Then Yuki-chan's right hand belongs to mom, oh I...: Hee hee hee....

In the darkness, Yuki gasped and screamed in pain.

The rapid panting sound lasted for a long time.

Cai trembled and murmured, "Weird. Monster... I won't admit defeat... I won't admit defeat...

In the darkness, the voice hummed softly in a happy mood.

Why do you rebel against your mother?We haven't seen you for more than ten years. Mom misses you very much...-It's hard to see you now, Yuki, you are so heartless, it makes us very sad.

And you actually resisted us. My dear girl, this is your destiny, why resist?There's no point in resisting,

Even if you can resist now, how long can you resist?Sooner or later you will accept everything about your mother.

"Silent Hill was born because of you, and it will end because of you."

"This is fate, baby... My dear daughter, why do you resist your own fate?" Obediently obeying mother's words, wouldn't it be so painful?

In the soft whisper of that voice, Yuki's voice trembled in the darkness, as if enduring unbearable pain.

Her voice was trembling and hoarse, it seemed to be a low growl squeezed out of her throat with all the strength in her body, gritting her teeth, with blood in her mouth.

I won't let you succeed...I'll break free!


I will never admit it!

"I want to climb out intact, even if I try my best, I will climb out to find Mr. Lin Yuan, and stay by his side for the rest of my life, protecting his safety at all times.

"I will never let anyone hurt him! Never!

ps: Monthly ticket 1400 plus change.

In order to speed up the coding speed, I practiced the legendary Shuangpin today, but I wrote it all night. In the end, I felt that I couldn’t code. The speed of coding is super slow!Go crazy.

Add one update today, and continue the rest tomorrow.

As far as the monthly pass and the number of blades are concerned, it will be easy to pay off in a few days.

Chapter 334 It's Not the First Time

Chapter 334 This is not the first time In the gloomy and dark sky, snow with ashes is falling.

Silent Hill shrouded in dense fog, with tiny air particles floating in the air.

The buildings on both sides of the street are all Western-style European and American style buildings, shops, residential buildings, bars, windows, road facilities... Most of the things in the field of vision are European and American styles.

Even the street signs on the side of the road are mainly in English, and the Japanese is a line of small characters that appear on the English road signs. No matter how you look at it, this should be a small town in European and American countries, and you can’t see it from the beginning to the end. Any Japanese style.

Even the Japanese souvenirs that are commonly used in shops in scenic spots cannot be seen here.

Among the few souvenir items that appear, it can be clearly seen that the items displayed in the store are all Western-style toys.

This is a fully westernized Japanese town, just like the country of Japan, giving people a subtle sense of déjà vu.

Walking in this small town, Lin Yuanfei's eyes wandered, wary of possible attacks.

Although the outer world is safe, it is only relative to the inner world.

Even in this seemingly empty surface world, there are all kinds of ugly monsters.

Along the way, Lin Yuanfei and the others had already seen many heads.

The characteristics of those monsters are all obvious like deformed babies. There is not a single hair on the whole body, and there is no hair. The naked deformed body is wrapped by a thin layer of greasy human skin, forming a kind of Small, ugly, weak monsters.

This kind of monster is everywhere in Silent Hill, symbolizing the weakness and helplessness in people's hearts.

There is absolutely no point in fighting such monsters.

When Lin Yuanfei and Du Dao Luozi saw each other, they generally avoided them from a distance.

Or just rush over without giving these monsters any chance to surround them.

Fighting such monsters is just a waste of time and in a world like Silent Hill, killing for too long will eventually lead to emotional excitement and violent fluctuations.

The growth of negative emotions is likely to speed up the arrival of the other world.After all, the entire Silent Hill is completely a dimension created by negative forces

It's surprising that such a large-scale hotel appears in a small town that is only used for tourism in Silent Hill.

The paint on the dark red exterior wall has long since peeled off.

Behind those closed windows one after another, I don't know how many empty rooms are sleeping.

Lin Yuanfei and Du Dao Jianzi stood at the intersection and looked around. They didn't see any danger within their field of vision.So Lin Yuanfei put away his rifle, drew out his knife again, and walked straight to the hotel gate.

In such a small area, after all, cold weapons can give him more sense of security.

Lin Yuanfei led Dudao Scorpion through the dusty intersection, walked through the cracked asphalt road, and walked into the gate of the open restaurant.

The first thing that caught their eyes was the dilapidated hotel lobby full of sundries and dust.

Those broken tables and chairs scattered and piled up in the hall, as well as some other messy sundries, looked like a dilapidated old house that was about to be demolished and the owner moved out.

Some curtains hanging on the wall have already turned into a tattered and dirty look with the passage of time, and the beautiful colors of the past can no longer be seen

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