She was tied to the torture rack, and all ten fingers had been cut off, leaving only a little bit of flesh hanging on it.

Several of her toes were also cut off, and the salt that corroded the wound was applied to the wound. The pain caused to her made the old woman twitch in pain.

However, the physical pain seemed too far away to her now. She was hung there in a daze, as if she had lost all consciousness, like a dead piece of rotten flesh. No struggling, no more twitching.

Quietly, dazedly, and dazedly, he was hung there, his eyes were empty and unfocused.

It's like the whole person is at a loss.

Losing the ability to think, he could only murmur mournfully in a hoarse voice.

"No...not that...not that.I don't I'm not...not that...Aretha...not that...I'm not that

Her chaotic whispers were hoarse and ugly, without any linguistic logic.

Yuno stared at her coldly, remained silent for a few seconds, and continued to ask.

"Not yet, Dalia?

Roughly pulling Dalia's hair with his hands, the old woman's pale

The old man raised his face, Yuno stared into the other's eyes, and said, "If you really care about your daughter and really want to save your daughter, then tell me where she is! I'm going to end it all!

"This is the best way to solve everything! This is the only salvation for her to stop suffering! Do you want to watch her continue to suffer like this? Live like this forever

"Put away your selfish heart! If you really want to love her, give her a real salvation quickly!

Amidst Yuno's cold questioning voice, Dalia's eyes trembled.

Seems to have regained some sanity.

The gray eyeballs turned around, and their eyes focused on Yuno's face.

The pale and ugly ghostly old woman murmured, "You...

Can you really save Alessa?

Yuno sneered, "Of course, can I pause for a moment? I have something to say and a sudden whisper rang through the house.

In the middle of nowhere, who did Yuno blow up? |

She turned sharply, pointing the muzzle of the rifle in her hand at the voice


The next second, she saw the man who spoke.

A girl with pink hair and a purple dress.

The girl's eye sockets were a weird black color, which added a bit of weirdness to the originally pretty face.

And this girl who appeared suddenly stood in the corner like this, obviously the room was empty before, but now she just stood there as if she appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the shocked Yuno, he smiled.

"You're Yuno... you're as cute as I thought. It's amazing to fight like this for an older sister who isn't related by blood.

"Unfortunately, I have to interrupt you." The girl who appeared suddenly said, "Because of some things, the voice of the girl who cannot be interrupted by you fell down, and the piercing siren suddenly rang through the entire Silent Hill.

In the gradually darkening world, the girl's smile appeared inexplicably ferocious.

"I hope you can have a good time." The switching of the inner world begins!

Chapter 337 Yelu's Death Suffering

When the piercing air defense sirens sounded throughout Silent Hill, all the living creatures that were still alive in this world fled in panic to the only safe place in the small town.


This half-day was an unimaginable torture for the survivors of Silent Hill, although the switching between the inner world and the outer world was never regular.But in this half a day, the switching probability of the world is too frequent

In less than ten hours, the inner world has switched three times, and now it is the fourth time that the inner world has been switched. The frequency of frequent switching made all the survivors in the entire town panic.

Somewhere, they sensed some kind of horrible future coming, but no one knew what it was.

And in the room on the fourth floor of the hotel, when the world started to switch, Yuno stared at the girl who appeared out of thin air in the corner, with cold eyes.

"Are you Aretha?" Yuno aimed his gun at this weird girl, at this weird figure who looked almost exactly like Yuki.In their field of vision, everything in the surface world began to shed mottled "skin". The peeled skin peeled off from everything layer by layer, revealing the ferocious torture tools of barbed wire and rusted steel underneath.The Silent Hill in the whole world is like an abandoned factory roasted on the poisonous fire of hell, and it is also like a place of punishment for punishing sinners, with hideous and terrifying instruments of torture everywhere.

And the skin that fell off from the surface of the object slowly rose.

Then, a tall and strong terrifying figure formed behind Aretha.

The triangular head, the scariest monster in Silent Hill, stood silently behind Aretha at this moment, dragging its exaggerated guillotine in his hand.

Seeing Aretha's nakedness, the old woman who was hanging on the torture rack began to struggle desperately.

Her eyes were extremely excited and extremely flustered.

" Aretha

Aretha, however, did not look at her.

She just looked at Yuno with a dignified expression, and said with a smile, "It's very touching that Yuki has a sister who you care about her so much, even if she is not related by blood. But Dalia, I have to take her away, Ale Although Sha doesn't like her, she doesn't want to see her die either. You should understand the complicated psychology, right?

After Alessa finished speaking, she looked towards the direction outside the door.

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