack full of things on his back, and said, "Let's go on to the big hotel." Lin Yuanfei looked at Dudao and said, "I have a premonition in my heart , we're sure to find something important there! "

Du Dao Yazi looked at Lin Yuanfei worriedly, "Don't you want to rest more? Lin Yuan-jun, you looked very tired before.

Lin Yuanfei smiled slightly, raised his arms in a strong posture, and said, "Don't worry, although the t-virus in my body is useless and I haven't developed any superpowers, it has strengthened my recovery ability anyway. Just me The current physical fitness is similar to that of Cao Conglun. After the team battle, he burrowed into the grass, rested for a while, and immediately became full of blood and state to stabilize a horse.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's optimistic and cheerful smile, Du Daozi sighed.

Alright..." She was holding a black rifle, the sound of the metal gun was squeezed in the middle by the fullness of her chest, coupled with this men's clothing, it gave the human race a heroic and strange charm.

"Then let's go.

With Du Daozi's sighs, the two left this temporary place.

And meanwhile, in a dark room somewhere in Silent Hill.

In the gloomy corner where no ray of light can be seen, there was a buzzing sound.

Stealing laughter.

Crisp and sweet, it seems to be the voice of an angel.

"Yuki, your little boyfriend is leaving for the big hotel...: He is so desperate, he was so exhausted that he passed out just now, and he got up after only an hour of sleep and continued to drive. It seems that you have a high status in her heart Well, after a few seconds of silence in the dark, Yuki's mournful whisper sounded

"Let... let him go, please...Lin Yuan-jun... Lin Yuan-jun is innocent, sighed in that clear and sweet voice.

"How can that work? I gave a chance before. He failed to grasp it and let other guys pass through the door. That has nothing to do with me. There is only one chance. I told you that...he If I can't grasp it, what does it have to do with me? Right? Hee hee hee... In the dark, Yuki was silent, then murmured.

'You...what do you want...I'll give it to long as you let Lin Yuan-jun go and let him go...I'm willing to give in.

Hearing these words, the voice in the darkness became excited.

"Really? Yuki also cares about her little boyfriend! I am very happy and relieved to see you guys so loving! Then for our lovely Hayashi Yuan-kun, Yuki-chan, can you give your right hand to mom?

In the darkness, Yuki took a breath and said in a trembling voice

Give you

The next second, the voice laughed excitedly.

Then, she seemed to do something.

Yuki screamed violently in the darkness, as if suffering from unspeakable pain.


Amidst the heart-piercing screams, that voice laughed happily.

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