Because Lin Yuanfei seemed to feel that the name Dalia was familiar in a trance.

Think about it again, isn't this the mother of Aretha in the movie?

In the game of Silent Hill, this Dalia is the miko behind the scenes, and in the movie it is Alessa's mother.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Dalia in this world to be the miko behind the scenes.

Because if she is really behind the scenes, it is unlikely that she will be screamed by Yuno, an ordinary girl, and Yuno will be screamed by her

Discriminated against, humiliated and bullied. "But your daughter has already been harmed by you into such an ugly appearance, that you have harmed her into an inhuman and ghost-like appearance. Do you still want to watch her poison others?"

And isn't it all your fault after all?You bitch, slut, if you don’t give birth before marriage, if you don’t seek pleasure, if you have a bit of a woman’s etiquette and shame, and don’t do that nasty and disgusting thing with wild men before marriage, but get married and have children normally, your Will the daughter suffer such torture and pain?

Now you have made your daughter look ugly like a human, a ghost, and after she has been tortured, you have to say hypocritically that you will never betray her...minus...your ugly face, It really makes me sick. "

'If you really cared about her, really cared about her, would you let this happen to her? "

"It turns out that you don't care about her at all!

'All you really care about is yourself.

'When you were young, you coveted carnal pleasures, committed unspeakable mistakes, and gave your daughter an ignominious birth. "

'When those cultists came to you, you gave your daughter to them in order to deceive yourself, but in the end, your daughter became what she is today. "

Now what are you talking about for the sake of your daughter? Hahahaha

Dalia, don't make me laugh, that's the most disgusting and funniest joke you've ever said.

"You don't care about Aretha at all, you only care about yourself." You just have a bad conscience, want to numb yourself, and want to make yourself feel better. After all, you have hurt your daughter so badly, you have to Find some spiritual sustenance for yourself?〃

'Do you think it's great that you bite to death like this and don't let go?Are you protecting Aretha?Stop kidding yourself. "

"You just think that what you do is great and you are doing it to make up for it. That's why you do it. It has nothing to do with Alesha! You bitch, bitch, never cared about you at all from the beginning Daughter! Don't deceive yourself! You can't wash away your sins by doing this! It can't make up for any of your faults at all!

Yuno's series of sneering questions made the whole world quiet. In the corridor outside the door, Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Luozi looked at each other silently, and a drop of sweat dripped from Lin Yuanfei's forehead.

This Yuno... It's a murderous killing! You can't kill without nodding your head, but Yuno's words can break down all the psychological defenses of the target. The old woman in the room must have had a nervous breakdown.

Chapter 336 Have Fun

"So, speak up, Dalia. Tell me where Aretha is, and let me end this."

"Silent Hill has been suffering for two decades, and it's time for it to end.

In the room, when Yuno's voice sounded, Lin Yuanfei swallowed contentedly.

A little nervous.

He is also looking forward to this answer.

All the reasons for Silent Hill originated from Alessa, from this tortured and painful little girl.

And from Yuno's words just now, Lin Yuanfei can already guess what happened to Aretha.

Like the original movie, because the mother conceived out of wedlock and did not know the father's name, he was regarded as an unclean illegitimate child, and then he was frightened, bullied and excluded.

Don't think that all white people are bohemians who like to party.

In the minds of many Europeans and Americans, pregnancy before marriage is an unforgivable evil. Not only illegitimate children will be discriminated against and despised, but even mothers

will also be implicated.

In ancient times, unmarried and pregnant women were even beaten to death.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was wanted by the king of Judea because she conceived out of wedlock.

So Joseph had to take Maria away overnight.

Although Jesus later founded Christianity, he made up the identity of the Virgin for his mother, and said that he was born as the Son of God.

But in fact, from a modern point of view, it was just two young people who could not withstand the temptation and tasted the forbidden fruit and unfortunately won the bid, so the young couple had to go far away in order to avoid being wanted.It was not until the son became famous many years later that he used a glamorous religious story to cover up the disgraceful and dark history of his parents when they were young.

Therefore, it is disgraceful to conceive without marriage, and illegitimate children are excluded and disliked by everyone. This is a deep-rooted thinking concept of many Europeans and Americans.

Even in the modern age of the [-]st century, many residents of European and American countries have similar ideas.

In particular, some states in the United States are even more conservative than China in the old society.

These European and American residents of the Silent Hill world are obviously such a strict and conservative society.

Aretha, as an illegitimate daughter without a father, was

The bullying and exclusion of all.Coupled with the weird beliefs of these cultists in Silent Hill, her life is even more difficult. From Alessa's point of view, her mother is indeed the culprit of everything.

This is also the main reason why Dalia, like all cultists in the movie, was imprisoned in the world of Silent Hill and suffered forever. Although Aretha did not hurt Dalia in the movie, none of the monsters attacked Dalia, Even when Aretha killed all the cultists at the end, she still didn't hurt Dalia.

But by keeping the lonely, helpless old woman locked away forever in the gray world of Silent Hill, rather than giving her a new lease of life, Alessa's resentment towards her mother is palpable.

Dalia must have known all this.

She has been in Silent Hill for twenty years. Every time the world is switched, all the cultists will hide in the church to survive, but she can live numbly in the monster-infested world without any monsters attacking her. But there is never any hope of surviving.

Aretha's attitude towards her, what kind of thoughts does it represent? Can't Dalia guess it?

So when Yuno ruthlessly exposed Dalia's self-deceiving mask, the old woman collapsed.

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